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Everything posted by BigFatDave

  1. Fun & Games at Northline! Tricky running Sidecars on Slush! You'd recall the night Phil McKay broke his leg and went out for the season? Racing Accident wasn't it? How's Darren Treloar, how good is he? Still running me 71 HQ Ute - they don't make 'em like that any more! Still having fun with me Sleep Apnoea, Rod, Doctors reckon I've got a really weird strain of it so I'm a Guinea Piglet! They're finding out more about it as we go along. Makes it tricky getting work as I'm out the Hospital a coupla times a week - but I'm getting Mighty Bored. Been offered a job running a Ship's Chandlers which could be a Laff - Yachties!! Not to mention the odd Nubile Deckhand or two! See ya in the Soup!
  2. You know me mate, try anything once ( or twice,or three times etc etc)' You might remember the name here being an old degenerate - ooops - sidecar man yourself!: _DRIVER CHEATS DEATH AGAIN_ A Territory Quadriplegic has defied the odds again - surviving after his Modified Supercharged SS Ute slammed into the safety barrier at 90kmh. This happened during a Supercheap Autos PowerCruise racing event in Darwin on the weekend. Phil Kerr broke both Kneecaps, his left leg and his thumb but the courageous racer got out of the ute as if nothing had happened. He was taken to Royal Darwin Hospital where doctors discovered the extent of his injuries. "It all happened so fast - the Ute lost traction and we went sideways straight into the fence. My foot was caught on the Pedals and my hand hit the Hand controls so hard it knocked the Roman Numerals off me watch" " it gave me a bit of a fright but I got out of the car and into me wheelchair and felt fine. After a while I started to have a funny sensation and because I can't feel pain I knew there was something wrong" Darwin's reigning Sidecar Champion he became a quadriplegic in a Sidecar Accident a the opening night of Northline Speedway about 25 years ago. He clipped another outfit (ridden by Lyndon Schlein, Rory's Dad) and fell then was run over by another outfit, breaking his neck. He survived two weeks in Intensive Care winning the fight for life but losing all movement in his limbs, and contracting Hep.C through a blood transfusion while there. He's never given up though and with his wife and former Swinger Janice runs the Phil Kerr Service Centre in Central Darwin (and his ute pulls mid 12's for the quarter mile) http://www.vet.nt.gov.au/media/print/emplo...at-us-now-1.pdf is a good photo of Jan & him, he's a top bloke. Sent this off to Speedway Racing News, hopefully they'll do something and give Phil a lift, he's a top bloke. Enjoyed the Chequered Flag show on the Gillman Round last night, only trouble was they kept going past the Crowd too quick before I could say "There's Us!" Take care Rod, Regards, BFD.
  3. Thanks for that spider, we had an Alcoholics Unanimous meeting at our place over the weekend, Darwin in the middle of its worst ganga drought ever, lotsa drunken fishermen around for the kick-off of the Banana prawn season, big Highlight was collapsing in a heap during the Cricket! Were you at the Murray Bridge meeting?
  4. G'day Prof! What are you going to the Land of the Long White Shroud for? Its cold & wet and Fulla Kiwis! Mind you, Oz is Fulla Kiwis too, but at least its warmer! Of course its 30 years since I was there but with Global Warming you never know! Don't want to disillusion you but Solo Speedway is not that big in Oz, M8, goes for about 4 months a year in a few far-flung Venues, most Speedway tracks are set up for Sprintcars & Late Models i.e. Clay. The Ozchamps is a real shot in the arm for Bikers & Fans with a 5 match series over about a fortnight; this allows time for travel etc between centres, Adelaide - Sydney is a good day's drive, 20 hour minimum. Anyhow, enjoy your trip to Kiwiland and book your holiday to fit the Ozchamps in! Just practise saying "Fush 'n Chups".
  5. I'd watch out for them Slovenians if I were you: every time I met them they tried to get me DRUNK!! PS They actually succeeded a couple of times!
  6. I managed to con one of the local Bar owners to put the Bledisloe Cup on on his Big screen then had to sit there and drink P**s and watch the Kiwis flog Oz!
  7. Thanks for those snaps, Steve, BH resplendant in Kilt just as I remember him! Looks like at least one Forum member had a Full Night! How's your collective heads? PS Which one is The Bird? All the ladies looked Demmed Attractive, doncha know!
