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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Hi Sid. Enjoyed your post. Re your comments on The Abbey-it was the first ex NL track I visited in "The Best Year" 1965. Went on a bus with other Newport supporters. Your post prompted me to dig out the programme-it was July17th 1965- Robins won-no surprise 48-30. Newport had only 2 heat winners- Jack Biggs in Heat 5 and Alby Golden in Heat 8-both were the reserve races.. Typical of many ex NL teams in the first BL year, Robins heat leaders were unbeatable but they had a long taikl--some of their lower order riders were almost just second halfers (although Robins did have Bob Kilby as a second string-he was just starting out. The Robins Heat Leaders were Briggs (scoring 11) Ashby and Broadbanks both scoring 12-Briggo's only dropped point was against Mike Broadbanks -so paid max. for Briggo. Also typical of that year the ex PL teams had more strength in middle order with Golden (8) Vandenberg(8) and Biggs(9). Another memory of that time is that after the meeting we went with other supporters of both teams to the bar-it was above the terracing I think and you reached it by outside stairs. Main point is practically all the riders were there, regular folks chatting to everyone-I remember having a good conversation with Alby Golden for example. All the fans of both teams were friendly to each other also-nice people. Days long gone indeed. One thing I'd forgotten was that Peter Sampson was riding for the Robins-he of course now runs the Paradise Wildlife Park with the Speedway Museum and is a great supporter of the WSRA. Good on Peter Subsequently I got to visit all of the surviving 1964 NL tracks (many in later years on vacation in UK)-Belle Vue, Oxford, West Ham, Wimbledon-now sadly all gone-what a damn shame. Anyway, hope this post brings back some memories for other 1965 fans
  2. Thanks for the stats Tigerowl and also WW's comments-the one time I saw him ride he looked like he had the right stuff to succeed. Life can be so unfair. Anybody know what Tony is doing now
  3. Anyone know what happened to Tony George: I recall seeing him ride for Exeter at Swindon in 1968-he was regarded as very promising-think he may have had bad injuries though and was never able to achieve his potential. Any thoughts?
  4. First that came to my mind was Martin Ashby-glad to see you gave Gordon Guasco a shout out Chunky- I agree , also Ron How, Dick Bradley, Trevor Hedge, George Hunter and Norman Hunter.
  5. I was thinking the same thing Steve-the tracks that I went to that are still around are Sheffield, Poole, Ipswich, Berwick and Swindon-all the others are long one sadly. Went to Ipswich and Berwick when I came back to UK on vacation over the years-so only three from the sixties left!! And I gather Swindon may be on the way out too.
  6. I got an 'orrible feeling that the dross you are talking about includes the homes of my 2 favourite teams-Somerton Park Newport and Station Road Long Eaton!!! Any other candidates you can think of??
  7. Not sure if this is a good topic for old time speedway-but how come the British League went down and the Polish League became dominant-attracting riders from all over -just like the British League used to do. When did it start??-was it something to do with the demise of the one off World Final?? How did they get the money to attract top riders and race league matches in such super stadiums?? Its like the Polish League is the same as the British League was in 1965 or the NL in the immediate post war years. There were always good Polish riders Woryna, Wyglenda, Jancarz, Pogo etc-but I never thought they would achieve this dominance. How did it happen??
  8. Hi folks, does anyone have background on the Le Breton-Rigg fatal crash. Weren't there some whispers going around that Rigg wanted to teach Ken Le Breton a lesson after some earlier conflicts between the two-have you found anything on that in your research Sid??
  9. I was interested to see these Tamworth second half results from way back in1947- wow 73 years ago. I was particularly interested to see Arthur Payne-our now oldest surviving World Finalist was one of the competitors-amazing. Also Alan Hunt just starting out. Does anyone know if the old Tamworth Stadium is still there-or if not what replaced it. I remember the old second halves as part of a night's speedway racing-long gone I guess.
  10. Thanks again Tigerowl-I think your list is now the definitive one-hopefully it will stay this way for a long time. Amazing how many World Finalists in their nineties are still around. they must be tough old birds!!. Incidentally Reg received a note from Marion Cresp-Ray's wife. Despite having some heart surgery a few years ago-he's fine, living in Melbourne and enjoying pottering around in his garden under the beautiful Aussie sunshine!!
