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Everything posted by Ross

  1. Does anybody know the date that they give the line up for next seasons gp's?
  2. Does anybody have any pictures of this meeting.
  3. I was just saying what ole said on the clip that he owed so much to england, This was true in terms of his riding days and you can't knock him for the way the GP series has developed and we all love going to Cardiff but in terms of domestic speedway the gp`s have hit us hard. In no way is this though all down to Ole, the way the sport is run over here is at times mindblowing. He wants the GP competition to be as good as it can be just the way he did himself to become the rider he was.
  4. Did he not suggest shutting down British Speedway for a season or to a while back
  5. I know 26 years is along time but the bit at 6.38 into the clip about how he owes so much to England !! The gp`s have shafted England big time.
  6. Hi, Does anybody know where i can get the Bees 87 & 88 season review on dvd/video? Thanks in advance Ross
  7. Whats more shocking is that it is nearly 26 years since this meeting. I feel old now
  8. In all honesty i think its the best thing that could happen for Scott, The gp's are just a financial drain from what they say unless you are in the top few. You can count on 1 hand the top guys for the next few seasons. Emil has showed that age isnt a problem and it may bring Tai on a bit. The problem i have with the gp's is that you know its going to be Crump and Pedersen and maybe 1 or 2 will get close to them, after that its just a competition to try and finish in the top 8 so you can try again the following season ....to get in the top 8 There are far to many average riders and the wild cards are stupid (apart from Scotty fopr cardiff next season). So i say Harris and Tai for 2010
  9. “I'm disappointed about not being picked, but more importantly I think it is pretty bad management that I haven't even had the decency of a call from Rob,” Nicholls said. “When I originally met Rob, I said I wanted to race for my country, but he phoned me and said I was having a tough time right now and perhaps it was best I didn't. “OK, so he was giving the youngsters the chance, that's fine by me. But I never said I didn't want to be part of the team that rode in the Race-Off. “So imagine my surprise when I don't even get a call from him, not a word. He hasn't spoken to me since the phone call to say I wouldn't be in the original five that started at Peterborough. http://www.british-speedway.co.uk/news.php?extend.2576.13 http://www.british-speedway.co.uk/gbsquad.html As part of the squad, being told that not being in the side for the Peterborough meeting, does Scott prepare for the race-off meeting or not then? A lack of communication has played a big part in this problem. I can see why Scott has reason to be annoyed, he is named captain of the squad in March, then not only to be considered for the starting line up for the 1st meeting isnt a big enough kick in the teeth but then not a word about the race-off when Lee Richardson was very aware that he was going to be in the line up for the Thursday meeting, otherwise i am not so sure we would have seen him in the pits that night , but then again i could be wrong. Is seems it was made clear scott wasnt needed around by the sounds of it for the peterborough meeting, He isnt going to invite himself really after show of faith and support like that. Following on Chris Harris`s comments in the star this week seem to sum up the mood, you can see why he has said it as he wants to remain captain now(well, the 2 or 3 meetings a season). " if we can keep this team together and the boys keep getting more experience, we could have a bright future. People have there own views on Scott but as a Speedway rider he is one of the best we have, this season has been poor but it will be intresting to see where he finishes up compared to the other british riders. Next season what happens if Scott has a storming start, it can't be as poor as this season. What does Rob Lyon do then?, Scott Nicholls Isn't finished by a long shot, the next generation of riders are few seasons away from being anywhere near to Scotts level.
  10. I think you should get a warning paulco You missed Scott Nicholls, Pearson & Tatum just shout, out of it You are right though, the once mighty BSF is no more. Be even worse now the schools are on the summer holidays.
  11. Thank the internet for youtube is all i can say!! I didnt watch it untill 10pm then once i got to where it cut off and i finished swearing at the telly i went to bed. I am not saying it is 100% sky`s fault but i`m sure with the technology they have in hand they can fix this problem. What if i had been on holiday and not been able to see a later viewing. Then again i would have just got a rained off meeting. I'll get my coat.
