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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. I was trying to recall pubs I went to when I visited speedway tracks. Firstly of course I recall The Pavilion-next to Long Eaton stadium-I particularly recall a meeting in either 1966 or 1967(think the latter) when Sheffield were the visitors.The meeting was delayed -anyway I remember a number of Sheffield riders in there- Bob Paulson looking glum in a suit I think he was injured and not riding.. Then Cradley-there was a pub on a slight hill it seemed to me-within walking distance of the stadium for sure.Many CH fans who always made everyone welcome-that is why CH was my favourite away track.Leicester- in front(p'raps Parker Road) there was a pub where I had a pint before the stadium opened for the night-this was 1968-anyone know the name of that pub??Also the Duke of Nottingham(?)-am I right? on Nottingham street (?) just in front of WH stadium. And what about Swindon-was the Blunsdon House Hotel always there-in the early 70's I came over from Canada and had a pint there-but not many speedway supporters.Anybody else in forumland have any memories of pubs near speedway trax?????????????
  2. Blimey-so young -what happened?? This is awful news.
  3. What happened to Ernie Lessiter-am familiar with Alby but not Ernie
  4. Yes I have been to the former site of Somerton Park-it is so depressing to recall what used to be there and all the excitement the events created-all gone!!
  5. I would be interested to know what happened to the Abbey Stadium in Neath- I know they only ran one year- in 1962- and finished 2nd in Prov Lge. to Poole. I'll never know what made Trevor Redmond pick Neath for a track. Any forumlanders out there ever visit it, if so what are your memories. BTW my prediction on this is that no-one reading this ever went there-b/c a) its a long time ago and there were never many spectators. But perhaps someone knew someone who knew someone who went there or even who rode there??(Friends of Charlie Monk, Jon Erskine etc please come forward!!)
  6. Blimey Keef that's depressing-I remember 5,000 or so at Newport in the mid sixties-is it really that bad now.
  7. Great picture of Leicester 1957-exactly as I recall it-ta gemini. In an earlier post on this thread 25yearfan noted that BV current gates could double if ran on Sat instead of Mon.About how many people attend Kirky Lane each week-I have lost track(no pun) of attendances now-who would be the best supported tracks do you think and how many would they get-does anyone average say 5,000?
  8. BTW Van McCoy who recorded "The Hustle" passed away a few years ago-another song played at Somerton Park, Newport frequently in 64-was "Walk on By"-Dionne Warwick.
  9. You are right Parsloes -the one-off World Finals were wonderful- I always recall Nigel Boocock beating Fundin in Heat One at the 65 World Final-then Brian Brett winning Heat 2, Jansoon beating Knutsson in Heat 3 and Plechanov defeating Briggs in Heat 4-however none of those heat winners hung in and finished Champ-Knutsson won his first and only title-I recall talking about it with other spectators all the way back on the night train from Paddington to Cardiff.I thought Brett was in with a real chance that year by the way-but not to be-and it was his only WF appearance. RIP Bretty
  10. This is interesting-I am interested in pop history-altho' 50's and 60's were my era- was the Russ Conway song "Side Saddle"? At Newport for some reason they played "From the Bottom of my Heart" by The Moody Blues-flipside of Go Now I think-also Go Now-this would be 64/65.Also Its Over by Roy Orbison in 64.
  11. Hi Steve-good stuff on other thread on this topic-I agree re Wyglenda and should have added him-but don't forget Woryna's acvievement in 1966-BTW hope you are surviving this horrendous winter down there in St. Louis-we should have emigrated to Queensland-I'm freezing my ass off up here!!
  12. In the thread on the one-off World Finals which has turned into a discussion of deserving and undeserving World Champs,Jerzy Szczakiel's name crops up the most.Whether Jerzy deserved to be World Champ or not-it got me thinking as to who would have been Poland's most deserving first ever World Champion.I can think of three-Antoni Woryna who dropped only two points in 1966 and finished third, Pawel Waloszek who had a number of top years and creditable World Final Appearances and of course Zenon Plech.What do forumlanders think??BTW Happy New Year to all you Brits and Aussies-its already 2009 there- a few more hours to go here-I'll be glad to see the back of 2008 along with many others I suspect-hope everyone has a healthy and happy 09!!
  13. Guys if you really really want a white xmas move to Canada-we had one here coast to coast all 5000 miles or so of it!!!
  14. Ditto from snowy Toronto-15 cms. of the stuff-we are a few hours behind you Brits -have a good one-I'll have a beer for all of you!!!
  15. Is Eric Hockaday still with us?? Wasn't Eric in the first ever BL race in 1965 for CH v Coventry????????I also agree with Tony re Ernie Hancock and others-great people.
  16. Are you thinking of Elsa May Smith??
  17. 2 minute warning-yes you are right. Re Grand Prix -isn't it true tho that you can be WC without actually ever winning a Grand prix-didn't that happen with Loram-also is it generally accepted that since GP series there is agreement that best rider became WC in each of those years?
  18. Thanx Tony I will be interested in anything you find out as will others I am sure.
  19. Thanx speedy guy -guess there is no chance of speedway's return to Yarmouth-looks like a really nice venue
  20. I never got to Caister Road- what was it like that I might know-were they sparse facilities like a Long Eaton say-come on starghost I need to know!!
  21. Re Grachan's note-and Wembley home track advantage- how about Jack Parker should have been Champ in 49, Graham Warren in 50, Split Waterman in 53-think that would be a better reflection of the best riders of the day.
  22. Right Grachan, but I reckon Egon is one of the "unfair" ones-I'd add Szczakiel to that list too-and surely Tommy Price, Fred Williams(twice) only won because of home track advantage.I wish I'd been to as many as you tho.
  23. I miss the excitement of the old one off World Finals even though I accept that the best rider did not always become World Champ.Would be interested in how many of these WF's other forumlanders attended and which they thought was the best. For my part I attended 5 (65,75,78,81,82). I thought they were all great but I guess the last ever Wembley one was the best-aktho I was glad to see Knutsson win his only title in 65.
  24. Thanx oddfossengen -tho sad to hear re Gil-another ex speedway guy to commit suicide-he joins a long list-what is it about our sport.When did Gil die?
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