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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Blimey you are right maybe Daisy Moore did see Tom ride!!!
  2. I think that settles it- no-one alive today saw Tom Farndon ride.
  3. Reg Fearman is still in touch with Arthur, I will have to ask him!!!!
  4. I don't think he could have , Arthur is an Aussie and didn't come to England until his early twenties. However, did Tom Farndon go to Australia to race- in which case Arthur as a little lad might have indeed seen him !!
  5. A scary thought is that there is probably no one who saw Tom ride still alive today!!!
  6. When the 65 season started I foloowed avidly every match report in the Star. I recall Long Eaton starting off the season very well e.g. as you say beating Halifax at Halifax, I think they had another upset away win early on (Edinburgh perhaps?) and at that point looked like contenders-then they had a truly dreadful run of injuries- Wilson, also maybe Cresp and finished at the bottom of the league (I think). As we all say -great days and 1965 was a superb season- I even used to hitch hike to get to away tracks-not sure you can do that safely nowadays -or am I just speaking from my more timid old (Hold on -mature) age!!!
  7. Derrickn mentioned in his post Rim Malkaitis, that's a name I haven't thought of in years. I recall him riding for Long Eaton in 1965 (the greatest year)-hopefully still with us-does anybody know.
  8. The only survivor of the 1950 World Final and he wasn't even the youngest rider in the meeting. Can somebody find out what he's drinking so I can order a case for myself!!!!
  9. Thanx Chunky- I always think of Gavy along with Bob Jameson and Bert Kingston- I think they are both still with us- Bob is around 81 now.
  10. I recall Dennis very well and sad to hear this. Great guy. One question after Gavy retired as a rider did he stay in England for a few years before finally returning to Aussia?
  11. I was there in 1965 and remeber it well-including the fact that the meeting was rained off after about 6 heats!!!
  12. I liked it better when teams had jackets without advertising e.g. in 1964 Newport with black and amber quarters, Middlesbrough with red and white quarters and as I recall Hackney with red and blue quarters and a gold diagonal stripe. I never liked their bue and white checkered jacket with a hawk on it-too fussy for me!!! Also riders with black leathers other than Broady and Nigel Boocock of course. Life was simpler. Me and my mate would have a pint of beer at the Someron Park bar -Whitbread Trophy as I remember -what happened to that brand for God's sake. On another subject-big thanx to Chunky for keeping up to date the oldest World Finalist List- much appreciated mate
  13. Sorry to read about this. I recall Billy in the first year of BL (1965) I seem to recall he rode for Sheffield Tigers in that great speedway year. A nice and approachable guy.
  14. Rune has also passed away-great rider.
  15. With Peo and P.T. Svensson gone , most of the final 16 move up 2 places - it seems Doug Davies and Sverre Harrfeldt are now on the oldest 16 list -while we also have 2 new reserves at 17 and 18. Thanks for the update Jonas.
  16. Les Owen - muscles - came to a sad end!
  17. Yup I forgot about Arne Pander, saw him when he was n Oxford rider in 1965.
  18. Before I left the UK in 1968-the only Dane was Ole Olsen riding for Newcastle-what a champ he became. Later when I came back to Englnd on vacation I saw Erik Gunderson at Cradley. How would forumlanders rank Erik v. Hans Nielsen-.a tough call I know>>
  19. I agree andout-the fans at Costa Mesa are really close to the track and the racing is exciting indeed
  20. I got to Costa Mesa, but never got to New Cross- how did they compare to each other in length and width?
  21. Full face helmets came after my time -left UK in 68- I certainly well recall the use of "flickers" and seeing riders use them sometimes a few times in a heat.
  22. Well done Chunky- I reckon my memory is failing me!! I'd forgotten those!!
  23. This comes under the heading "bobbath get a life"-actually it follows on from the Norman Hunter thread because he had a beard in 1963. I also came up with : James Bond, Tommy Sweetman, Reg Reeves, George Major, Jimmy Squibb-there must be others but I can't remember.!! BTW re the West Ham memories youtube video , John Chaplin came up with many incisive comments and was extensively interviewed.
  24. I think you are right Split- Norman was the big star in the PL that year- not sure he was in the PLRC Final that year though-anybody know??
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