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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. I think you are right Steve -"Joe" Gooddy didn't start till the 50's
  2. That is amazing-I think perhaps he had injuries earlier in his career then-perhaps at Ipswish?Coventry?When did Les pass away-anyone know??
  3. Where was Les McGillivray when he retired-I recall him for Hackney-I thought he was injured/sick a lot so did he really never miss a British League match?-was he ever present in 1965 for example? When did Les pass away??
  4. Jim has passed away hasn't he-didn't he die quite young, Stan has been dead many years I think.
  5. No Cyril Brine did not ride in the 70's -he finished in around 1962-interesting thread this!!
  6. Wot about Cyril Brine-did he ride in the 30's??
  7. Didn't Bobby Dugard also ride for them a couple of times before he quit(1965)
  8. I think Ian must be referring to 65 the year they did the double-what was the team now,I think Ken, Sverre, Norman Hunter, Malcom Simmons, Brian Leonard and Ted Ede/Don Smith???Is that right.
  9. What about Mark Wynter-or did he sing "Venus in Blue Jeans"??
  10. Well this just proves my point-Savalas Clouting is also living forever on this site-didn't he famously beat Ray Wilson at Long Eaton in 1965-I think Rim Malskaitis finished third.Thanks Norbold for bringing his name forward again-perhaps you can update us on his current whereabouts.
  11. After I heard of Vladimir Paznikov's death I mentioned that I was aware of only 2 World Finalists(not riders just talking about World Finalists-[i'm thinking of the one-off World Finals here which I wish were still around]) who had committed suicide- besides VP (if true) I could only think of Kenny Carter, I sadly had forgotten Billy Sanders-so I reckon just 3 WF'ists had died this way. I honestly can't think of any others-so is 3 the number all you speedway historians out there.
  12. Graham Miles will live forever on this site!!
  13. Starghost do u know what year he died??
  14. OK that's right-name another!!
  15. Like who??-can't think of any offhand e.g. Eddie Jancarz was murdered by his wife.
  16. Anybody know how old he was-this is ghoulish I know, but I can think of only one other World Finalist who committed suicide if indeed VP killed himself- and that's Kenny Carter
  17. Recall Jim's buddy Gordon Guasco-I think they both started at Sunderland in 64 and went to Wolves when the Saints closed down
  18. Blimey-that's a name from the past-George Glen struck me as a salt of the earth type speedway rider-recall him riding for the Diamonds in the early sixties.Everybody who knew him liked him- a fatherly sort.Please tell George's son that he is still remembered with affection even as far away as Canada and that he should be proud of his old man!!!!
  19. Would be interested in reading this book, do you know where I could order it from.??
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