So the mystery is finally solved-he died awfully young-was it in fact suicide?? Thanx to all who did the detective work, I've wondered what happened for a long time-did Garry change his name a few times, as it seemed there was another name on the grave besides Middleton.
Hi all-re Aub lawson , what's amazing is that he was in a run off for World Final third place in both 1958 and 1959 when he was well in his forties-in fact he beat both Fundin and Briggs in a heat in 1959 when he would have been 44 and his opponents in their mid twenties. How about that!! BTW I guess the oldest World Champion has to be Greg Hancock at 41.
If I make it to Blunsdon will still get you a beer Sidney-btw anyone know the oldest rider to make a first time appearance-one vote for Henny Kroeze so far!!
Does anyone know who the oldest person to appear ina World Final was-could it be Jack Parker ? Secondly does anyone know the oldest age for a World Final first appearance.?If anyone knows this I will buy them a beer!!
Thanx Tigerowl-have added another thread on Bryan Elliott to see if anyone knows whether he is still with us(I hope so)- also am still not sure about Arthur Payne , altho in recent correspondence with Reg Fearman, Reg thinks Arthur is still around.
Is Bryan still with us-if so he would be one of the oldest sixteen World Finalists still alive. BTW Bryan was the first NL rider I saw in the BL of 1965-he was riding for Halifax at Newport. He won his first race and I can recall thinking"if all the old NL guys asare as good as him, the old PL guys stand no chance!" Halifax had a great team in the mid sixties.
I hate to regenerate this, but sadly with some recent passings,e.g. Ron How, Jim Gooch, Phil Clarke does anyone know how the list of sixteen oldest World Finalists now stacks up.
Think you missed one CHK-Nigel was also in 1956 World Final as reserve dnr.-he was very young-good as Eric was I'd have to vote for Nigel. Also Sidney don't forget Eric Boothroyd-he was no slouch around The Shay either!!Halifax were always entertaining at all tracks and deserved Champs. in 1966.
Enjoy the diprezes questions-brings back many names I remember e.g.Doug Dearden-btw does anyone know why he was in jail?? I am glad he is interested in compiling all this stuff. Also who the hell is Spartacus -is Kirk Douglas now posting on this space.!!
Great to see the scorers from the first ever Wasps meeting-guess Wallace and Hammond were replaced by Vic White and Ray Harris . Looked like a good nite for Alan Totney, plus I wonder where George Major was that night. That could well have been one of Alan Totney's best meetings. I well recall the big crowds at Somerton- I became a supporter of Newport County F.C. so I gould get in the clubhouse and have a pint of Whitbread Trophy. That place was packed out at the interval.
I think he may also have rode on the odd occasion for Newport in 1964-perhaps in the Southern League before the Provincial League season started. There is a picture of him with the Newport team on page 192 of the Peter Morrish book`British Speedway Leagues 1946-64`. Hope this helps
Thanx Chucky-I was indeed way off thanks for pointing it out and also the oldest World Finalist- also hope you have avoided the bad weather the mid west has been getting this year. Cheers