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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Hi Tony, do subscriptions to Vintage Speedway automatically carry over into the new mag.Looking forward to receiving it as my period of interest is the fifties and sixties. By the way greatly enjoyed your Kenny Carter book after all the fuss I made about it on this website.Mea culpa and keep up the good work.
  2. Recall Eric??-was in the first ever BL race I think for CH.Anybody know how he is these days??
  3. Re porkies-or like Hillary Clinton being under sniper fire in Bosnia, or like Cherie Blair coming from a poor background in Liverpool!!
  4. George Wilks was a mainstay of Wembley in the glory years-tended to think of him and Bill Gilbert in the same context(altho I think Bill got to the World Final once)-a thread on another site about Bill got me thinking about George-anyone remember him, have details on his career and is he still alive(I presume no).Over to you Norbold and other members of forumland.
  5. I thought that both Gerald Pugh and Hugh Geddes had passed away-but I've been wrong before!
  6. Surely Ken Adams has passed away-and surely someone must know re Cyril Roger-he must be in his mid eighties now.
  7. I thought of Rick France-I recall the 1967 World Final where he got to-did he have an accident later then??
  8. Is Reg Reeves still alive??
  9. Remember Ian-he was with Long Eaton late sixties-from London I think. Never quite made it-did he join the second division which started in 1968?He was a reserve /second string type guy. Nice fella I always thought.
  10. Good for Bob-he proves 60 is the new 40!!!
  11. Roy Bester-South Africa, Malcolm Brown definitely English
  12. Are any of the members of the original 1948 team still with us Al.This will be a great event that is being organised.

    Stuart Ulph

    Not so difficult as you might think-e.g. John MILLS-one vowel and four consonants-assume you meant starting with a vowel!!!
  14. Thanx Al Stewart for updating us re Don-didn't realise he lived in Oz-glad he is still with us-how old do you reckon he is??
  15. OK folks(particularly dons67) I can confirm that Maurie rode in 1966 also. He rode for Oxford and his average was 25 meetings in BL with a CMA of 5.16.He seems to have improved over 1965-the question is -was 1967 his last ever season.If so his career spanned 16 years or so which isn't half bad.Anyone know when MM passed away??One of the unsung heroes of our sport.
  16. Interesting dantodan-I don't recall that -I am sure post war the numbers were always on the back
  17. Maurie McDermott was definitely English-a Londoner I think. Also Ian- re Seery's stats-is the same method of calculation used today for Riders Averages??? By the way glad we are talking about Maurie-great to see his name mentioned and bet he would be tickled to hear of us picking over the bones of his long ago Speedway career.Thanx for bringing his name forward folks.
  18. More on Maurie.I have a Stenners 1952 annual( for the 1951 season) -there is a brief note on Maurie that says he was employed as a sorter in the Post Office when he started riding at training tracks e.g. Rye House.Its funny to see Maurie's picture of 1951 and then compare it to the 1965 one I alluded to earlier.Hope all this is of interest.By the way and this is for Brian Hamilton-the top average scorer for Exeter in 1965 was your old Oxford buddy Colin Gooddy followed by Jack Geran!! Guess they couldn't hold these old Oxford guys back!!!
  19. I have the British Speedway Handbook for the first BL season 1965.Maurie's picture is in it as part of an Exeter team pic, he rode in 25 BL matches and his CMA was 4.2. Think this would have been his last season.By the way are averages still calculated the same way -then it was points plus bonus points divided by number of rides, then multiplied by 4 e.g. in Maurie's case his ave per ride was 1.05 times 4 = 4.20. This was done because riders typically rode 4 times per match.Bryan Seery was the originator of this method I think??
  20. Thanx barcroftlad-does anyone know if Don is still alive??Also is Johnny Greenwood still with us???
  21. Hi hellsgranny-if you were born in 52 you are a young granny!!
  22. There is no way Maurie was riding as late as 68 when Berwick started-I reckon as per Frigbo it was Maurie Robinson
  23. Is Don still alive-anyone know???Guys like Don should not be forgotten.
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