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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Thanks BL-particularly re Eric Boothroyd for Long Eaton in 1964. When I checked my programs I realise I even saw him ride for L.E. at Newport- top scored as well. I had also forgotten re Len Silver-I think though for the majority of the season the third heat leader was Les McGillivray. Good points re L.E. -I got that totally wrong- I recall Norman Storer was their qualifier to the PLRC at Belle Vue-wished I'd been at that meeting -sounded like a corker when I read about it in the Star Did anyone in forumland get to go to that meeting-the last ever PLRC???? .
  2. Just figured out Swindon doesn't work- Brian Brett not Martin Ashby was the third heat leader in 1964. But i forgot that Wimbledon had Nordin in 1964 and along with Harrfeldt and good old Bob Andrews -they are still here and also for West Ham- Knutsson, Bengt Jansson and Reggie Luckhurst still with us.
  3. I was thinking of the last season of the great old Provincial League(1964) and I wondered if any of the tracks had all 3 Heat Leaders of that year still with us. I immediately figured that Middlesbrough Bears (late and lamented-it was their last season) did-glad to say Eric Boocock, Dave Younghusband and Eric Boothroyd are all still with us. . I know Hackney have two (Roy Trigg and Colin Pratt) and Newport have one (Dick Bradley). Can't think of any that have all three though. Can anyone help? Also I don't think any of the NL tracks have three still with us-perhaps Swindon- Briggo, Broadbanks and Ashby. Hope this brings back some memories for people- 1964 of course was the last year before the big amalgamation.

    Oxford 63-73

    Holy cow that means Peter Cravens' track record lasted for 10 years-never beaten on the 354 yard track-that in itself sounds like a record!!!

    Exeter 1965

    Googs!!-there was Goog Hoskin and then Goog Allan-anybody know where Goog came from-was it an Aussie nickname-never heard of it outside Speedway (or was there an Aussie Prime Minister called Goog Whitlam OK OK just kidding - I know it was Gough Whitlam but some people thought he was a bit of a Goog)!! seriously anyone know of the origin of Goog??

    Exeter 1965

    BL65-your knowledge of the greatest year (and other years too) is amazing-I always learn something new from you. BTW is Goog Allan still alive-saw him ride quite a few times?

    Exeter 1965

    Was interested to see Goog Allan on that list in 1965-he was usually a second string , would have been riding for Newcastle then and I guess was having an unusually successful night(-no disrespect to Goog intended).

    Swindon 1958

    Thanx BL65, always a pleasure to read your posts and appreciate your answer to my question.

    Swindon 1958

    This is more of a general question about the Swindon team in 1958. Having against all odds won the League in 1957 what were the reasons they failed to win again in 1958?
  10. Sad to hear this, I recall Ernie riding for Hackney at Newport in 1965-66- heavy rain. Some guys just packed it in or didn't try too hard-but Ernie kept giving it his all through the entire meeting. I would guess Ernie's age was somewhere in the eighyies-anyone know?
  11. Most interesting thread, I always enjoy hearing the details of the journeymen riders careers of the past. Thanks all
  12. That's the least of my problems mate! We are still in lockdown here!!
  13. R.I.P Pat-I recall him riding for Exeter in the early sixties. As others have said, riders like Pat were (are) the backbone of the sport.
  14. I like everybody who posts on here.(But then I am heavily medicated!!!!)
  15. Apparently Olle had throat cancer which was in remission, but he finally passed due to COVID-apparently Peter Oakes will be doing a piece on Olle in the Speedway Star which will also mention this.
  16. Hi all, Reg was in touch with Bengt Jansson, apparently Ulf Ericsson died in the mid seventies in an air crash so he can sadly be removed from the list. Still no word on Olle Andersson yet though.
  17. Thanks Tigerowl, will see if I can find the birthdatesof the two Swedes you listed by year only.
  18. Extremely sad to hear this , not sure who now moves into the oldest World Finalist list
  19. Terry Stone still with us-has done a lot for speedway and has kept in touch with many former riders. I recall him coming to Canada and going out of his way to meet Mike Tams, then close to the end of his life. Good on you Terry - a valued member of the speedway family.
  20. Also wasn't Pete Bailey killed in a car crash many years ago?
  21. Well mate, I know that NIgel Boocock and Garry Middleton have passed in addition to Simmo-not sure about the others. Can someone in Forumland help re this ???
  22. Do you mean Bristol v. Birmingham in the early fifties. I was long gone in the seventies so not sure they met then.
  23. Sorry guys my mistake re Mullarkey and Naylor
  24. Are you sure Kelvin Mullarkey has passed away-I thought he was still living with Len Silver's ex Hazel, near where Len lives and all three were still the best of friends.??
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