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  1. I can think of 2 possibles- Sverre Harrfeldt and Dag Lovaas. Any others. I of course recall Sverre very well- could have been World Champ without his dreadful injury
  2. Thanx for posting this mate- Ivor Davies another part of speedway history. I certainly recall him riding for CH. You mentioned both Arthur Payne and Dan Forsberg- both members of the oldest surviving World Finalists list. Are they both still with us - Arthur is 103 for goodness sake - God bless 'em both
  3. When Newport opened in 1964, there were rumours that Ian might be persuaded to return from retirement, to ride for this new Welsh track. Sadly nothing transpired and I never got to see him ride. R.I.P Ian
  4. Enjoyed your post Norman,a regret I have is that I never got to The Firs or saw the Stars ride . I started going to Speedway in 1964 with Newport in the Prov League. It would have been great if Norwich had still been running in the first year of the BL(albeit Ove wouldn't have been allowed to ride due to the restriction on foreigners). I also never got to see the famous Norwich race jackets in action!. I guess the start of KIng's Lynn and their league entry in 1966 was in a way partly a continuation of the "Stars" I was just thinking I would guess that KL has now been running longer than Norwich did- did you and other Norwich fans transfer your support there and visit the KL track whenever you could?
  5. Hi everybody, particularly Chunky, Can you update the list as of October 2024- last one I saw had Ian Williams crossing over to the great track in the sky
  6. I think they were generally referred to as Neath Dragons
  7. So now Ian Williams # 3 has passed (RIP). Hard to believe Ove is now third- I think John Louis and Wyglenda have passed- so that makes JIm Airey in the sixteen, Banger Jansson also
  8. Thanx for the link Norman. I am on only this forum as my period of interest is really the sixties-is it my imagination or are people posting on years gone by less frequently?
  9. Another legend gone- Leapin' Len. What a showman!!. Apparently he passed away in his sleep- a good way to go!! Any memories from other forumlanders. I never got to see him ride, unfortunately, but I certainly remember him as the Hackney promoter.
  10. Me too, great stuff. Is Bill Landels still alive??
  11. How did the Final end up, was it Mauger, Kitchen, Gilbertson?
  12. You are right fromafar. I think the actual Final Race was Mauger, Kitchen, Hunter, Gilbertson with Mauger winning. Great days.
  13. I think Jimmy Squibb threatened that he and some others said they would walk out of the meeting if the run off did not take place.
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