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Damon last won the day on September 13 2012

Damon had the most liked content!

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    Going Grey
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    Keeping local pubs in business

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  1. It was a good meeting, with some good racing, the track made it difficult to pass in the latter stages, but overall very entertaining.
  2. Fair enough Waco, it just seems like he has much better meetings when he isnt guesting. This isnt isolated to Ben, as most guest's dont seem to to do quite as well, as when they ride against us? The only exception that stands out to me is Jason Garrity, but to be fair he basically was in the Tigers team each week. Hopefully next time Ben helps us out, he will have an equally good meeting.
  3. Good win for Mildenhall today, even though we had two out again, which seems to be a common theme, with someone missing for one reason or another. Both Connors rode really well and Halsey was superb. A couple of things I noticed, Ben Morley seems alot better when he isn't guesting for us? he must use his 2nd bike I reckon, when he guests, but he rode well today. Plus Simon Lambert looks down at his bike every time he doesnt win? he seemed really quick as usual around Mildenhall, but whenever he was beaten, he looks down at his bike? perhaps he had bike troubles in those races.
  4. Well done Josh Bates great news for him and Mildenhall.....
  5. Well winning and having a decent side to compete, and put on a decent show of close racing is important to some of us. If its only a training league then put it on for free, which isn't an option I know, but if you are charging to watch, then it has to be a decent standard, which to be fair at Mildenhall we do get served up week after week, but if it was just about training riders then you can't really charge an entry fee. BW does write some odd posts on here, but I think the point being made is a competitive side is essential to keep the crowds coming in, or improve. My overall concern is, when some of the riders get injured as they inevitably will, then we will have a real shortage and then the borrowing of riders will come in to play and the whole thing loses its way a bit in my opinion.
  6. Sounds like a good idea to me, 2 divisions.
  7. I haven't been on this page for sometime, last season aljack was always on here complaining about Chris Louis and the promotion. Just wondered what aljacks thoughts are this season now Ipswich are in the top three?
  8. I personally think this forum for most of the national league sides seems to be dead or dying. It seems like more teams are using facebook pages, to discuss the latest action and news etc...
  9. Patchy cloud, could rain any minute, then the sun could be out the next, windy... no substantial rain yet...
  10. I thought there was a new team on the way Buxton Dudley? Buxton have no chance of pulling this back....
  11. I was surprised Adam wasnt used twice more? perhaps the rules say he couldnt, but I thought he could have taken 7 rides? Still a good win for Mildenhall...
  12. Looks like he will be riding for Kent however.
  13. Has anyone else considered the possibility of who we will have in our team, IF Nathan Stoneman isnt fit? As i understand it he hasn't got back on a bike yet (might be wrong on that one) and if so, I can't see how he will be in any position to ride competively early April?
  14. Where have you seen this news?
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