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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Firstly , I thought you were at Wasaga Beach not Toronto, secondly you said you didn't drink beer. If you make it back I will definitely buy you one!!+ Also your books ,are some of the best I've ever read-particularly the "Prefabs " one. Are you working on any new ones I could buy!!
  2. I knew you would get it BL65, a tip of the cap to you-if you can get yourself to Toronto , a beer awaits you!!!
  3. Cradley was always my favourite away track-hands down.. My first visit was on 24th October 1964 for the second leg of the PL K.O Cup Final. I enjoyed the hospitality so much, I then tried to get there once every season.. After I emigrated, if I was back in UK I would try and see a meeting there. My last meeting was 20th May 1989 v. Coventry. I still have both programs. Looking at them there is only one name in both programs 25 years apart. Whose name is it? I am pretty sure some forumlanders , particularly CH fans will immediately know it. For the first correct answer - I will buy the winner a beer, as long as you can come to Toronto to collect it!!!
  4. When did Alan pass away? I hadn't realised this.
  5. This would cover the first 5 years of the BL. I reckon #1 would be Nigel Boocock (topped the BL averages in 65). #2 I would say was Ray Wilson-any others spring to mind- Martin Ashby maybe?
  6. Sorry to hear that, it's always sad to find another WF has passed. Rick France now moves up into the 16th spot and Gunnar Malmqvist becomes first reserve. I hope that's it for a while.
  7. Didn't he ride against Jack Keen (sorry!!)
  8. Missing something is the story of my life!!!!!
  9. Any forumlanders (other than me and probably Norbold ) at this meeting. Poland won 69-39, total demolition. GB had only 6 out of 18 heat winners. The Poles were tremedous Woryna 17 points from 6 rides, Waloszek 15 from 6 rides.. the only competitive GB rider was Colin Pratt with 13 points from 6 rides (with 4 heat wins). Only other GB heat winners were Reg Luckhurst with one( 7 points from 6 rides) and Nigel Boocock with one (( 8 points from 6 rides.. Eric Boocock had a tough night (3 points from 5 rides) as did Mckinlay with 5 pts from 5 rides. . Don't even ask about Terry Betts, Trevor Hedge and Norman Hunter. That's when I first realised how good the Polish riders were- Woryna had finished 3rd in the 1966 WF. Pogorzelski (Pogo) and Wyglenda had great evenings too.. If only the Iron Curtain had come down in 1965 , maybe we would have had a few Polish World Champions!! Who knows.
  10. There was an article in a British paper about Watford Gap services being demolished. They mentioned it was a poular stopping point for musicians. I would add also for many Speedway Riders and fans. Anybody have happy memories of this place??
  11. I wouldn't have had a clue about this but I just knew we'd be able to rely on good ol' BL65
  12. I thought Angus Kix was one of Eric Linden's names?
  13. Sorry to hear Martin Ashby, looking frail, I hope he's ok. A class act. Where was the event held ? There was a Best Western (I think) within walking distance of the stadium , it used to be called The Blunsdon House years ago. Sorry the stadium is no more- it was the first ever ex NL track that I visited-in 1965 the first year of the British League. Anyone have any photos of this event, I wish I could have been there.
  14. Another bit of speedway history gone! R.I.P. mate.
  15. JIm Wells was after my time (what age was Jim when he passed), but I certainly recall Alf Wells , he was an Aussie or a Kiwi can't recall which. A solid guy was Alf, I think I heard that after he retired he got sick and had both legs amputated. Any update on Alf??
  16. Forget about the Q's , wot about riders whose last name starts with Z- I think we cn leave the X's alone..
  17. Great topic, I found this most interesting as I always do with Chunk's threads and Norbold's comments. Keep up the good work guys!!
  18. I had a different experience the other way. The two years I lived in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois ( long way from Calif.) were two great years (1968-70), made a bunch of friends some of whom I'm still in touch with. Wot's your experience Chunky-you must still like it after all this time.!! . California has gone right down particularly the now scary downtowns in LA and SF.Druggies , crime etc. California is now losing population to other states-weather is still nice though!! Is Costa Mesa still going though? Last time I was in California for more than a few days was to see the 1982 World Final.
  19. This really depresses me - I might as well go hang myself right now!!
  20. Some folks may already be aware that Ray Day of the PL (e.g. Bradford Panthers 1962) has passed at 87. Similarly Peter Morrish speedway author, statistician and Team Manger at Stoke in the early sixties has also passed recently at age 87
  21. Chunky , I know what you mean, I am type 2 but my son ,aged 42, has Type 1,(developed at age 30) so he has to inject insulin like your wife. It really knocked him back on his heels when he was diagnosed. As you know type 1 is a totally different disease from type 2 .Please give your wife our love and support and tell her she is not alone.. Fortunately there is lots of research going on. My doctor said the general medical view is that they will find a cure for Type 1 before Type 2. All we can do is hang in there and hope for the best. Since this is a speedway website I guess I should get back on topic-so does anyone know of other riders with diabetes ??
  22. Does anyone know how Barney and Dave Kennett are doing these days .I think they were both older than Gordon.
  23. Very sad, I was privileged to be able to attend the 78 World final and saw Gordon finish runner-up. A great rider and great guy. It's a young age to die at -70 is not old these days. I wonder whether his death was due to complications from diabetes. I recall he used to have to inject insulin during his riding career., but it sure didn't hold him back. R.I.P. Gordon
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