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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Thanx Gary sounds great will do.
  2. Tony, I respectfully will defer to your view as the author. I am sure this is a wonderful book and I am sure I will buy a copy. BUT I would again stress that I have never read a book review where the reviewer said in essence " I am privileged to have access to some critical info that you don't-so there" which was the tone of Mr. Berry's comments-I will always wonder what this was-may be more of a criticism of the reviewer rather than the book- perhaps he didn't put himself into the shoes of the potential paying public. Let's leave it at that.
  3. Anyone read it yet-if so what do u think of it??
  4. To Chunky-see you live in Cahokia Illinois-I used to live in Champaign-Urbana. What is this- I believe in freedom of expression-looks to me like stuff has been suppressed here. Why would anyone buy this book??Gimme a break -I'd like to read the truth.
  5. Steve-thanx for your comments-I agree with all of this -but since the book has been written and people presumably are interested(rightly or wrongly) -at least write an honest account based on the research.I don't want to hear -frankly- that stuff has been left out(but told to others) and sort of "but you peasants buy the book" for an incomplete story(we insiders know the real story-but aren't going to tell you). This ain't Saudi Arabia folks-and we are grown up enough to deal with the truth. Again what was John told that the paying customers aren't going to be.Its really a question of academic integrity. I don't know if John Berry reads this forum -but what the heck could have been so important that you were told that the (hopefully) paying public weren't-I mean what is the point in buying the book if its got this stuff missing that you felt was important enough to mention. Note to self-if I ever write a book will be careful about who I get to review it!!! Anybody read it yet and any ideas about what was omitted??
  6. Parsloes -I understand and respect your point of view-I really do. I think it seems like we have the worst of both worlds here-I'm not salacious by any means-but if you're going to write about it-then tell us the truth. I'm probably increasing its sales by writing about this-but the more I think about it the more I'm getting annoyed.Tony,why not tell us what you told John-he seems to think its important. If you told him then tell us-perhaps the book should be boycotted-what don't we know?? What is going on here??
  7. Look -I left the UK a long time ago-but one of the things that used to drive me crazy about the place was this attitude of "I'll decide what you should know or not know and I'll decide what 's best for you"( usually from places like the BBC). I see a book advertised as the "full harrowing story" then I read the review-again we're back to -I'll decide for you(but I'll tell John Berry the real story!!). I'm sure its a wonderful book-but what is the real harrowing story that has been shared with Jiohn Berry but not the rest of us hoi-polloi. I'd sure like to know and Donsking I agree with you on this.
  8. Was looking forward to buying this book BUT just read the review in Backtrack to which I subscribe.Its giving me second thoughts.The reviewer John Berry says that he has been fortunate enough to see what the author deems too sensitive to include,(implication being -which you folks ain't gonna see even if you purchase the book ) and also that certain comments that interviewees would rather see not published are omitted. Have never seen a review of a biography(which is what this is)where the reviewer has essentially said its great but the author has shared stuff with me which you poor saps who buy the book ain't gonna be able to read.Well bully for John Berry but it sounds like important,relevant data has been pre censored out-although the author's research has uncovered it. So how do we know if it gives a complete and unbiased picture!! I'd like to be as fortunate as John Berry was if I'm going to buy the book!! Anyway forumland folks am obviously very interested to know what has been left out-also any comments from the author. Also whatever possessed Mr.Berry to tell us that interesting and relevant details have been omitted-if we aren't supposed to know why even tell us about it-surely anyone would know this would pique interest further.If you aren't going to give the complete picture why write it in the first place!! I don't want to stir up a can of worms here-but hey what's going on with this.
  9. Surely that can't be right-see 21st century heathen post. Or have CH been gone 20+ years??
  10. Sad news-not sure but think Ken was born in 1928-which would make him 78 or so. Anybody out in forumland remember how close he came to winning World Title-I think in 1956-he was top with one race remaining I think-but fell in what looked like his easiest race. A great competitor.
  11. I remember the Jimmy Ogisu story in mid sixties-but wasn't it just a stunt??
  12. Thanx Heathen-sounds to me like CH was clearly the SUPERIOR club!!!!!!
  13. Recognising that this hasn't been raced for quite a while(but hopefully it may-good luck to resurrection of CH)-but this was a long running event. Does anybody know what the final number of wins for each team was??I'd be sorta interested to know who won it most times.
  14. What a shame but what a wonderful obit for Jack.That means I guess that the two longest surviving(not necessarily oldest) World Finalists are Louis Lawson and Cyril Roger from 1949 World Final. May they be with us for many more years
  15. How old would Jack be now do u think??
  16. Thanx Norbold-so that would mean Jack Ormston is the last surviving pre-war finalist who actually rode in a WF.I thought Cliff Watson was gone also but like you not 100% sure
  17. Thanx Knowle-anybody know the answer re Cliff Watson??
  18. I'm interested in which of the 1949 World Finalists are still alive.By my reckoning there are 2 for sure: Louis Lawson and Cyril Roger and I'm not sure about 2 others-Lloyd Goffe and Cliff Watson. I 'm sure the rest have passed away: Tommy Price,Jack Parker,Norman Parker,Wilbur Lamoreaux,Bill Kitchen,Ron Clarke, Bill Longley,Aub Lawson,Bill Gilbert,Graham Warren, Ken LeBreton and Dent Oliver.Could someone in forum land enlighten me about the four names at the start and confirm who is still with us. I assume any of the pre-war World Finalists have all left us now.
  19. Dick Bradley's daughter was kind enough once to update us on her dad-perhaps John's daughter could do the same if she reads this.That would be great and also to tell him his riding is fondly recalled.
  20. Great to see a picture of Norman Hunter(altho not the subject of this thread). He looks fine-I always thought Norman would have gone on to even greater things but for that terrible accident when he rode for Wolves?? in about 1969??. I remember him mainly at West Ham in 64-65.Thanx for sharing your pictures Gemini.
  21. I recall these two guys from 1964-John rode for Hackney and was the high scorer behind the three heat leaders of Colin Pratt, Roy Trigg,Les McGillivray-it looked like Hackney were going to win the PL that year, but Newcastle beat em to it after getting Ken Sharples when Sunderland closed.Norman was the Long Eaton rep for the PLRC-qualified as reserve but ended riding when George Major was injured.He did ok too as I recall.Anyone know where these guys are today??
  22. Houses have also been built where Somerton Park was in Newport, but I couldn't resist taking a look last time I was over-but wish I hadn't.
  23. Went to CH website-which was excellent. Amazed to see that Ivor Brown was born in 1927-which would mean he was 38 in inaugural year of BL.I think that is just great when you recall how well he was riding. Much missed.
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