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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. No I don't but I remember him well-perhaps someone else could help-it is important not to forget these journeyman riders who gave us so much enjoyment.Many of the 1963 Falcons have passed away-I hope Pat hasn't.
  2. I know it was at Harringay and the first PLRC-was anyone here actually in attendance??-I think Reg Reeves won the following year altho again Redmond was the outstanding rider.
  3. Hi teambouchard-bet I would have recognised Rick!!As regards Ron I recall him being an extremely tough rider-great names from the past-to lightning did you ever see either of these guys ride speedway.
  4. Hi Lightning-do you know how old Cyril and Ron were when they passed away-I tend to associate Cyril with Leicester-is that correct.Also I recall in the sixties Ron used to wear contact lenses-one of the first I guess -as you probably know both Rick and Ron made the World Final(67 and 62 respectively I think)
  5. Nice to hear from someone with a long memory-try the "Defunct Tracks website" the guy who runs this- John Skinner- is very helpful, also Reg Fearman contributes to this website and is often willing and able to answer"where are they now" type questions-Rick France is certainly still with us. I remember both Ron and Rick well-but Cyril was before even my time!!
  6. Is Gil still alive or has he passed away -if so when??
  7. Gotta tell ya-there was a Bannners Farm Fare-part of a mini chain long since gone-will try and find out more
  8. Ok we've talked about the fish and chip shop at the stadium exit, and the Pavilion pub-does anybody recall a restaurant on the main street called "Banner's Farm Fare"- I used to go there and have sausage egg and chips. This would be 1965, 1966 or 1967-when Ray Wilson, John Boulger , Vic White et al were riding. Is that restaurant still there???Anybody know??
  9. I reckon McKinlay and How were the top two British riders of the mid sixties-evidence go to the British Final 1964 report.Glad somebody added to this topic-most of the years gone by threads are after my time -does that mean I'm old-I don't feel old!!
  10. Great post jackodiamonds-good for Alan Paynter. The reason I think it may be Dave Whittaker is that sometimes he used to travel around with Newport.Not sure but he may have also appeared with Exeter. So who knows perhaps on that long ago night he was at Brough with Newport and got drafted in to help out-that's my theory anyway!!
  11. Was it Dave Whittaker and not Dave Walker?? Alan Paynter-now there's a name from the past!!Anyone know if Alan is still with us??Always tried his best.
  12. Great summary mate what are your thoughts from 1956 on??Would be interested thanx for taking the trouble to summarise this
  13. Hi bfd-can you ask your friend whether his grandad ever mentioned the 1936 WF and whether he had any discussions re outcome with Eric Langton prior to racing him. Wish i had a neighbour like that-buy him a beer from me!!!!!!!!!
  14. Well done DK-btw you can get Tim Horton's coffee and donut products from certain Spar stores in UK-drink enough of it and you'll be walking around in t-shirts and shorts during the winters just like us Canucks!!!!!!!!
  15. Thanks DK rides again-enjoyed these interesting posts-will buy you a Tim's double double for about a loonie next time you're in Canada!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Had to laugh at Croydon Facelift-think I'll get one myself- a Canadian word that I think is unique to us is "chesterfield" meaning sofa or settee(latter of Indian origin)-so a Canadian chav might say"I m going to watch telly , have a beer and crisps and lie on the chesterfield"!!!!
  17. Thanx to everybody for answering this I found it very interesting and informative. Having left UK in 1968 it is interesting how the language changes-new words come in-others change meaning. One that is unique to UK is "chav"-no Canadian would know what that meant- I think I understand the meaning -anyone know when it became current and who first introduced it. I think one of the strengths of the English language is its flexibility-rules change-for example who now bothers with the correct usage of "who and whom" which was drummed into us(I've long since forgotten the rule and now it doesn't matter).
  18. The emblem which is a man's cartoon face with his nose and hands sticking over a wall- I think it is something to do with the phrase "kilroy was here" which I think originated in World War One. Is that right?? also why the word "chad" is that something to do with the man. Can someone enlighten me on this.??
  19. It seems sad that hardly anyone recalls Al Sparrey-a real character in his time-thought some old Robins fans might have posted but I guess it was 50 years ago-anyone know when Al passed away.These guys shouldn't be forgotten.
  20. What about Newport-at Somerton Park-I still miss 'em!!
  21. I thought Graham Miles was the tallest rider ever-why do people keep asking this question. I'm still trying to figure out the tallest ever gay rider. Hope to see you at Paris this year Tigertom-hey Norbold why don't you come and give your New X talk at Paris-many old New X supporters there.
  22. In the latest issue of Classic Speedway(what a great magazine that is), there is an article by John Hyam about Vic Ridgeon who has now passed away. John mentions Al Sparrey as one of Vic's friends and colleagues-I remember Al he was a real character-I associate him with the old SAL and Swindon. Anybody know if Al is still with us.Hope somebody can tell me-I'm beginning to think all of you other forumlanders are younger than me(even Norbold)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Great post -thanks Rob-I recall Jim as one of the heat leaders of the great Oxford team of 1964- I well remember him coming to race at Newport in 1965 and he and Ron How were unstoppable.Great when he joined the Wasps in, I think, 1967-a great favourite at Somerton Park. The story about him and Ove is true. A tough but fair guy and very personable.I also recall well his only World Final in 1965-I was there-it was the year Bjorn Knuttson won it-the only time he did as it happens.

    Andy Galvin

    I think they should legalise and tax all drugs-just like booze which can be equally devastating. If legal no more gangs, prohibition of drugs is just like prohibition of alcohol in the US in the 20's-which also didn't work and which gave rise to the powerful mafia-still with us today. So as far as I am concerned Andy Galvin is like a bootlegger in the twenties-no worse than that.
  25. Are you thinking of "Telstar"??
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