  12. As i didnt have time to watch the final live i recorded it on my sky+ box, sat down last night to watch it. It was all going great untill the delay because of the rain, my sky player stopped with 5 heats to go with the nice message "end of program".......Great stuff sky, thanks a bunch.
  13. As previously stated that nobody knows who`s choice this was for Scott to be not involved. Unless Rob or Scott comes out and says what went on its pure speculation. I am sure Scott would have scored the points that were needed for us to qualify but we will never know.This working for the future thing doesnt sit to well with me. Work with what you have today, the young riders will progress no matter what if they are good enough, its not like they ride with poor riders every week.I personally don't think there is a problem with Scott & Bomber, they rode together at Coventry not so many days ago and i doubt he would have been drafted into the Bees team if it was thought it would cause a problem. Mr Sandhu and co made it work so another clash in personality is very doubtful. How many Team GB meetings a season do we have?
  14. Untill anything official comes from either Team GB or Scott Nicholls then anything that is said i take as pure speculation/rumour. If Scott was in the team for tonight and we failed to qualify, Imagine who`s direction the blame would have gone. He is best well out of the way in my opinion so he cant have yet more rubbish said about him.
  15. "the track was totally different to practice" The phrase we hear enough of in the GP`s.
  16. I do hope we do ok on Thursday, being realistic a few race wins would be good. I fear what a thrashing will do for the young brits or is this what is meant by getting them ready for the future
  17. Very well put Phil, The poles and Australians and Danny King made the meeting.
  18. Would Lee have been there if he wasnt in the team for Thursday??????? He let slip he`s in the team for Poland, thats the reason he was with the team last night. Simple really
  19. He has always been really good with the fans at Coventry, People at the top are there to be shot down and scott is having a tough time. I havn`t much time for much of the crap said on here so i doubt he would. If Scott had have been in that team instead of Eddie or Tai then would we be talking in same way about the team that managed to beat Slovenia .??
  20. Amazing how many people know what Scott should be and shouldn`t be doing. It would have been wrong what ever he decided to do, this is Scott Nicholls we are talking about.90% of posts on here are are to put the man down but how many have 100% correct information. This will blow over and then somebody else will be in spotlight for the forum bashing. If i was him i would be asking myself why this season has turned out like it has and its not all about how he didnt start the season here, his bikes look slow.
  21. Fantastic meeting, Thats how a speedway track should be prepared. I think team GB did really well, and i am slagging there efforts as they all tried so hard last night but it made me realise it really was men against boys. How far behind Poland,Australia, Denmark are we? A few comments have been made on here about Scott not being there last night. What would have been the point? Chris Harris had been made Captain, there was enough people with experience like Mark Loram etc about. It wouldn`t have been fair to Chris Harris either in a way as if this is the way foward then bomber will want to do things his way. You look at Jason Crump, Leigh Adams, Greg Hancock they are no spring chickens are they. Scott is 31 and has many seasons left in him but what way back now. in the team ? captain? I have mixed feelings about Scott being left out of the team, on a personal level a bad world cup may not have helped him and he would have been to blame i am sure for us not doing enough but on the other hand its kick somebody while they are down, not to be even in the team and him being in the team or not isn't going to change anything, we are years beind some other nations and this is no quick fix by any means. It makes me laugh when interviewed riders (and footballers)always go on about what a great team spirit they have and things have never been better......say anything they want us to hear.
  22. There are ways to discuss anything my dear friend, the way its done is another matter.
  23. I havn`t time to read all 11 pages so sorry if this has already been mentioned. This situation kind of reminds me of the England football team, New manager starting and making headlines with the changes made?? I hope this works out better for Rob than it did for Steve....I can see the reason for Scott not being in the team, whats a bad world cup going to do to him?
  24. Have they put the under 15`s forum into this post? A complete joke of a discussion going on ,....grow up!!!
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