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Tim Templeton

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Everything posted by Tim Templeton

  1. I think the current set up is pretty much spot on. The one gripe I do have, is that we are told that there can be no dead heats, even if there is one. Try giving a logical argument to that.
  2. Yes, I am. I went to the first one, two years ago. Looking forward to April 5th this year.
  3. He has been just brilliant. From wildcard to being totally focused. He has done everything right, and it looks like that continues. I get annoyed at the anti tattoo brigade, which has nothing to do with his performance. I want to judge him on both his on track ability, and his off track manner, which he handles so well, with enthusiasm and commitment. He has been faultless.
  4. My feelings are that if they want their chosen number, then let that be on their bike/kevlars. But I feel that their World ranking should be on the back of their race jacket. Why should you not have this, so we all know their ranking?
  5. Thank you so much for the info. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of knowledge and interest out there. Many thanks. Tim.
  6. I remember taking a photo of his immaculate JAP in the pits at Knowle Stadium in Bristol in 1960. I'm sorry to hear of his passing, but this has reminded me of him. I cannot think who he may have been riding for, but I presume as a guest for someone, in Bristol's only year in the Provincial League. I've briefly looked at the Provincial League team line-ups for 1960 season (with guests), and can see no reference to his appearance. Any ideas?
  7. I've just received this latest issue of "Classic Speedway". Most of the magazine is a great tribute to the legendary double World Champion, Peter Craven, who had his accident 50 years ago today. A superb read, and some great photos. I can thoroughly recommend the publication to any of you that have an interest in that era.
  8. I think Nicki will do it. Others since Penhall won consecutive Championships, are I think: Gundersen 84 & 85 Nielsen 86 & 87 Rickardsson 98 & 99 Rickardsson 01 & 02 Pedersen 07 & 08
  9. Yes, that's how I saw it. Nicki placed his front wheel on the kerb, and Holder was impeded, causing him to straighten up. Mr Ackroyd got it spot on on this occasion.
  10. I've just tried to set the Sky+ for tomorrow's Swedish GP, as listed in the TV Guide, Channel 404, from 6 - 9pm. It then gives me the option of speedway from 6 - 8pm, then greyhound racing from 8pm, so it seems the red button will come into play at 8. Grrrrrrr. I'm now going to record the replay at 0130 on 403, as I will be out tomorrow. I thought some of you may wish to know this. Tim.
  11. I still have it on Sky+. I send a copy to the New Zealand Veterans for them to pass round, but I don't delete until I know that the DVD has arrived. If you've not been sorted elsewhere, give me a ring at 01202 715387, or 07967 963 084, and I'll run a copy off. No charge, happy to help. Tim.
  12. This is always a good day out. My particular input is that I have body colours signed by every living World Individual Speedway Champion, that will be on show. Bikewise, I'll leave the JAP, Jawa, Weslake & Godden at home, as there will be plenty of those wonderful machines on show. This year, I will have laydown machines from Tony Rickardsson, Leigh Adams, Jason Crump & Tomasz Gollob, for any of you that want to climb on, and have your picture taken. Bring your cameras along. Looking forward to meeting all of you there. This gathering is for you brilliant fans to have your day. Weather forecast is pretty good. Please come and say "hello". Tim.
  13. I have the greatest respect for all riders, Jason Bunyan included. My initial reaction is that he will struggle in such company, and probably in his thoughts as well. I hope that he's given some support machinery wise, as it's a difficult ask for him, even with some back up. The decision for the promoters is extremely difficult. Remember, it's their money at stake. A comfortable decision would have been to ignore New Zealand, and stay within the proven confines of Europe. To me, this shows that the aim is to make the series, in time, truly global. The hope must be, and I suspect will happen, that Australia will be in the series at some point in the near future. They certainly should be with their presence in the competition over many years, as one of the World's leading nations. I believe the NZ deal is for three years initially, so there is a huge commitment from Mr Buckley & Co, on what is unknown territory. As we all know, NZ has a huge past history of twelve World Individual World Championships to their name, but the most recent one being over thirty years ago. Almost all of the younger NZ generation, will know nothing of (Solo) speedway, with most venues running on a clay base for cars. So if the casual visitor thinks they may have a night at the GP, a NZ representative is a must. And Jason Bunyan's six times NZ Champion makes him the only candidate I initially thought someone like Rory Schlein, or Troy Batchelor, would liven up proceedings, but recognising the sporting needle between NZ & OZ, a wild card to the oppostion is not a sensible commercial choice. So let's credit the organisers for having the courage to take this monumental step. They will, of course, have looked at many different options, to have finally come up with the end decision. Let's also congratulate Jason Bunyan on accepting such a daunting challenge. (please don't wear the camaflaged trousers!). Let us also hope this is the beginning of a revival of speedway in NZ, and is also the beginning of a truly global competition that will , rightfully, go from strength to strength.
  14. And don't forget that Split Waterman also rode for the Saints during the 1958 season.
  15. Stuart is still about. He has attended the World Speedway Rider's Association (formerly Veteran's Association) annual Southern Lunch in Bournemouth for the past couple of years.
  16. It's not you. I've rung mates, and all say definately not HD, and the picture is compressed. The bikes look longer, and everyone looks 5 foot 2 inches tall. Other channels are normal.
  17. And being Poole's all time highest points scorer..........
  18. Can't help with 1930, but my 1952 copy was published by Iliffe & Sons, Ltd, Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.1. This may help with a Google search. Tim.
  19. Without doing any research, I think Johnny Hole, Olle Nygren, and Chum Taylor all rode for the Bulldogs during the '50's, and are still with us. Tim.
  20. I remember seeing him in '59. I lived in Brislington at the time, and as a youngster, used to walk from home in West Town Lane, to Knowle Stadium. Thanks for letting us know of his passing. I'm sure this will be mentioned in the speedway press, and the World Speedway Riders' Association newsletter. Tim.
  21. Last year, there were various stands and displays close to the Millenium Stadium, on one of the adjoining roads. Are there plans to repeat this this year, and if so, what can we expect to see?
  22. I emailed Sky at the time, but never received a reply, and left things there. Hence, as the topic has been brought up again, I've taken the opportunity to ask what, I think, is a reasonable and specific question. In answer to your comments,I am not refusing to accept what actually happened, quite the reverse, I want to know what happened. Thank you for giving me the details of what happened behind the scenes. With your position within speedway, presumably you were aware of the one unanswered issue I raise regarding, I repeat, no scheduled Sky repeats. This was presumably questioned by Speedway Star, as it was an issue being debated on various forums at the time. Was there an outcome, or did you not address the issue?
  23. I've made it plain in my post that I'm only seeking an answer, without making any suggestions of a conspiracy theory. If I was trying to stir things up, I would have raised the issue a couple of years ago. As issues were being raised about the scenario, I thought it was the right time to post a question about the situation that I did not understand. I appreciate that you cannot answer "off the top of my head", and I would not expect you to do so. But I would like to know, at any convenient time, why not one repeat, let alone several as normal,were scheduled for the first time ever in the history of the GP's. I suspect that there is a straightforward answer, but I'd like to know what it is. Tim.
  24. I have kept the "Radio Times" for 11 - 17 October 2008, and was there an explanation ever given as to why the usual two or three repeats of the meeting on Sky were never listed on Sky1,2,3, or "Extra", for the first time ever, either previously or subsequently for every GP? I'm not making any judgments on the facts, simply asking for an explanation.
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