our tickets arrived this morning but the rest of the package has not missing is our pit walk passes and merchedice tickets and our early in to he stadium info .
so i am one very unhappy person .
also did not like the way the tickets arrived in a brown enelope and clear window in which you could clearly see the tickets.
no i am not one those people who even watch big brother biggest load of trash on the tv.ans posh panther your right i dont and wont tolarate racist remarks in any way shape or form .so make of it what you will .
r u one of those sad people that watch the trash bb
if ermolenko has made a sick joke like that about hans IN MY OWN OPINION he should not be a speedway comantator just or not it's way out of line in view orf recent spedwyay events the riders injuerd and the ones who have died .
would rather have havvy any day over ermolenko.
tickets usualy come about two weks before meeting no need to worry my tickets have been booked since july last year .and i dont have mine yet.
last year got them one week before cardiff......