Karl Denver-other hits included Marcheta, Indian Love Call,Mexicali Rose, Never Goodbye all in 62-63-learn such interesting stuff on this website dontcha-I think I'll see if I can find anything on youtube on him!!!!!Also to IRIS123 mentioning flesh coloured tights and spangly outfits-leave my mum out of this please!!
Thanx Matt-have joined your website-greatly appreciate the work you guys have done-and also for answering my inquiry so comprehensively-I really appreciate that.
Just got my much anticipated autumn issue-what a great magazine it is. I noticed in the articles on Nigel, Louis and Vic their CMA's(Calculated Match Averages )are given for the years before 1965-which I thought was the first year they were calculated(by Brian Seery).This must mean someone has done a lot of historical research(these stats are credited to Matt Jackson and Hugh Vass). I think that is a great contribution to the history of speedway.THis leads me to a question-can anyone tell me who topped the NL CMA's from seasons 1946 thru 1964, and the PL CMA's 1960 thru 1964-this would be great to know-65 on I have the data.This may also throw further light on the potential GP World Champions for the years it was a one off!!. Anyway it was great to see the stats in the Classic Speedway mag-could it indeed (the CMA champions) be the subject in a further issue??
On the Speedway Plus website , a column by Philip mentioned that Louis had recently died-can anyone confirm??. Louis was one of the three surviving finalists from the 1949 World Final and if true only Cyril Roger and Split Waterman would still be with us.
I think Michanek would have been better over a GP series than one off-he cleaned up practically every open meeting after 73 WF-I'll go with Briggs 67, but Michanek 73
I retract my comments for 1937-Jack it is,I guess we are all agreed on Bluey for 1938-so what about 1949-don't think it should have been Tommy-how about Jack Parker??
Saw all those riders except Peter Craven and Len Silver-what memories.All welcome guests at Somerton Park-never got to Brough but saw the wonderful Diamonds team of 64 and 65. By the way in 64 I think Newcastle had the largest number of riders in PLRC Final-Ivan, Bill Andrew,Ken Sharples and Pete Kelly.
No problemo third man-would assume Harwood went to great speedway track in sky long time ago-anyone know about Harwood and when he died-think he rode primarily for Leicester?Apologies if Harwood is still with us.