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Everything posted by BOBBATH

  1. Yes I've enjoyed looking at the maps too- damn shame re New Cross!!
  2. Hi Norman, yes it was 1964, I know that Billy was in the WF in 1955 and the Speedway Star 1964 BF preview indeed said that its been a long time since "young" Billy got this far-the journalist went on to predict that no he didn't think Bill could make it after all this time and he was right-Billy didn't qualify. As you remember I'm sure, the big upset of the 1964 British Final was the non qualification of Brian Brett. As I recall though the Star's prediction was pretty accurate except for saying Brian was a possible winner and a definite qualifier-I think they also thought that Cyril Maidment was unlikely to make it -though he did qualify. Some great names in that 1964 British Final- I'll have to get my old copy of the Star and take a trip down memory lane.
  3. Just wish I could have been there Norman, how was Billy Bales doing-hope his health is ok. I recall in the Speedway Star preview of the British Final in 1964-it said that young Billy could have a hard time qualifying for the World Final that year. I recall talking to Billy - a really nice guy..
  4. Hi John Hyam, glad you have resumed posting and hope you are doing well- you are part of speedway history yourself. Keep healthy mate.
  5. It's tough to talk about Martin Ashby without remembering Swindon, I first saw the Robins ride at Newport in 1965. At that time both Bob Kilby and Mike Keen were second strings-Bob Kilby had been earmarked as the one with greater potential (which of course turned out to be correct) but that particular meeting Mike Keen came through, finishing ahead of Peter Vandenberg twice. Bob had a tough evening scoring zero from two completed rides and being replace by Mike in his third. Does anyone know if Mike is still around-a local lad who lived in Minety.. It was atypical NL-PL meeting- Newport won 41-37 but Swindon were without Martin Ashby. Their heat leaders were unbeatable Briggo scored 15 from 5 rides while Broadbank(s) 11 from 4 rides-only point dropped to Dick Bradley in his first ride.. Interestingly Pete Sampson manager of Paradise Wildlife Park, WSRA and Speedway Museum rode for Swindon and scored a creditable 4 points. This was the first time I ever saw Briggo ride.
  6. I'm thinking of the mid sixties here and I remember Martin Ashby as a super nice fellow and a somewhat modest individual. A great Swindon heatleader along with Briggs and Broadbanks
  7. I am sure many forumlanders have seen this. I just have. Both Bruce and Erik come across as great guys and very personable and articulate.. The last World Final I saw was the Los Angeles one in 1982 (flew down from Calgary)-for what its worth I think Carter's exclusion was correct. I have been so impressed by Erik's determination in overcoming his devastating injuries. Kudos to his wife Helle also. Bruce I think is a true gent-the way he looked out for Kelly Moran when he was very ill speaks volumes. Maybe he made a mistake when leaving speedway for his movie career-if he'd stayed in speedway I reckon he would have been good for a couple more World Championships-however to each his own . I enjoyed Eriks' sense of humour -my question is -do you reckon if Erik's career hadn't been cut short -how do you think he would have stacked up relative to Hans Nielsen. Hans to me was the ultimate professional, Erik more human and mercurial. As Bruce kindly pointed out to him , in the 1981 World Final he (Erik) broke the track record at Wembley in I think his first ride. I was also interested to see Dennis Sigalos drop in on the interview- he finished third I think in 1982, Les Collins of course rode great races to finish runner up. I feel Dennis was also a potential World Champion- glad that all these Americans are still in touch with each other. Couple of other points- thank you Lee Ashby for posting these great interviews-any thoughts of doing one on your uncle Martin Ashby-another gentleman of the tracks. The interview also reminded me what a great loss Cradley Heath was to the speedway world- I could murder one of those pork sandwiches now. CH was my all time favourite away track
  8. Johnny Faafeng died in 1986-again from wikipedia-I think he was in a car crash
  9. Sadly Dick Fisher passed away in December 1986 at age 53 (Source wikipedia). Such a young age -it was cancer-stomach I believe. As regards Cyril Francis -a local Newport boy-he has also passed- it was sometime after 2017.That year I had met up with Ian Terrar at a pub in Cardiff-(first time I'd seen him in 50 years). He would look in on Cyril who still lived in Newport, but Cyril by then was suffering from a bit of dementia. thanks for bringing Cyril's name up fastgater and yes , he was a regular at Newport Speedway until he got too ill to attend.
  10. Good to see Henry Harrfeldt at 78 with his car-there's hope for us all. What did Henry do after leaving speedway-looks like he made a few bucks-good on him.
  11. Did Fred, Eric and Ian Williams all ride for the same team at the same time- I think Fred and Eric did for Wembley but I always associate Ian with Swindon. Never got to see anyof them ride unfortunately. How about this all 3 brothers made the World Final at various times-the only brothers I can think of to duplicate this are the Collins'-. Reckon that's about it.
