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Tim Templeton

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About Tim Templeton

  • Birthday 11/27/1946

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  • Marital Status
    Divorced (Isn't everyone?)
  • Music
    Most old stuff
  • Age
  • Profession
    Retired BOAC/BA Cabin Crew

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  • Location
    Poole, UK.
  • Interests
    . I have a comprehensive collection of race bibs, signed by every living World Champion except 5, and some notable runners up, including today (5.1.08) Split Watermans!<br /> I look after a collection of speedway bikes, namely a 1952 JAP, displayed in the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas from 2001 for 18 months. a 1972 2-valve Jawa, 1975 Weslake, 1992 Craig Boyce Godden, 2003 Leigh Adams Jawa, Rickardsson GM, 2004 Lindback GM and another Rickardsson GM, 2006 Lindback works Jawa, a hard fairing Poole promotional Jawa (New), and a Jason Crump 2007 GM. I try to display them wherever asked, to let the grass roots supporters get close. Tim. tim@poolepirates.net

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  1. Where are we with Kyle Newman's testimonial? News seems to have faded away. He's been a committed character in British speedway, and he deserves to have his day..
  2. My thoughts on the Zmarzlik situation. I think everyone reasonable would agree that the rules should apply to all equally. All concerned should be responsible for their responsibilities and actions, whether they be failings or not. And this must include those responsible for ensuring the rules are being adhered to, namely Zmarzlik, Morris, Olsson, Ackroyd, & Hanne Thomsen. This did not happen, but only Zmarzlik has been penalized. The FIM jury fell short of their responsibilities as well, and apologised, but have not been held accountable for their failure to ensure the regulations were being complied with. In today's Speedway Star it says "Under section 12.3 of the SGP regulations, riders CAN be fined and disqualified.....................". The critical point is that the regulation is quoted as "CAN", which infers discretion, as it does not say "MUST". Morris states that the only sanction listed for the offence in the rulebook is disqualification, plus fine. Both of those interpretations are diametrically opposed, and cannot both be correct. Everyone has accepted that the rules have been broken, so the only debate is whether the punishment of disqualification was non negotiable by any of the persons involved, or not. "CAN" and "MUST" mean different things. Which was it? Just to muddy the waters further, the regulations further state "The sanction must be proportionate to the offence, and to circumstances................." That again is at loggerheads with Morris's saying there was no option but to disqualify & fine, meaning that being able to be "proportionate" in any way was not an option.
  3. The annual reunion is on Sunday 10 September, 2023, 11am until 4pm. California Country Park, Nine Mile Ride, Finchampstead, Wokingham, RG40 4HT. Toilets and Cafe available on site. All welcome.
  4. Looking to set up my Sky box to record this weekends SGP from Germany, and it's not listed on my onscreen planner for Eurosport 2 (CH411). I consulted my Total TV paper, and no listing there as well. Any ideas as to why this is?
  5. Dick was one of my earliest heroes in his Southampton days. I was lucky enough to meet up with him at the Speedway Bash at Sammy Miller's Museum in New Milton in 2008. What a fantastic age. You will be remembered with fondness.
  6. Frank Evans rode at Knowle Stadium, Bristol, in 1960 (Provincial League), with an "F" on the back of his race jacket. He had a motorcycle shop in Bedminster (Bristol). , with his bike on show there. His son Richard? also rode a bit, and was involved in the running of Swindon some years ago. I think Frank rode mainly in second halves, with an occasional team appearance.
  7. It's been the same for ages. That's why I stopped going two years ago after years of supporting the team and promotion. They have just never address the problems.They only have themselves to blame. Such a crying shame.
  8. I have Leigh Adams 1993 Owen Bros/Jawa kevlars hanging in the garage. They are one of my favourites. I did have one of his 1993 Jawas bikes (engine named "Vinnie"), but since sold. I still have a spare set of covers for this machine. I think the most impressive I've seen for a long time, are the Glasgow team kevlars illustrated in this weeks Speedway Star. Just about the perfect team image, not like my local team (Poole).
  9. This is one of the best I've read. Most entertaining.
  10. It's free all the time now. Asda say stay is limited to 3 hours. But when they did charge a couple of years ago, it was free after 6pm. I've never witnessed anyone checking for ages, I'm sure you'll have no issues whenever you park. You can walk under the subway from there to the Stadium.
  11. I've been a Poole supporter since the Sixties. I read this forum quite often, and get cheesed off at some attacking the poster. Gavan always comes in for a lot of criticism, as he chooses to make his opinions known about Poole. That is his choice, and I respect that. A "forum" means discussion. He raises many valid points, the majority of which have merit. If he gets his facts wrong, he admits it. I value his contributions, although it is apparent that many don't. As for Matt Ford Fan, I don't care who he is. I am interested in his contributions. Similarly, he raises many valuable points that I find worthy of discussion. gav
  12. I did this for Poole Speedway every Tuesday Bike Night for seven years. I would take my van, logo-ed for Poole Speedway, sponsored by Rias & Castle Cover. I would take four bikes, such as 1952 JAP, and current ones of Adams, Lindback & Rickardsson (or others that may have been of interest). I showed action DVD's on a flat screen, (powered by a Honda generator), under a gazebo. I had leaflets with map and other relevant details, again sponsored, plus an "A" board with the following nights fixture, and admission charges. It was great, because there were always holiday makers there, looking to spend money, and I saw many the following evening at the Stadium over the years. I also used to visit many schools in the area, as well as various fetes etc, not only locally, but further afield at times. I also had many displays in the Dolphin Centre over the years. I'm sure it helped speedway in general, and Poole Speedway in particular. C:\Users\Tim\Pictures\2007_07_10\IMG_1562.JPG
  13. I seem to remember it was quoted as "a split watermain" as a newsflash on Wogan, which prompted Wogan to refer "a well known speedway rider".
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