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lady s

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Everything posted by lady s

  1. yep had them boked by 7.15 pm tonight and also got a room for my sisiter in law.
  2. just booked my tickets and accomadation for the 2008 gp at cardiff
  3. come on nicki make my weekend better lousy day today with bad news all around
  4. section m9 right above the strat and finish line row two awith a brilliant view.
  5. and that ray quinn bloke set my teeeth on edge wont be sorry if we miss him
  6. our tickets arrived this morning but the rest of the package has not missing is our pit walk passes and merchedice tickets and our early in to he stadium info . so i am one very unhappy person . also did not like the way the tickets arrived in a brown enelope and clear window in which you could clearly see the tickets.
  7. no i am not one those people who even watch big brother biggest load of trash on the tv.ans posh panther your right i dont and wont tolarate racist remarks in any way shape or form .so make of it what you will . r u one of those sad people that watch the trash bb
  8. if ermolenko has made a sick joke like that about hans IN MY OWN OPINION he should not be a speedway comantator just or not it's way out of line in view orf recent spedwyay events the riders injuerd and the ones who have died . would rather have havvy any day over ermolenko.
  9. so very sad to hear of kenny's pasing rest in everlating peace kenny. our thoughts are with those of you family and friends.
  10. dont think i want to go there then will stick to tgi much safer
  11. can somone please tell me what the heck tiger tiger is i have never heard of them.
  12. not much infomation to go on is it might ned to add a litlle something
  13. i would pick simon over rory any day of the week and bodger wuld def have a lot of support at cardiff....
  14. tickets usualy come about two weks before meeting no need to worry my tickets have been booked since july last year .and i dont have mine yet. last year got them one week before cardiff......
  15. i would like to see one three get it nicki perdersen ,hans andersen ,runa holta.
  16. for me the world champ in 207 os the one and only hans andersen
  17. thanks for that infomation sorry you have not been booked in
  18. you shsould have gone to the best chippie any where robert smith's of berwick and it's not far from the spedway track
  19. funny i always thought one of my fav tracks to vist was in england but then it is called berwick upon tweed very confusing this
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