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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. How can anyone not be delighted at the SGP series with so many permutations on every race. Got to admit if Hancock retains his crown i even more surprised than when he won it last year, and that from someone who makes a LOT of dosh from betting on speedway (on a race-by race basis).
  2. Heat 16 yet another example of 'what a sport' wise up general public. Next 8 races look potentially cut throat more than normal we mid season GP. Time to go for it or fade away.
  3. From my earliest days - pre-kickboxer warrior man lol - freezing my skinny young skeletal frame off at a windy Hyde Road (albeit surrounded by regular five figure crowds) to nowadays with a 'Doctor Who Tardis' style tv seemingly bigger than the room it fits into......all i can say is WOW WHAT A UNRECOGNIZED STUNNING SPORT WE ALL ENJOY. Shame upon the newspaper and media old fogey's who protect their mundane stick and ball sports.
  4. Crump a shocker tonight in his feeble efforts. Presuming this is live on 'general' tv in Poland i hope many Polish sports fans are glimpsing at this stellar performance from Zmarzlik.
  5. Great Sky promo going on regarding Greg Hancock and Billy Hamill...so hope speedway elevates itself in the US. Lol toooo funny
  6. Can someone save me from Googling who does he ride for in Poland...top tier or lower?
  7. It's looking like a few newcomers in the semi-finals at the moment. G Sus don't be sooo lazy lol....Why What???? Make your point pretty please lol. Is Lindback the most premature starter in the history of speedway or what? So got to Google/Wiki Bartosz ZMARZLIK Surely he only classified as a 3 pointer why have Belle Vue not signed him up?
  8. So wish the viewing public would wake up to the fact there is more to the world of sports than ball and stick sports and dismissing the terminally boring F1. Heat 10 an indisputable quality win for Freddie. He so on a roll.
  9. Should of live rewound that pre-race shot i thought i saw ICE-T!!!!!! Ooops temporarily typed in 32 points for Hans then on my interactive racecard...it ok i corrected it now lol.
  10. ????? SURELY Crump at fault? what am i missing Sky adamant he innocent Woweee update yesssssssssssssssss Crump soooooo at fault.
  11. Where is the interlude of Chris Harris quoting his sports psychologist's mantra of "ok we stunk the place out in the last race but we'll just go out and win the next one" !!!! Ok possibly a 'pretend' engine failure whilst ambling along in last place? Don't get me wrong i would soooo love Chris Harris to do well but...ok i'd be censored for actual thoughts...i stay stumm
  12. Yayyyy to Heat 6 we got a good night of speedway ahead for sure loving it.
  13. Ok sorry to digress but has to be noted..all 4 Start ladies are HOT Sky saying repeatedly Heat 5 was close for third place on the line!!! It was a walkover lol
  14. The Bee of Brandon is absent so far do hope you got a stream Alan. Ok the Universe is at balance once more you just posted at the same time i did lol.
  15. Wowwww GP Speedway is IT......WTFlip was up with Nicki P????? superb by Jonsson
  16. Uh Oh heat 2 = Outsiders whup the regulars. Tomas only slightly sadder performance than Chris. Yep i like the RACERS to win. Hee Hee harsh but true (for now hopefully) Shame upon the absent fans, that was a good race (Heat 3).
  17. Ok as it's not the top tier of Nascar i forgoing it and am here to prattle lol. Shocker Number One...Lowest crowd ever for a Gorzow GP???. Shocker Number Two..Piff poor race by Harris in first......very sad.
  18. Hmmmm! interesting. Ok for Health & Safety reasons something has to give......girlfriend it is lol. Fortunately the three are pretty much on at the same time in a narrow time slot so i should be ok. Was wondering how the Chinese bloke met his demise when even on two matches a day they were over within a few hours, however, time difference it was especially as he then went to work no sleep. Crazy.
  19. Hey could be worse as in Guys with big bouffant hair and the ladies with bad toupees! Sadly i'll not be joining you all for live chat and ruminations until our Scandinavian fixtures on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tomorrow evening is a watching 3 sports at once scenario. Speedway Grand Prix, European Championship Football and Nascar interweave at varying times so all tv's and computer screens are occupied. Got to give my Lady some attention so begrudgingly i suppose i'll have to record the UFC Mixed Martial Arts in the early hours lol. All are very welcome regarding race cards. As ever sincerely wish everyone who relies on them all the best in obtaining a trouble free stream.
  20. Nice to see you getting into the spirit early Unlike the Flood Alerts and warning across North-West England for the next couple of days i hear it's supposed to be dry for the GP. As usual can't wait.
  21. Put them online so AVAILABLE as of NOW! You can directly download them from the top of the following page. MiniMax Racecard 2012 POLISH Grand Prix Basic Version MiniMax Racecard 2012 POLISH Grand Prix
  22. Available in the afternoon following the draw on Friday are the TWO different versions of the MiniMax Racecard.   You can directly download them from the top of the following page   MiniMax Racecard 2012 POLISH Grand Prix Racecard   Basic Version MiniMax Racecard 2012 POLISH Grand Prix Racecard
  23. OK i got a pre-arranged poker date (and i sooo on a roll) need to drop out of the chat........enjoy the meeting all, take care.
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