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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Greetings from Canada--same for me-who is it Ron-my guess is Peter Craven?
  2. Thanx Mike jb and Parkstone Pirate- I thought I recalled John riding for CH in the inaugural BL season- some of us PL fans had never seen NL riders till then and we had heard they were all unbeatable but John was basically like our second strings-great trier tho.
  3. I like to start these threads with riders from the early to mid sixties-I think its important not to forget them-and its great to see a number of people in forumland do remember-now anybody know what happened to Alan Totney of CH!!!
  4. Thanx everyone and starghost sorry to hear it-wouldn't know what happened to derek Strutt by any chance would you?
  5. Anyone in forumland recall John-not a superstar but I think was an NL rider with Norwich who when the PL started went to CH.Where is John now??(am relying on starghost here) Also while I am at it -anyone recall Alan Totney-second string with CH -these guys weren't superstars but nevertheless 100% triers who contributed to our enjoyment of speedway. Hope they are still fine and enjoying life.
  6. Well done starghost the third son was called Stuart I'd forgotten him-I know Alan Jay was quite a mainstay in the Sheffield team for quite a few seasons.
  7. Norbold-that's an amazing piece of trivia that I never knew.Good for you.
  8. Speaking of Wilf Jay-who I think famously rode for Sheffield in the PL to help out when he was over 50-I think he may have passed away but does anyone know where his two sons(also Sheffield riders) Alan and Derek Jay are.Also starghost thanx for news on Fred and Bob
  9. Anybody know if these guys are still around and where(bet Starghost knows)
  10. Great post from Shoddy-I have to agree with his most important point in my view-and that is Penhall was the only one using his brain in that famous race.
  11. No problemo Tsunami-I'm glad to hear that other people besides me remember these 60's riders-especially old PL ones. Brough Park was one stadium I always meant to visit but just never got round to it-guess its changed a lot since PL days-but at least you've still got racing there.
  12. Just looked at my Who's who in Speedwat from the 70's-shows John dews was born in 45 so he passed away when only 50-what a shame. Don't think he rode for Newcastle tho'-the book shows Sheff,Oxford and Wimbledon.
  13. Fair enough starghost-but Wembley closed down before Briggs won his first title in 1957.I agree with what you say but I still think the Price and Williams championships might not be worth as much as the Young,Moore,Craven et al. who had to beat Wembley riders on their home track-not sure Price or Williams would have won on an away track.
  14. thanx folks tho sad to hear-was interested in Starghost post re one team riders e.g. Phil Clarke-anybody think of any more from that era-was thinking Billy Bales but he started with Yarmouth-I guess Vic Duggan always rode for Harringay
  15. After the thread on Jack Kitchen are these two folks still around-someone told me Bob had committed suicide years ago-what of John Dews. What happened to both after they finished at Sheffield-did they ride for other teams. I recall both of them as real gentlemen tho I remember Bob used to look awful doleful at times. I'm thinking of the mid -sixties here.
  16. Thanx Frigbo sorry to hear that about Jack tho'.
  17. Thanx all-I knew Dick Fisher had passed away-sadly of stomach cancer I think.Jack must have been quite young as surely he'd be only in his sixties now.I think Jack may have been a nephew of Bill Kitchen's. Spin king are you sure Clive F. lives in Oz??-I thought he was still in UK there was a great article on him in a recent edition of VSM.
  18. I recall Jack very well-I associate him always with Sheffield in PL but know he had couple of seasons with Belle Vue in NL. I remember him being the top Sheffield rider along with Clive Featherby in the first BL season of 1965.I know he rode in 66 but then not sure.I always remember he was in the final four race at the PL Riders Championship not sure if 62 or 63. Someone told me Jack had passed away-anyone out in forumland recall this great and tough rider and is he still with us??.
  19. I thought some clown might answer like that or say something like that was my wife's number. Actually my old girlfriend was the first one who told me that Graham Miles was the tallest speedway rider at SIX FEET FOUR!!
  20. Well I left England in 1968 and can still recall the phone # of my then girlfriend in UK: Watford 34289 howzat!!! What are these anoraks you Brits refer to anyway-they're like a jacket I thought.
  21. I reckon I may have solved a mystery here. I went on to the Peter Kelly story at the Newcastle speedway site. Peter refers to a race with Brian Brett, George Hunter, and someone he thinks is called Mckeown. This was at Old Meadowbank Monarchs v Diamonds. My first thought was that it was Brian Mckeown who I think may have been a kiwi(Peter identified him as such)-but he wasn't riding in 66/67/68.And they were the only years that Brett, Kelly and Hunter could have all been in a race at Meadowbank. Peter doesn't remember the first name of this person-WELL I THINK it must have been DUDLEY McKEAN. Dudley rode for Monarchs in 66 so that is when it would have taken place. Could someone in touch with Helen Marshall pass this on so she can pass it on to her dad.Dud Mckean was never a superstar but a hard rider nonetheless and I can well imagine his actions in this race. If Dud is still around in NZ perhaps he and Peter can meet up for a beer and reminisce!What do you reckon forumland??
  22. Wonderful to read this thread-my biggest memory of Peter is the 1964 PL Riders Final when he finished 4th in a run off with Roy Trigg-I think Roy lives down under also but not sure whether NZ or Aussie. Do you know if Peter thinks this was his career hi-lite(I know he had many successes of course)-also is he in touch with other riders like Roy e.g. thru NZ vet riders. Would you guys think it is true to say that Peter's best days were in PL. I think when the BL started in 65 we were all interested in how the top PL guys would do against NL etc-I recall Peter as one of the Newcastle heat leaders in 66 and 67 along with Mauger and Brian Brett(RIP)-then I think in 67 he dropped back a bit-perhaps in 68 is when he went to a 2nd Div team-I left UK then and sort of lost touch-but I remember Peter as a great guy and who added a lot to speedway.If anybody is in touch with him-please pass on how we at Somerton Park enjoyed his battling appearances and convey best wishes.
  23. Grachan-thanx for directing me to the Newcastle speedway site its great-Tsunami-I remember talking to Mike Watkin in the mid sixties-you are right an extremely nice guy.Re Russ Dent and Consett does Dave Younghusband still live there also??
  24. I recall Bill Andrew having a tremendous punch up with Peter Vandenberg in 1965-Bill rode for Poole then-what happened to Morrie Robinson who I remember well.I guess Russ Dent and Mike Watkin still live in the North east??
  25. Was trying to remember the make-up of this great team. I recall Ivan Mauger, Bill Andrew, Pete Kelly,Ken Sharples, Mike Watkin,Russ Dent, Jack Winstanley?Does that sound rite??.Is Pete Kelly still alive-anyone remember 1964 PL Champ Final-Pete was in a run off for 3rd place with Roy Trigg but lost.In 64 Hackney were favorites to win title-were in front for quite a while but then the diamonds had a tremendous unbeaten run.
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