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  • Birthday 10/08/1946

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  1. Me too, great stuff. Is Bill Landels still alive??
  2. How did the Final end up, was it Mauger, Kitchen, Gilbertson?
  3. You are right fromafar. I think the actual Final Race was Mauger, Kitchen, Hunter, Gilbertson with Mauger winning. Great days.
  4. I think Jimmy Squibb threatened that he and some others said they would walk out of the meeting if the run off did not take place.
  5. Yes I most certainly do, he was good but not as good as the ones who came after. Was the second one over Scott Autrey?-he was a great rider, third in the one off World Championship. I thought once that he might go on to be World Champ.
  6. I recall going to Doncaster in 1970. I am gonna have to stop reading this thread it's making me feel too depressed!!!!
  7. BTW, who was Frank Drake who used to report on the Exeter meetings.I never realised that this was a joke based on Sir Francis Drake- don't tell me that was Eric Linden also
  8. I used to like the old Star in the sixties before it all flashy.
  9. Wot about Cleveland Park, home of the Bears and Long Eaton Stadium-let alone Somerton Park home of the Wasps. Don't get me started on the long lost Hackney Stadium. Is Pennycross in Plymouth still a possibility for speedway
  10. This is so depressing to read-such speedway history lost forever!
  11. Sheesh, how old was he? I am sure he's quite a bit younger than I am, Was he ill for a longf time?
  12. Housing on Cradley I think, West Ham housing too.
  13. What about his cousin Yogi
  14. For Newport, Gote Nordin in 1966 and Torbjorn Harrysson in 67. No others in my time -up to thend of 68
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