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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Don't worry folks the world is ending in 2012
  2. To old chap-think you are thinking of Basil Storey(used to wear a bow tie) for Speedway gazette editor
  3. Don't know if any forumlanders ever go to the bookshops in Hay-on-Wye but its amazing what they have there-I always try to get there when am in UK. Anybody read Enid Blyton stories-new biography of her says she was a real dragon-nasty to her daughters-lots of affairs, had a lesbian affair and played tennis naked-not all at the same time though!!- she's really gone up in my estimation -what a gal. Just so I don't get criticised for going off topic by not mentioning speedway in this post -I will add the following-does anybody know whether Enid was a speedway fan???????
  4. Does anyone remember reading the above comics-they were mostly well written text and not pictures.The stories were great-often serials like "I Flew with Braddock", "Alf Tupper Tough of the Track "etc. Question does anyone recall any speedway serials-I think there may well have been as these comics were big in the late forties and thru' the fifties and I am sure many of the schoolboy readers were into speedway -which was a well supported sport.So two questions-#1does anyone recall reading the comics#2 any recollection of speedway stories in them. To Ianmartin-having discovered the delights of youtube you might be interested in a webpage dealing with these publications.If you google British comics-a website will come up that when you go to it shows covers of these four publications plus synopses of some of the stories. I was reading a few for ald times sake and my main thought was how much higher the standard of literacy was then versus now.This website is maintained by a Brit enthusiast it seems.
  5. Brian Hamilton-can't help you there Brian -are used to get videotapes of the old World Finals sent to me-then I had to take them to a specialty shop and they were transferred to North American compatibility but don't know the answer re DVD's-was thinking of purchasing Malcolm Simmons DVD from Uk but knew I would run into your problem in reverse so couldn't be bothered-perhaps an electronics/computer store in UK could help?
  6. Ian Martin -glad you got there-if you enter World Speedway Finals in there you can see heats from I think 1969 and 1957-also I enter in sometimes "77 Sunset Strip" and watch bits of old episodes(ditto Sgt. Bilko),its amazing what is on there-I am interested in history-entered in Stanley Baldwin and saw him give an election broadcast in the early thirties-had never heard his voice before. Of course also your favorite singers movie stars etc-even entered(metaphorically of course) Shirley Ann Field and saw her(sigh) in the 60's movie "Beat Girl" with Adam Faith and Oliver Reed(RIP).Youtube is a wonderful site. P.S. Notice how I worked speedway in there so its consistent with our guidelines for discussion!!!
  7. Ian Martin-sadly Ian I am a worse technopeasant than you as I don't know how to post a link. But hope this helps- enter youtube on google or youtube.com on google.That'll take you to youtube homepage-there is a window at the top where you can type stuff in. You may have to register first can't remember. In that window type in TV Western Themes and a whole bunch of stuff comes up-then you just have to click on the clip you want to watch.Hope this helps but if not perhaps someone in forumland more adept at computers than me can describe this better.
  8. To RMC: you mention "oddball,loser on edge of society,likely to have odd hobbies and interests"-I would appreciate it if you could leave me out of your postings in future!! Seriously we're about six months behind you in Corrie so will keep an eye out for Stoke sticker on Roy's car.
  9. Good to see your name Brian Hamilton-yes gooogle to Jock Mahoney-pictures there-also go to youtube enter Range Rider TV show or Cisco Kid TV show and you can see old clips-also if you google TV Western themesongs-you get to see and hear the old intros just like they appeared on TV!!!!!!!!
  10. I am really getting fed up with people posting jokes here-like for example. Man at suppertime sitting watching TV, hears wife calling out from kitchen"Darling what would you like for supper tonight , lamb, chicken or beef?". He responds "Thank you dear I'd like a nice piece of lamb because I am going out to speedway later" Wife calls out from kitchen "F**k you, you're getting soup. I was talking to the cat!!"