  8. So THAT"S where I met you! I've been wracking my single remaining Braincell four ...oooh...must have been at least a minute! Nice drop on tap at the Hotel; were you up in the hills or downtown with Clare?
  9. Jimbo is nothing if not Telepathic, sjl. Your wish is his command. Anyone would have thought he'd booked every spare room in Cardiff six months ago? Onya Jimbo!
  10. Brings back memories all right, Glasgow Tigers coming down to Somerton Park. (Incidentally Charlie's Christian name was Warren). If it wasn't Jimmy Mac, Charlie was always the one to beat - just ask Barry Briggs, Ivan Mauger, Ove Fundin, Jim Airey, Nigel Boocock - the list goes on.
  11. Looking forward to your arrival, mate, I have warned half the population so you should be safe from Loose Women, if nothing else. The nasty rash I contracted during the Ozchamps has cleared up thanks to the application of an old Aboriginal Recipe of Raw Goanna Gall Bladder and Pickled Koala testicles, so hopefully I'll be out of quarantine and back on the Mainland when you get here. Regards, Dave. PS My Future Travel plans are heavily dependant on whether I win the lottery or not, but you never know.....be afraid, be very, very afraid.....!
  12. You should be Honoured, Subby, at least she doesn't ignore your postings completely. Ah, well, ignorance is bliss I suppose.
  13. Sounds like a good party Jimbo! Are you coming to Oz in January or is the lovely Clare getting a Guernsey instead? Kind regards, the Token Ozzie.
  14. Geez, he looks much younger. His bevy of lady friends certainly looked younger! Ta, Lunchy. By the way, coming to the Funeral for Australian Cricket? (Omigod! 3 - Zip to the South Sea Poms!)(Should get the odds up nicely for the World Cup, but - if only we can remember how to win!) PS Don't forget Cable tonight Fox 2 - Newcastle round of the Ozchamps - 2130hrs EDT.
  15. Next year will be interesting, Gathercole v Holder at Mildura, Corey's home track, with Tom Hedley and young Sedgy thrown in!
  16. Spiderweb you didn't lose it AGAIN! (Memories of Mildura!) we'll have to rivet it to ya! Chris Holder has "Potential " writ large all over him. Enjoy watching him I.O.W. fans - this boy is going places. Interesting to see who makes it to SGP first, We are blessed with talent Downunder at the moment. (My 20 cents is on ROOBOY!)
  17. I could be wrong but I detect a hint of Conspiracy somewhere nearby - thanks for thinking of me boys, I'll see you next January for sure, doubtless you had one for Bryn as well.
  18. Nrext thing you'll be saying you were sober! I thought the racing at Gillman was the highlight of Ozchamps!
  19. Sure it was a Bee and not a European Wasp? (Bloody Immigrants!) Of course if it was a Newport Wasp that'd be OK. Can't get the feed through, we've got Electrical storms up here tonight may have summat to do with it. Great Light show but! Just been watching Super 14 Rugby, ACT Brumbies 6 v QLD 3, old-fashioned Derby, not many points, plenty of Biffo and the odd bit of Rugby.
  20. Beautiful Drinking weather. I've always been a Light drinker meself - is it light yet? To be truthful (HAH!) with Light beer I usually pour it straight down the Dunny - cuts out the Middleman!
  21. Well Done Bryn, and well done all the youngsters! Any idea how Carley Gittus ended up? Goodonya Ryan! Better havabundy Bryn, I might just open another Crownie and watch it evaporate.
  22. Moi? I resemble that remark! Oz got flogged by TEN WICKETS by the ******* Kiwis in 1-day Cricket today - does that answer your question? Of course I'm Plastered! Ma - Git the Shotgun! Boys - Git me a Kiwi!
  23. Remember them from Mt Gambier be4 you "Fell Over"? Flippin' Lawn mowers!! My Computer isn't talking to me 'cos I called it a rude name. Keep up the good work! All the Best, Dave. PS I read your letter in the Oz Speedway news. Don't you remember every time you tell a fib a fairy dies? Fairykiller!!! PPS Where's Chris Holder? (I've got money on him!)
  24. I can imagine what that'll be like, you pair of P***heads!
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