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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Thanx Colin -what a career-the sort of guy who makes speedway such an interesting sport.
  2. Hi Tom what was the year do you think of that accident??. Anyone know how old Chris was when he died? Also Tom you say he was a " tough old bird" I hate to tell you but he was then much younger than we are now(well me anyway)!!
  3. Tigertom-he's nowhere close to that tall!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't Sarah Palin used to ride for Sheffield????
  4. In the thread on Chris Blewett, a number of people mentioned Chris Julian-I recall him with Glasgow and CH-wasn't there some story about him trying to build a helicopter? Where else did Chris ride and when did he pass away?How old was he?
  5. To falsedawn-how do I get to that planet you say you live on,because I clearly don't belong here!!
  6. I recall Ken-a tall guy-usually reserve for CH-1965???
  7. I agree 100% Iris--then it occurred to me on another subject-have there been any Jewish speedway riders(this from the guy who started the thread on gay speedway riders!!). I live in a Jewish area of Toronto and have many Jewish friends I was telling this one guy about speedway and he asked me that question-a reasonable question as there have been famous Jewish baseall players(Sandy Koufax and Hank Greenberg spring to mind) ditto soccer e.g. George Cohen of England.Can we get this away from personalities and intio this broader subject!! Any thoughts Norbold, starghost and other speedway historians..
  8. Come on folks this is getting out of hand. Let's let any bygones be bygones its all history now anyway.
  9. Dennis was South African

    Derek Timms

    Am sure that Derek didn't ride in 65 or 66
  11. Thinking of Chris the other day is he still with us-anyone know?? What a wildman!!Any old Exeter fans know if he is around still-if so he beat all the odds!!
  12. I recall year bars and badges-do people still buy them or are they no longer collected anymore.
  13. The 70's were sort of after my time since I emigrated in 68-HOWEVER I did purchase some of Wally Loak's tapes-the only way you could hear riders of the fifties and sixties speak-now of course we have you tube and there is some great stuff on there-my favorite being newsreel of a Halifax v Stoke meeting of 1949(I think)where you can clearly see the riders-I can pick out Arthur Forrest and I think Vic Emms-anyone seen that clip?????And have you identified any of the riders??
  14. what's this mean??????????
  15. Middlo sounds like you have a valid point I'd be ticked off too-you were after my time but I recall your dad very well-look at it this way-I believe in karma-what goes round comes round, often in the most unexpected way. Get a Hindu god anyone will do-I like ganesha myself-and ask him for a favor-it worked for me!!!!!!!!!
  16. I reckon he was Scottish
  17. What happened middlo?? It sounds like a raw deal to me.
  18. Anybody aout there recall DeWayne Keeter -first of the modern era-1969 I think.
  19. Just a big thank you from me also dan2dan-these are great websites cover a lot of my era (50's-60's) and I often visit them-also good for Reg Fearman for letting his data and memories be shared with us-keep up the great work!!
  20. Ok Tony as per your answer re Dave Jessup and his alleged attitude-you basically said while Dave was ok -the Americans -well that was another story and good for a separate thread.So here is the new thread-any comments from anyone re American riders nasty attitudes or otherwise!!
  21. How did the nasty attitude evidence itself??
  22. Anyone know if Goog Hoskin is still with us -do you think he could have made it as First Div. rider and did he ever go to a Div One team??
  23. Thanx Norbold-and may Louis continue to be #2 for a long time-incidentally didn't I read somewhere that his real name was not Louis Lawson.??
  24. Reg Fearman was tall also!! Also ta much Norbold I therefore declare OFFICIALLY that Cyril is the oldest surviving World Finalist and long may he remain so!!
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