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Everything posted by BOBBATH
Yes Geoff Penniket is still alive-I asked Vic White earlier this year and he confirmed that "Plunkett" is still with us.Don't make characters like that any more!!But I was sad to hear Gil has passed away-anyone have more details?
To Norbold-re West Ham's treble-and they deserved it too!!!!-does anyone recall the K.O. Cup replay at Wimbledon when the Hammers having tied at home came back and won-Malc. Simmonds night I think.Do you also recall tho' how ex NL riders who seemed to be over the hill went to PL tracks and did great e.g. Jack Biggs at Newport. Re West Ham -their first visit to Newport was on the 25th June I sat my first A level that morning and I can recall thinking well at least I can go to speedway tonight-for the record Wasps won 42-36(sorry Norbold)
Well we've talked about best tracks etc-what about best season. This occurred to me reading the Ross Gilbertson thread and Ian's comments. In my case best season ever was 1965-when the NL and PL merged-many of us PL fans had never seen NL'ers race and I can recall being really excited about seeing their top liners-also strangely their riding colours because in the days of black and white Speedway Stars-while you knew intellectually that BV were red, white and black-you didn't know how they looked precisely in real life. While of course the NL top guys were good , the PL guys were no slouches either-however I will never forget Oxford's first ever visit to Newport-Ron How effortlessly scored a 15 pt. max and was the best rider I had seen to date-unbelievable. Any forumlanders have thoughts to share on the best ever season.
Sheffield in 1966-67,(good old Frank Varey) then Leicester in 1968.
Ian -I agree with you re George Hunter -one of my favorite riders-always put on a good show-when BL started while I thought some of the PL riders did great-I was disappointed that none of them made the 65 World Final-Charlie Monk came close as I am sure you recall-but they certainly held their own in League matches-what a great year that was.
Ta Ian-According to the Star -it said Jack Kitchen was the best rider of the night having won all his qualifying races including beating Mauger-said Ivor Brown got the biggest boos of the night-5 riders finished on 9 pts Gilbertson, Hunter,Cresp, Mattingley and Featherby-so there was a five man run off to determine the final two.Wish I could have been there it would have been a blast!!Bet it was packed out too-I sed to love the PL Finals.
More Ross stuff- I checked back in my programs-I reckon Ross was in the BL for Poole in 65-a heat leader-but then I lose track -did he retire??BTW in 63 he was in the Grand Final race of PLRC with Mauger(winner), Jack Kitchen and George Hunter- was anybody in forumland at that meeting at BV.
Glad I was wrong-I may have been thinking of Tony Lewis.
The Roy Moreton post here directed me to "General Speedway Discussion" which I never go to normally-and there I see a thread on Ross-re a campaign to send him Xmas cards in his care home. Thought I should bring him up here also.I have many happy memories of Ross as a rider for Poole in 1964 /65. He was a real crowd puller-I think he got to the Grand Final race of the PL Riders Final-perhaps 1963?Ross more than held his own when the PL/Nl merger occurred and he was a great guy as well.I've sent him an xmas card so perhaps bringing him to this thread some others may do too.
Bruno-you are right I am extremely sad to hear this.R.I.P.Roy.
Tony, thanx for that-would be interested in any other info.There were some wonderful characters around then weren't there-good for her-by the way -glad I brought some Speedway Stars with me when I emigrated.
I was flipping thru' some old 1960's black and white "Speedway Stars", a frequent correspondent(reader's letters) seemed to be this lady-chairwoman of Wimbledon supporters club.?? her letters struck me as very literate-actually the whole magazine was a lot more literate than today's publication!!Anyone ever meet, know or recall Mrs.C-B-in my imagination she seems like a Mary Whitehouse character-reminded me of the days when clubs had big supporters clubs.Anyone recall her-or know if she is still alive??
I'm pretty sure Tim Bungay passed away a number of years ago.
Tell Mike not to drink the water-bet Zimbabweans wish Smithie was back in charge.
And Midland Red the big surprise of the ex PL er Charlie Monk winning the prize should not be forgot-what a shock result that was.
Amazing to see Arthur Malm's name brought up-he crops up in a very old Stenners Annual I have-you sound like you are Welsh Bryn -so shouldn't your byline say bring back Newport, Neath or Cardiff speedways-Oz is a great country-almost as good as Canada(just kidding)
I was able to name most of these but other people beat me to it.Nevertheless I wanted to post to say its great to see pictures of these guys and thanks Tony Mc for your work in this area.
Amazingly I watched the Barrow v Brentford game live on TV here in Toronto and I thought the same thing as you tracy bird.But at least I got to see Holker-it looked like it was next to a harbour or something-miserable night there wasn't it!!
I think Lex MIlloy became a stuntman-I am sure I have seen his name on movie credits in the cinema-anyone know anything more
Tell Tom from me that he is remembered with affection by this fan in Canada and good for him for keeping going-an inspiration,and you oughta buy him a beer!!!!Good on Tom.
You are right re Bryan Seery he is the father of speedway stats in my view-he was a real numbers guy-when did he pass away-surely he could not have been very old??
2nd bender No problem -here it is:(tune of John Brown's Body) "Newport has a speedway team,it is our pride and joy Its led by Alby Golden and he's backed by six good boys Their nickname is the wasps and as they ride to victory The crowd all roar with glee Glory Glory to the black and amber boys Glory glory to the black and amber boys " etc etc
I hesitate to even ask but were there any Muslim speedway riders,if so did their engines often blow up(please don't report me to Harriet Harman)!!
Was John Dews really Jewish or simply Dewish!!