  12. I had totally forgotten about Bengt Jansson in the last year of the old NL in 1964. How did he do with the Hammers that year?
  13. Why ever did Bjorn retire so early? He became World Champ at the first WF I ever attended.
  14. Thanks Chunky-getting back to PLRC-it's amazing to me that Ivor Brown never won it!
  15. Sorry for the confusion, my mistake-of course you are right Chunky and Norbold- I have my program and filled it out correctly so put it down to my over enthusiasm for Colin's performance. My other memories of Colin , and there are many, go back to the 1964 Prov. League when Hackney looked set to win the title- 3 excellent heat leaders in Colin, Roy Trigg and Les McGillivray- until they got overtaken by Newcastle Other than Roy are any members of the 64 Hackney squad still with us- I know that John Poyser has passed also Les' brother Sandy. That year Roy Trigg finished third in the PLRC after a run off with Pete Kelly. Does anyone know if Colin ever qualified for the PLRC Final??
  16. Here is my best memory of Colin. 18th July 1967 at West Ham- GB vs. Poland. Poland won 69-37- GB got demolished-however Colin scored 13 points from 6 rides-won 5 of them-next highest scorer was Nigel Boocock with 8.. Colin beat all the top Poles e.g. Woryna, Wyglenda , Waloszek etc. Any forumlanders there that night- I think Norbold was-he might have been the geezer blocking my view !! Great days and great meetings.
  17. Sad to hear today of Colin's passing after a long illness at age 82.
  18. I don't know why when I tried to start a thread on Brian Brett it posted my last thread- I know I am a techno peasant but this is ridiculous
  19. Coventry-always attractive visitors everywhere particularly Somerton Park. I recall the Heat Leaders being Nigel B., Ron Mountford, Rick France, Jim Lightfoot-I also think this was before Les Owens' tragic injury. First four names were all World Finalists at one time or another. Can't believe the track is gone. Col Cottrell always a good second string. I know that Nigel, Les and Ron have passed-any news on those other greats-I think both Rick and Jim must be getting up there (aren't we all!!)
  20. Coventry-always attractive visitors everywhere particularly Somerton Park. I recall the Heat Leaders being Nigel B., Ron Mountford, Rick France, Jim Lightfoot-I also think this was before Les Owens' tragic injury. First four names were all World Finalists at one time or another. Can't believe the track is gone. Col Cottrell always a good second string. I know that Nigel, Les and Ron have passed-any news on those other greats-I think both Rick and Jim must be getting up there (aren't we all!!)
  21. I know -age is a terrible thing-as The Who sang "Hope I die before I get old"- fortunately I am only 75!!
  22. If you go to youtube and enter Ken Mckinlay speedway rider you will see a 3.30 minute video interview with Wally Loak(is Wally still with us?) Apparently it was the last interview Ken gave before he passed away-worth a watch. He reflects on beating Fundin 2-0 in the Golden helmet at Leicester and recalls his 1958 World Final appearance when he was in a 3 man run off for third place on 11 points against Craven and Lawson, sadly he fell. However I think his best ever performance was in 1956-when he beat some of the really top riders - Ronnie Moore, Barry Briggs and Peter Craven. After 4 rides he was joint top with 10-but sadly fell while riding in his final race . It was arguably his easiest race against Peo Soderman, Peter Moore and Alan Hunt. If he had won that-he would have tied with Ove Fundin on 13 and would have finished either as Champion or runner -up (probably the latter as Ove had beaten him in the meeting) . The other rider to beat Ken in completed races was the great Arthur Forrest-who had his best ever World Final after winning a third place runoff against Peter Craven. Ken at that time was a second division rider and this performance showed his class. 1956 sounded like a good World Final. Were any forumlanders there on that Saturday night-I'm not hopeful -after all it was 65 years ago!!!!!!!. That's like asking someone in 1956 if they attended the 1891 Cup Final...
  23. Thanks FD- I got three of them right-I remember both the names of Fred Hodder and Chris Harrison also. I didn't know Ron Bagley turned out for them or Pete Gay- I wish you had been there to see 'em in 1965 when the two leagues combined to form the BL- so many different riders and tracks for us to see. If they ever invent Time Travel you oughta go back to 65 and take in some of the meetings!!!!
  24. Sorry False Dawn-my only excuse is that I live in Canada and have not quite kept up to date. I greatly hope it gets re-opened. I see I only had six names for the 7 man team-trying to recall who I missed-I think it might be Col Smith, Roger Hill or Howie Booton(?)-or did Howie ride elsewhere.? Great memories of Brandon although my last visit there was 1967 (MRC Final).
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