  11. Why is everybody getting so uptight?-lets go back to talking about the CH pork sarnies (sorry!!!!)
  12. You are right Sid and Falcace, I think its disgusting how people on this most interesting thread are focusing on Cradley's pork sarnies I for one am searching out food websites for posh recipes and restaurants and also Jamie Olivers site (who wants to eat those friggin' veggies as per his School Dinners show)Thus I will never mention the CH pork sarnies on this thread ever again!!. They weren't half good though!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I can confirm that pork sarnies not available at CH in the 60's. However as stated they were in the 80's. I came back to UK on vacation in 1989 and made a point of going to CH-always my favorite track to visit CH-great and friendly supporters always-wonderful place.. I was thus able to purchase one of these great delicacies, so I can confirm that Norbold -you missed the treat of a lifetime. Greetings to all CH forumlanders and thanx for the memories!!
  14. Most interesting responses guys-some truly amazing stats there. Thanks.
  15. Thanks Steve , my memory hasn't totally faded then
  16. Hi El Addio not too sure about that. From memory the other guys who left PL for NL when the former turned black were Stan Stevens, Trevor Hedge maybe Bob Dugard. Have to say Norman Hunter was the only "star" who switched , I think Simmo was maybe a middle order guy. The other "stars " stuck with the PL. Interested that Hackney lost 3 riders to the NL Not sure what averages Norman Hunter, Malcolm Simmons and Trevor Hedge had in the 1964 NL maybe you know Norbold?? Not sure whether George Hunter, Eric Boocock and Charlie Monk would have made the jump if the leagues remained separate with the same balance of tracks- they were making better money in the Prov. league than they would in the NL with more tracks, plus George H. and Eric B. being able to ride relatively close to home. Interesting question whether Mauger would have moved to NL-he didn't in 1964 and he was a guy who had a good sense of his own value I reckon more guys would have made the jump the other way- Bob Andrews, Ronnie Genz etc. I agree that 1965 was the start of a golden era of British speedway, a wonderful year
  17. Cheers Norman, not too shabby performance by guys who many NL fans thought would find it tough to hack in the big league- I think Pete Jarman was pretty good that year and he must have been close to 9 as well.
  18. No question has to be 1965, getting to see all the Nat. League Teams and riders we'd read about coming to Somerton Park. Also seeing how the Prov. League stars did up against the "big boys"- not too badly-thinking of Charlie Monk, Eric Boocock, George Hunter etc. It was a wonderful year and I will never forget it. BTW Of the old Prov League tracks the highest placed finisher in the 1965 BL was Newport-won every meeting at home , plus two away and the never to be forgotten 2 point only loss to the Dons at Wimbledon. Jack Biggs unforgettable season as a Newport heat leader-surprised everybody.
  19. Re the update and inclusion of Ray Cresp-who is still in good shape and in touch with Reg Fearman- I must admit I didn't notice his omission so thanks Steve-it also means I have seen 9 of the World Finalists not 8!!
  20. More interesting comments-guess many of us have read the Eric Boocock biography-I think that contained comments that showed his strengths and weaknesses-just a job to Eric. Great rider bur in my view couldn't compare to brother Nigel
  21. Great thread and great comments everybody-have enjoyed reading them- for me, with the riders mentioned I have to go with NIgel Boocock as #1 by a mile-after much thought would place Ray Wilson #2 and Simmons #3. Was interested to see Norbolds mention of Norman Hunter at #14. Am interested also in the fact that both Hunter and Simmons of the Prov. League in 1963 opted to go up to NL in 1964 when the Prov. League was black-others like Colin Pratt did not. Do you think they may the right decision or would it have been better to be superstars in the Prov. League of 1964 (like say Charlie Monk or George Hunter)?? I know a couple of NL riders who thought they themselves should have gone the other way e.g. Ronnie Genz and Bob Andrews-would be interested in your thoughts.
  22. Hold it right there Midland Red- I've seen 8 also- Bradley, Taylor, Boothroyd, Bales, Nygren, Geran, Fundin, Lightfoot. I'm sure other forumlanders may have seen even more ride. One thing I'd be interested in is whether anyone in forumland got to see Arthur Payne-the elder statesmen of this illustrious group. Also any advamce on 8-Norbold or gustix maybe?
  23. Thank you very much for the updated list Tigerowl -looks good to me. I think I must be getting old (say it ain't so Joe!!)as I can remember seeing 3 of the top 4 ride-including the great Dick Bradley in his last ever meeting. Hope the list doesn't change too much for a while
  24. Sorry mate you're right-so it was 1965 when you spilt your tea on my bag of crisps!! BTW what happened to the little twist bag of salt that was in in every Bag??
  25. Charlie passed away recently -born in 1932. One of the last of the old Leicester Hunters team of the fifties. Charlie's last season for them was 1961-the year they finally dropped out of the NL. A great servant of the Hunters over many years. R.I.P. Charlie
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