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Everything posted by BOBBATH
Anybody here know Reg Fearman or any ex riders on Costa del Sol-if they see Split they can ask him-1924 sounds better than 1921 but how could we find out.Also does anyone know if Cliff Watson is still alive?
Well done Peter-is the lady in Australia or UK-fascinating story
Looks like its Split then-anyone top that??
I am wondering who the oldest surviving World Finalist is-think its Cyril, but could be Louis Lawson I guess-anyone top Cyril in age-he's gotta be well into his eighties.(Also possibly Mr.Watson (Colin/Cliff??) who was in the 1949 WF??
Yeah but for how long?
Anybody see the old movie"THE THIRD MAN" with Orson Welles.Just like Harry Lime , I think one night a cat will cross the road to a dark door, you'll see a pair of shoes in the door way and then a car will drive by and the headlights will pick out Garry -and he'll have a smile on his face!!Remember folks you heard it here first!!
I wish I could go-hope you can make it BrianHamilton. oddfossengen-hope you will let us know how it went-perhaps even post some pictures see if we can guess who's who??
Yes Norbold I should have said"is"-thanx for pointing that out Squire. By the way it looks like this years Canadian Championship is at Welland on July 19th-reckon you guys should charter a jet and come over-if you do I'll buy you a beer!!
So what was his real name??
fridayateight"Please don't ask about Barbara" a hit by Bobby Vee in about 1963
Yes its definitely Arthur Payne-in my original comment I did not realise there was more of the picture to the right(it wasn't all showing on my computer) so the guy I thought was standing on the far right was actually the one in from Arthur( I know !! I know !!! I'm a technopeasant!!)
I stand to be corrected but surely that's not Arthur Payne-wonder if one of them is one of the Tolleys?? This is a tough challenge for sure.
Well I can see Graham Warren there-but that's it-I reckon its before the Brummies went up to Div One or I think I'd recognise more of them.
Wait a minute is that George Major whose face is partially obscured standing next to Ian Williams?
Ok got Ken Middleditch, also see its Norman Strachan now-then is Eric Boothroyd the guy with the dark glasses middle of front row? Can't spot George Major tho
Isn't Bob Andrews sitting on the far right of the front row?
Is Eric Boothroyd the guy sitting down front left??Also I thought Dingle was the shorter gentleman two to the left of Bertola, help!!
I well recall Ron Sharp for Long Eaton in 65-I guess he was a veteran by then-a real trier tho'.
Nice to see Bob Andrews over from NZ-can also pick out Bertola, Pete Smith, Jack Geran and I think Dingle Brown.
I am very interested in this thread-riders like the Edwards brothers should not be forgotten-as you say yesterdaysman we should never leave things too late. Getting to Harry-I recall a picture of the Wolverhampton Prov. Lge. team on the back of a Speedway Star in 1964(recall the old black and white Stars)[Just a digression here-the fact it was black and white added to the thrill of seeing new teams at your track , because altho' you knew the team colours from reading about them you didn't really know what they looked like till you actually saw them-no colour TV or Speedway mags etc-anyone recall that ??]. Anyway in this picture-Harry -with his white hair and lined face looked about 70-when he was only in his early 40's-the effect of his POW experience I am sure(Howdy Byford as many of you know suffered the same way and serialised his memories-perhaps ghost written-in the Star). Its amazing that despite his terrible experiences he became a well known rider. Getting back to Bert -I assume Harry and Bert rode against each other many times.Would be interested if forumland folks ,from a historical point of view, felt which was the better rider of the two-recognising the achievements of both. Was interested also in the comment that Harry may have died at sea-anyone got anything to add to that??Anyway I am glad this thread was started and that their names have been brought to the forum.
I recall Harry Edwards riding for Wolves at the end of his career in 64,think he rode for Norwich also-right starghost??
I'm relying on you here speedyguy!! I recall Harry more than Bert but am very interested in him nonetheless!
Speedyguy. what was your take on Bert both as a personality(Tough guy/nice guy etc??)-his persona in the Speedway Star was a jolly sort of person. and as a rider(e.g. do you think he fulfilled his potential /good second string etc) also was he Harry's younger or older brother-I guess Bert would have been well in his thirties when you knew him but kept riding at a high level.Where did he live in later life and what did he do after riding-anybody know.RIP Bert.
I recall seeing Lex Milloy's name on a film credit not so long ago-maybe the comedy "Robin Hood Men in Tights" anyone know where Lex Milloy is now or any other movies he has been associated with.
What a shame, I think he was Harry Edwards brother(younger??)-he used to be featured in the Speedway Star a lot , seemed to be a happy go lucky person.Anyone have any other memories to add.