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Everything posted by BigFatDave

  1. Riders for Saturday night: Under 21s: Sam Masters NSW; Brenton Barnfield VIC; Mason Campton NSW; Jake Allen QLD; Justin Sedgmen VIC; Taylor Poole NSW; Michael Penfold NSW; Todd Kurtz NSW; Dakota North VIC; Hayden Barr QLD; Michael Detenon QLD; Harley Horwood QLD; Alex Davies NSW; Micky Dyer NSW; Harley Brigden QLD; Ryan Douglas QLD. Under 16s 350cc: Dalton Nilsen NSW; Max Fricke VIC; Matthew Day QLD; Lawson Walters NSW; Ellis Perks QLD: Max Crocker NSW; Brady Kurtz NSW; Jack Holder NSW; Jack Fallon VIC; Blake Russell WA; Tyler King NSW; Hunter Anderson NSW; Olly Simpson SA; Matthew Thorne NSW; Jordan Dall NSW: Joshua Fletcher NSW.
  2. Won the ELRC, did he not? Top Scorer in EL 2011 was he not? Comes from Bloody Darwin, does he not? How good is that?
  3. All we need is State or Federal Gov't support or a Santa Claus with a lazy few bucks - plans have been made and all-up costs for a GP in Oz, including temporary stands etc are estimated to be $AUS900,000 - 1Million. It certainly makes sense to run in conjunction with an NZGP as transportation costs from Europe would be shared.
  4. Bill Buckley and the NZ Gov't are funding the GP, Humphrey. As for Mitch, he's quite well-rounded these days, to the extent that he could pass for a bowling ball - I'm sure he'd skittle any opposition.
  5. You know me mate - always got my ear to the ground, not to mention the rest of me! 42C in Kapunda yesterday for SA Longtrack Championships! :drink:
  6. You really have no idea, do you? I've heard the Auckland GP is a three year deal, Philip, can you confirm? BSI had already approached one Aussie about riding there but NZ Gov't put their foot down on Kiwi representation, and who can blame them? The only people who seem to be upset are people on here who love to knock Speedway at any opportunity: I wonder if they ever give as much back to the sport as Jason does every year in NZ - the Sux-time Kiwi Champion's been over there so often his favourite meal is Fush 'n Chups!
  7. Goodonya Woz01! One serious comment is almost overwhelmed by imbecilic reactions from members who sadly know no better than to rubbish people. Would any of the moronic detractors like to put up the money that the NZ Government has given to ensure this GP goes ahead? At one time it was bruited that an Aussie rider would take the wild card, and indeed two to my knowledge were approached, however the Nz Gov't made it a stipulation of ensuring their financial backing that a Kiwi, or in this case a six-time NZ Champion, would represent them at THEIR home GP. If any of you don't like it, let's see the colour of your money, OK? As it is, you're only displaying your ignorance; you really have no idea how these things are arranged, have you?.
  8. Careful, Parsloes, or your retinue of 'followers/admirers - NOT!' will jump on you like a ton of horsefeathers, doubtless winding up and blazing away at you as if your backside was on fire. Remember, Pot, Kettle etc!
  9. http://www.gillmanspeedway.com/release.asp?NewsId=42724 is the news for tomorrow night at Gillman. Forecast is 18-33C and sunny, good fluid-replacement weather. Lunchy's texting and I'm doing expert commentary and concentrating on staying upright, so feel free to join us on Updates for what promises to be a hoot!
  10. That link didn't work for me - try this - http://speedwayupdat...ead=9807&page=1 - brilliant work by the texter there.
  11. ......featuring the South American version of Nigel Pearson!
  12. TV Ad for this week's third and final round of the Championships, featuring the silver tongue of Wade Aunger, Australia's No 1 Speedway Commentator.
  13. Thanks for posting that, Clint. The clip gives you a good idea how much the riders like the track; Kurri is rapidly becoming one of the best racing surfaces World-wide, and a stockpile of Shale due in April will ensure it continues to improve. Jason Crump, who tested four new GP engines here on Boxing Day, has the right idea in using it as a practice base before the Auckland GP, and I'm sure he won't be alone. The four main Speedway clubs in the Hunter have united here; it's always been a significant nursery for Australian Riders, dating back to the birth of Australian Speedway at Maitland in 1923 - Todd Wiltshire, Adam Shields, Wato, etc - the list keeps growing. All youse mob over there could do a lot worse than head Downunder next Northern Winter: TravelPlus's 2013 Australian tour is already looking like two coachloads-full, or you could plan your own tour as several already do. Really looking forward to returning there on Jan 28th for the Under-21s.
  14. OK I'll repeat - it's set up for Sprintcars at the moment. I'm sure some Kay-One will answer your other questions' I haven't lived in UnZud since '78.
  15. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/female-japanese-speedway-racer-killed-in-high-speed-crash/story-e6frf7jx-1226245706548
  16. After the SWC in Gorzow last year we went to a Zielona Gora home match the next day- the racing was forgettable, although seeing Herbie Hancock in action was a bonus, but watching the Crowd on turns 1 and 2! Unreal!
  17. Not today, Britmet: it's Sunday - they usually race on Saturday night - http://springsspeedway.com/ - plus it's set up for Sprintcars at the moment; no fun riding a bike on Clay.
  18. Brady carried on the good work today, MM, picking up the Pairs title with Jack Holder for NSW, with an unbeaten 30 points from six heats, crossing the line side by side on one wheel on each occasion - the Turbo Twins Mk 2! If any Pommy Promoter has a few dollars in his pocket he could do worse than grab these two, but they won't be cheap! Second place went to Max Fricke and Cooper Riordan from Victoria, while Zaine Kennedy and Brandy Coglan secured third for QLD. Stormin' Jack Norman (SA), riding with Jake Mitchell, again provided heaps of entertainment: he's so fast out of the gate and he's only ten years old! Brody Eves (QLD) and Jake Mitchell (SA) rode in both the pairs and the sidecars - they'll sleep well tonight! Some incredible stuff from these youngsters - in one sidecar race Dakota Ballantyne, swinging for Jake Mitchelll , nearly fell off the bike but hung on like grim death, bouncing along the track for three laps to record a win. Dakota, who's no slouch on solos as well, will be on a 350 next year. Tom Pearce/ Denny Cox (NSW) took out the Under 16s sidecars from Ashley Duncan/Kaleb Kennedy (VIC), with .Mitchell/Ballantyne (SA) third after qualifying directly for the final by being unbeaten in the heats. Duncan/Kennedy, who graduate to Seniors in April, were on a mission, having to win a race-off against Brody Eves/Jedd List (QLD) to qualify for the B Main then winning that from Jack Gilbert/Alana Cornwell (NSW), with Jordan Paver/Emily Seymour (VIC) controversially excluded after being T-boned. Results are here - http://www.ma.org.au/index.php?id=12&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=6048&tx_ttnews[backPid]=6&cHash=601707c3a8 Kurri Kurri may only be a couple of years old but it's rapidly becoming the best bike track in OZ.
  19. Former Witch Chris Mills has been injured in NZ on the comeback trail after his season-stopping crash last September. http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/6259779/Serious-crash-at-Auckland-speedway Can't be too bad, he's partying on as usual. Taylor's Facebook posts are rapidly acquiring legendary status - he's a real Wag.
  20. A bit of bad news from the Shaky Isles - http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/6259779/Serious-crash-at-Auckland-speedway - with Andrew Aldridge and Chris Mills both taken to hospital after a crash at Auckland's Rosebank Speedway.
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