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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Sorry chunky- I had totally forgotten my previous post- I have indeed become gustix!! Glad you enjoyed it anyway Salty .
  2. First race I ever saw was in 1964- Newport v. Long Eaton. The four riders were Alby Golden, Jon Erskine, Ken Adams and John Mills. Wasps 5-1 and Alby broke the track record. Only one is still with us sad to say. Jon Erskine -who I guess is in his early eighties!! Any other forumlanders recall their first race.
  3. Sorry for the confusion guys re the wrong thread- I'm turning into gustix (RIP)!!
  4. Who was the next Speedway Dane after Morian Hansen- I'm thinking Ole Olsen- but there must have been others before him. Help!!
  5. I agree, I greatly enjoyed this article. Thanks Beirao.
  6. Have just heard from Reg Fearman, who heard from Bert Harkins that Eric has passed away- 94 years old. R.I.P. Eric-that means that all four riders in the first heat of the first ever meeting of the British League have now left us. I remember Eric well.
  7. What do you reckon the increase in speed at Wimbledon in 83 was due to-?
  8. Yup, I reckon so- Norwich had closed so NL were down to 6 tracks. PL was on the up so I think all 3 PL tracks would have opened up anyway. Interesting thread though and I'd be interested in other folks' thoughts.
  9. In his response Trackman used the word "Cobber" -do our Aussie mates still use that word or has it been retired (like me)!!
  10. I'd forgotten that fact about about Halifax. BTW, Tony Clarke rode in 9 BL meetings for WH in 65.
  11. I've been thinking of this for a while. which of those two tracks, both champions in the respective years, were the better. Firstly league results W.Ham in 1965 . Results M.34 W 23 D1 L 10. Halifax in 1966 M 36 W 27 D 0 L 9. Better record for Halifax Head to Head : 1965 Halifax 39-38 at Halifax. West Ham 45-33 at West Ham. 1966 Halifax beat West Ham both times by same score 41-37 each time . Better record for Halifax Riders CMA 1965 West Ham : McKinlay 10.72, Harrfeldt 10.36, Hunter 9.56, Simmons 6.16, Trott 4.6, Leonard 3.68, Ede 2.84 . These were the seven most frequent riders Total of CMA's 48.12 Riders CMA 1966 Halifax : Boocock 10.41, Boothroyd 9.35, Younghusband 9.02, Roper 7.42, Kingston 5.64, Jameson 5.27, Gavros 4.71. These were the seven most frequent riders. Total of CMA's 51.82 Clearly in 1965 the Hammers had the best Heat leaders by far, whereas in 1966 Halifax were by far the better balanced e.g in 66 Gavros' 4.71 lowest of the 7 would be ahead of the 3 lowest Hammers in 65 (Trott, Leonard, Ede) My conclusion, as a nerd , and who went to many meetings both years is that Halifax were more dominant in 66 , than West Ham were in 65, so I reckon that Halifax were a better team in the 66 BL than West Ham were in the 65 BL. Only reason I did all this was because West Ham ,justly , are often more praised for their championship winning season in 65, whereas Halifax's achievement doesn't seem to get the same recognition, which is a shame. Hope folks find this interesting- even the many hammers fans on the forum. Both tremendous teams though
  12. This is a most interesting thread- a subject I knew nothing about. Thanks everybody for doing the research particularly our Polish friend Puma from Poland which is now the real heart of speedway-at least that's how it seems to me.
  13. I'm trying to organise a speedway trip to the " Twisted Too " bar and grill in Roseville. Anybody interested, I bet the Mayor would organise a special welcome. If interested send money to my mate in Nigeria (he's a prince!!!)
  14. Sorry to hear about your son's experience I had a great time and made friends for life. I was there 1968-70, and at that time there weren't many Brits around. It was the time of The Beatles etc. and anyone with a British accent had it made (so to speak). No speedway though!!
  15. Thanks Chunks- I wonder if Roseville has a McDonalds!!!
  16. Great and most fascinating post Chunks-thanx for posting. I'll look up where Roseville, Illinois is having spent 2 years in Champaigm-Urbana!!
  17. And then, when I was at such a low ebb, I heard the dreadfu result!!!
  18. Thanks for reminding me BL65. As I recall it was October 8th (my birthday-don't bother to send me a card!!) when Wolves beat the Wasps 64-14. I was 19 in my first week at Nottingham U.- I got german measles and was in isolation. To add insult to injury it meant I couldn't go to any of the social functions like the Pre-Sess hop for freshers. This meant I probably missed out on a good chance to meet a potential girlfriend. This is the story of my life........................
  19. Coventry v CH, Boocock , Brown, Hockaday Cottrell. I think only Eric H. is still with us. Actually I reckon this set the tone for the season- the ex NL Tracks had the top heat leaders but the ex PL tracks had the more solid second strings. I reckon ,with some obvious exceptions,the exPL sides were more evenly balanced throughout the order- e.g. Sheffield comes to mind in that category. What say you forumlanders??
  20. My mistake and I am very glad Alf is still with us. Apolgies to everyone and especially Alf!!
  21. I don't think there's any speedway in NZ anymore- just a bunch of retired riders- Bob Andrews, Roy Trigg,. Tommy Sweetman, Dave Gifford etc. I think they meet up quite regularly.
  22. Does anyone ?? have any update on Terry. I remember him starting out in 1967 at Newport.He rode for quite a few years-did he return to his native NZ on retirement
  23. I remember Alf , but at Edinburgh in the PL. I know Alf has passed away I think at a relatively young age (i.e. anybody younger than me -77). Didn't he unfortunately lose two legs in later life-not sure if it was to some disease or as a track accident)
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