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Everything posted by BigFatDave

  1. Jason Doyle (NSW) took out the Ron Johnson Memorial in WA last night, with locals Dave Cheshire (WA) and Leigh Bojus (WA) taking out the minor placings.
  2. Knowing his familiarity with the "crash through or crash" style so beloved by the Sedgy Clan and remembering his duels with Arthur at the Gillman round of Ozchamps I can visualise it easily. Hopefully he didn't hit a Pole(Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink, say no more ) and will be back at Milly in time to cheer you on in the Under-21's!!
  3. Ta Muchly, graffix! Interesting seeing Arthur's sponsor - Phil "Crazy" McKay - ex-King of Darwin (sidecars)!
  4. Just helping out with the Legend, sEdgY2! Didn't fancy the trip over to Little Britain for the Under-16's then? Don't blame you - there's far too many Sandgropers over there for my liking, not to mention the hordes of Pomgolian Immigrants.
  5. Coming up shortly, Chris Holder defends his Title at his favourite track - Not! (Sorry about the Quality) - 25 - 27 Jan - Invasion Day Weekend!! Haven't seen the Field yet.
  6. That's Lunchy at Mt Gambier sucking on a Bryn Memorial Bundy! Geez, I was floatin' in the pits at Newc. I think everything was kickin' in about then! After that I was headin' back to camp & got waylaid by the Kent Hotel - Wednesday night is Fun night!!
  7. Spot On, mp2. Whereabouts were ya? We three BSF reps (Lunchy, Gavin Elmes et moi) were up in the Air-conditioned Stand by the start line with the Kirby Gang at Newcastle and on Turn 1 at Sydderney. We were joined by the Start Tart for Newc. but she was up in the Gods at the Showground. You mnay not be old enough to remember, but when the Show started at Sydderney the PA played the chimes of Big Ben, which is how the speedway used to start at the OLD Showgrounds - nice touch that! Is that over Easter, Spiderweb?
  8. Pretty much a bundle of nerve endings already, Sue! Starting a New job today and by my reckoning I should have come down off me Ozchamps Tour excesses by about Friday! Things we do.......
  9. The chances of that happening, unlike me, are pretty slim!
  10. I do know he's sold his Zebra-striped Kevlars! Last night sort of vanished in a Bourbon & Crown Lager Haze!
  11. Good news Chopper, Joe will be back next year, plus he's seriously thinkin' of movin' out here, probably to Little Britain. Rooboy'll be here too, so what with Chris & Troy that'll be a good heat!
  12. Alas I've gotta work, cobber. Gotta feed the faithful guard beasts; put tucker on the table; try & flog a coupla me utes, the HQ and the WB; think about rebuilding the '62 Galaxy; work on me new ute - Hilux 3.0 litre Diesel - the Canopy & Bullbar should be done by the time I get back, fingers crossed; restock the ******* beerfridges after me neighbours got stuck into 'em during the Cyclone; lose weight (Hah!); I think that just about covers it. Oh, and I might hafta see the Quack for a quick once-over after last night's little extra-curricular excursion, just checkin'! No, I'm stuck up here for a while, plus I'm not sure if I'm allowed down South again too soon, my Visa runs out tomorrow! Sprintcars were excellent, if you Pomgolians've never seen 'em you're missing out.
  13. Can't see you bein' sober enough to Text the results but!! PS. Good to see Johno's got a gig for 2008.
  14. Pity about the track but, not the easiest place to pass, as Schatz and Dumseny found on Friday! At TPCR Skip Jackson (USA) won the A Main, which took 55 minutes for 30 laps , with Bad Boy Benny the NT Tearaway third, great to get a podium for him! Steve Kinser DNF. At Gosford Noddy won AGAIN!!
  15. You've got a suspicious mind, Tracky!! I'm sure there's a few ex-riders and spannermen out here who can update 'em on deviosity! Another great ad for 350's at Sydderney last night; its a big daunting track but some of these kids are Fearless!
  16. Yer not wrong there Jimbo - a bigger bunch of Party Animals I've yet to meet, and that was just the Sheilas!! Sadly they're off Ooop North today so will miss out on tonight's Gosford Solo's meeting/Tyrepower Parramatta's Sprintcars meeting with over 50 Things With Wings (including from the Good Ol' US of A's The King Steve Kinser and the Territory's own Bad Boy Benny Atkinson) showering yours truly with SH!TE but hey, you can't have everything! (Unless yer an Aussie of course, just don't mention the Cricket!! )
  17. Not the best, snapped a chain, fuel probs; Yes; Nope; looks like Newport's loss and ZummerZet's gain. M8! Don't forget a certain Northern Territorian Elite League Superstar who'll be back out here for sure next year, Superguest!! Go ROOBOY!! I've just witnessed a great comp. Sure it seems like Chris ran away with the title but he had to work ******* hard to get there. Maybe if you'd been here you'd have seen it differently, M8, the Gillman meeting was one of the best I've ever seen, and that includes GP's and WTC's.
  18. He really deserved a B final, pity he kummagutza, he's been good throughout the comp. Well done AARON!! I made it back to camp about 1:30- 2:00ish, still no sign of The WA Connection, still partying at the track! They're here this morning, classic bit of Truck Parking by the look of it!
  19. You told me you were out on the P***!! (AGAIN!!) Wasn't me. M8! It was a Ripper!!
  20. Thanks for that Chopper. Yes the 350's were great and very equal, to see four riders side by side after three laps is just so good, the crowd lapped it up! Dunno what we've got tonight but I should imagine there'll be something spectacular to end the series. Couldn't agree more about the size thing; to see Justin Sedgeman straddling his 125 at Gillman was almost cruel & unusual, and he's only about 5'6'' or so!
  21. Yer not wrong, Ozyace. The sheer professionalism of the team sticks out like dogs' *****! Beaut day in Sydderney today; expecting 31 in Parra so ditto Homebush; expecting 22 in the A/C'd Pub of my choice! That's after a harbour cruise, mebbe a trip to the zoo, chase up a few ex's, etc, etc. Can't help anyone with riding lists as one of them ******* Pomgolian Touristii has borrowed me ******* programme. ****! PS Can't wait to get to the stadium to see what they've done about Turn 1, the 90 degree left-hander! PPS One of the stand-outs this year has been that Mt G and Newcastle have put on all 4-lap races instead of last year's three. Its up to the ref's discretion so seeing as tonight's is the same as Newcastle things are looking good! PPPS Just got this promo off me emails: Holder heads to the Grand Final of the Linddales Australian Speedway bike championship at the SYDNEY SHOWGROUND tomorrow night (Friday) with the opposition lost for answers. Holder has now claimed four straight rounds – including last night at Newcastle – despite opposition from Englishman JOE SCREEN, flashy Swede TOMMY LINDGREN and Czech FILIP SETERA. The setting could not be better for crowning of a new king – the SYDNEY SHOWGROUND bears an almighty heritage in Australian speedway folklore and the new Olympic Park locale boasts amenities better than any else in the world. With 20 heats leading to the B and then A-Finals there will be dirt track action aplenty… along with ROBBIE MARSHALL and his backflipping Freestyle display, awesome flame-throwing Jet Van and Fireworks lightshow. Gates open at 4.30pm with the meeting to start at 7.00pm. Thanks to Supercross Masters Australia
  22. Pretty large night at the showgrounds: great racing, the 350's shone again, Chris Holder, the Assin Assassin, creamed them again after an early loss. Once again Tom Hedley had one bad ride otherwise he'd have made the A Main for sure. One thing I've noticed about Newcastle is there's too many pubs between the track and my bivouac. I mjght see you later!
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