  11. Well - in 1965 or 66 West Ham speedway was mentioned in a sketch by Dudley Moore and Peter Cook on their TV show.-it involved Dud saying he had taken a girl to WH-I understand dave Lanning tried to use it for some sory of publicity. Slade were Wimbledon fans in the 70's.
  12. OK OK Mea mea culpa-will not mention any non speedway stuff on this site ever again-BTW anyone know what happened to Shirley Ann Field???????????
  13. Tigerowl-thanx matt that is amazing I am sure Ray Cresp has passed away but think Rune Sormander is still with us-can anyone help???. BTW my comment "An Anorak too Far" of course refers to the second world war movie starring Dirk Bogard, Sean Connery ,Ryan O' Neill etc etc about Arnhem!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Thanx to all-particularly tigerowl,norbold starghost etc-the list is definitely as follows( and as per tigerowl's original posting): 1 Cyril Roger 2 Phil Clark 3 Split Waterman 4 Danny Dunton 5 Arthur Payne 6 Dick Bradley 7 Fred Brand 8 Freddie Williams 9 Chum Taylor 10 Eric Boothroyd. The only possible change could be if Chunky in Illinois is right about Arthur's d.o.b. being 1923 instead of 1924. however until proved otherwise I think we have to go with the A- Z guys (Matt and Hugh) who have done so much research-thanx guys. BTW any interest in coming up with the 11th thru' 16th because then we'd have the oldest World Final of 16 riders-or is this "an anorak too far"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Hi Chunky down there in Illinois -what is your source for Arthur Payne being born in august 1923 instead of 1924. also Vonny is your dad 84 this year or 85. Getting this list correct has become an obsession with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Right and Amanda Blake was Miss Kitty in Gunsmoke..
  17. Great footage really enjoyed it-liked the stuff on Howard Cole too-if you've got anymore erasuretim that's great and thanx for bringing it to the forum.
  18. Yes the sidekick was Dick West but the actor's name was Dick Jones-to Jim Blanchard did they stuff Trigger before or after he died???(Sorry)
  19. Range Rider's sidekick was "Dick Jones-All American Boy"-sort of like Bruce Penhall!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Of course I do- also "Cheyenne", "Range Rider", "Tenderfoot" "Wyatt Earp" etc etc
  21. Thanx for reminding me of Bob Danvers Walker-I used to love the yes/no segment-all very innocent.These shows would have been on in the mid fifties I guess just at the start of the Fundin era. Before I forget -recall"Thank Your Lucky Stars" and the girl who used to say "Oi'll give it foive"-think she was a Brummie-anyone know what happened to her??Bet she was a speedway fan!!!!!!!!
  22. Thanx for the info Andy-I well recall Ted Moult from growing up in UK-remember 6.5 Special with Wee Willie Harris, Don Lang and his Frantic Five.Also Lord Rockingham's X1-strangely enough I googled (I wish) the organist-Cherry Wainer-still alive and lives in Las Vegas-you can see her perform on a youtube clip.
  23. Bloody Hell -just googled Isobel Barnett and she committed suicide-electrocuted herself-also my internet wanderings took me to a site called UK Game Shows.com which covers every conceivable show and the biographies of panel members. Sorry to have taken the forum off on this tangent but am sure Norbold, Starghost and other more mature members of the forum will be interested.In fact there is a rumour Norbold that you took her out and may have googled her when you were younger!!!! Sorry will confine my future postings to such arcane matters as the World's tallest speedway rider-who WAS that again???????.
  24. Hi RonButler-I'm about the same age -apart from What's My Line remember "Take Your Pick" with Michael Miles etc-there should be a forum for 50's TV!! Also as regards WML-Lady Isobel Barnett got had up for shoplifting once and went to court-those toffs!!!! Like you is it my imagination or are the posters decreasing in age-they seem to be getting younger while of course we remain the same age!!!!!!
  25. Anyway Knowle hope Jon is still alive and kicking-am sure he is
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