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lady s

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About lady s

  • Birthday 03/13/1956

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  • Marital Status
    very happily married
  • Music
    anything by the king
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  • Gender
  • Location
    wonderful workington
  • Interests
    speedway and the grandchildren

lady s's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. A lot of people are disgusted at the way the BSPA have treat Gary havelock over his farewell meeting I personally find it disgracefull that they are not allowing one of the best ambassadors of the sport this meeting .there is no loyalty to an ex world champion and all the posts that have .been on face book and some on here just shows how much Gary is respected by the fans. And who the fans are backing .i just hope the fans boycott the pointless meeting at Coventry on march the 21st .BSPA hang your heads in shame..
  2. Come Thursday I'm a ippo fan all the way. But then I've always been a fan of one of the riders . Come on witches. Put a spell on those monarchs :-)
  3. I wonder what would happen if the elite league and premier league became on league and the national league remained the same.how many riders would be out of a job how many Grand Prix riders would have team places..(strange what comes to you in dreams)
  4. It would be good if all pl tracks could sell the bands I. Hoping to get mine on Sunday .
  5. Would be great in they marched out to the original song ( which for one escapes me ) but I know we have a cd of it in the car
  6. Was thinking of going to this but waiting to read which other riders are going to be there
  7. Was thinking of coming to Somerset for this but after the weather we've had not even going to risk setting off this time ..
  8. The title of this thread made me feel sick before I read it
  9. Tommy just get out there and do your best and ignore all those that are putting you down .they know nothing about you or how you got in to the funny old game of speedway every time you go out you give one hundred per cent you have only been racing a very short time .i believe you have got what it takes to make it .all these keyboard warriors bet would not say to your face .for all of yous my name is Susan roper .
  10. I bet poor Richard is in a lot of pain and will be gutted at missing a meeting but have a good guest in Aaron summers .
  11. Best of luck to tommy tomorrow get out there tommy and do as you all do and give it one hundred per cent ignore these doubters I wonder if they know you have not been doing speedway that long. Would love to see you get out there and score points ( ut not beating the comets) and yes we're mates with tommy .
  12. Workington are but it will be announced about Edinburgh in two weeks Blimey I wish I had not posted anything now
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