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Everything posted by BigFatDave

  1. Great to see Plant Life becoming involved in the debate. Any idea what type of trees - conifers, perhaps? Maybe Gum Trees, with a few old guys stuck up 'em?
  2. Damo's a very polished young rider, a real chip off the ol' block - I watched him take out the NQ Championship at Pioneer Park in November, against Joshes A and G. Whether he wants to ride in the UK or not is open to question, you'd have to ask him, but I reckon any club taking him on a 5 average would be very happy with the result, he's ready-made for Premier League action. Clinton Dennis is another Queeenslander who's on the verge, just needs to find more consistency, while Robert Gottardi should be attracting UK attention soon, great talent.
  3. I'm sure an awful lot of Speedway riders will be happy he'll be road racing this coming season, Shirl.
  4. Huge treat for SA Fans with Arthur Sissis competing in the 500s for the first time. Others entered include new WASP Cory Gathercole, new Bear Justin Sedgmen, Victorian Solos runner-up Dakota North, Robby Ksiezak, Tom Hedley and the much improved Brenton Barnfield - full field when it's available. Full field of supports including Sidecars and Juniors, almost makes me wish I lived in South Oz! - almost! Edit: As promised: CBS Bins 2012 South Australian Solo Championship Tom Armstrong (NSW), Brenton Barnfield (Vic), Adam Briggs (SA), Cory Gathercole (Vic), Ryan Hatcliffe (SA), Tom Hedley (Vic), Seth Hickey (SA), Tom Jones (SA), Robert Ksiezak (SA), Luke Mitchell (SA), Dakota North (Vic), Sean Peterson (Vic), Justin Sedgmen (Vic), Ryan Sedgmen (Vic), Arthur Sissis (SA), Jason Stewart (Vic), Ben Lennon (NT-reserve). Format: 20 heats + semi final and final. 4th to 7th highest scorers to the semi-final; winner of the semi-final and highest three scorers to the final
  5. There's no point attempting to debate someone who refuses to debate, refuses to apologise for personal abuse and whenever caught out in falsehoods or sweeping statements persists in wandering off topic or introducing red herrings, Secsy. I worry about his credibility on a daily basis.
  6. PIONEER PARK 1. DAVEY WATT..........3 2 3 3 0 3 =14 2. CLINTON DENNIS.....0 0 S 0 =0 3. RICKY BARNEY.........0 0 0 1 =1 4. DAMO KOPPE...........2 1 2 3 =8 5. JOSH GRAJCZONEK 2 2 3 3 1 =11 6. STEVEN REID 2 1' 1 2' =6+2 7. HAYDEN BARR..........0 0 0 0 =0 FUTURE SPORT MOTORCYCLES YOUNG BRITISH LIONS 1. KYLE HOWARTH.......2 3 2 1' 0 =8+1 2. ASHLEY MORRIS......1' 2' 2 EF = 5+2 3. RICHIE WORRALL.....3 3 2 3 =11 4. STEVEN WORRALL...1 0 1' 1 =3+1 5. JOSH AUTY..............3 3 3 2 2 =13 6. TOM PERRY.............3 1 1 2' =7+1 7. ROBERT GOTTARDI..1 1 1' 0 =3+1
  7. I can't let that pass through to the keeper, Tony, World Series Cricket drastically changed the nature of cricket, and it's influence continues to be felt today. In fact it would be easier to compare WSC with the SGP series in the way it revolutionised the sport, putting the World's best players against each other on a regular basis, and with such things as drop-in pitches - read temporary tracks -.gradually becoming the norm in Oz. Cricket under lights is another offshoot which today is commonplace; the use of helmets is universal and due in no small part to the grinding schedule today's players are far more fitter than their predecessors. Did you actually see any of the games?
  8. Final meeting in the series last night at Pioneer park resulted in a victory to the Scholarship boys 50 - 40; a clean sweep for the Poms - well done lads, and well done to Bev & Marcus and the Scholarship crew.
  9. As mentioned after Gorzow SWC: Boycey's had enough; Lemo was there learning the ropes.
  10. Four Australian National Titles and fourteen Australian State titles, Iris.
  11. Is this thread about Johnnie Hoskins at Crystal Palace? No. Why, then, do you insist on introducing red herrings every time you post? By the way, where's the link to your article, or do you expect everyone to take what you say as Holy Writ? You've already been proven on this thread to be fast and loose with the truth. Is it simply that you are unable to back up your rhetoric, so you have to resort to bluster and bulldust? I'm fed up to the back teeth with these constant personal attacks of yours, Norbold, let alone your poor writing style, for which you seem totally unrepentant; how on earth can you have the temerity to pretend to know what I'm thinking? If that's your style of debate then you can have it it on your own.
  12. It's exactly what I said it is, nothing more, nothing less, Norbold. Of course you can and no doubt will read into it what you will, it won't make a skerrick of difference. Another of your misspelt or ungrammatical Red Herrings, Norbold? Too much trouble to spellcheck? If that's an example of your published writing style I've got absolutely no desire to read it, come back when you've fixed your errata. Is the Speedway Star a newspaper now? Is it available on line? If so, post a link. If not, why on earth would I go to all the expense and trouble of sourcing a back copy just to read your particular slant, doubtless rewriting history again, on a topic I have absolutely no interest in? To the untrained eye this looks remarkably like you're attacking the poster rather than the post, a hanging offence on the new 'Friendly' forum. Incidentally I see you can't be bothered with spellcheck either; is this a common trait you share with Norbold? Any time you need any lessons in creative writing, and judging by the majority of your posts you definitely need something, just give me a shout, Nigel, you too Norbold.
  13. Oh, look! Here's a quote from yesterday's Maitland Mercury - "The 2011 Boxing Day Speedway Spectacular (ed. at Kurri Kurri) kick starts a super summer of racing at the track, which is located nine kilometres from where the sport was born at Maitland Sportsground in 1923."
  14. Until someone invents soft concrete we'll just have to take it on the - er - chin, and keep turning the other cheek. Bottoms Up!
  15. The line up is: Jason Crump, Chris Holder, Davey Watt, Darcy Ward, Sam Masters, Kozza Smith, Alex Davies, Taylor Poole, Nick Morris, Justin Sedgmen, James Holder, Todd Kurtz, Richard Sweetman, Mason Campton, Rohan Tungate and Sean McLellan. That's not too bad I reckon - the local rag agrees as well - http://www.maitlandmercury.com.au/news/local/sport/motorbike-racing/dream-field-for-boxing-day-speedway-spectacular/2373833.aspx?storypage=1 - hats off to Campo & the troops for organising a great field! Wish I was in the area for this one, but alas I'm committed elsewhere. Should be a full field of supports and Juniors for this as well; I'd imagine there'll be a fair few making the trip up from Sydney for this one.
  16. I usually 'borrow' a pillow from the hotel, Kiwi. Grandstand seats will be available today - $NZ120.- if you've already bought tickets (YES!) you can upgrade them (double YES!)
  17. Courtesy of Gavin Elmes: Queensland Championship Scorers: Josh Grajczonek 15, Josh Auty 14, Nick Morris 12, Harley Horwood 10, Ritchie Worrall 9, Damien Koppe 9, Ashley Morris 8, Ryan Douglas 8, Steve Worrall 7, Scott Smith 6, Tom Perry 6, Tyson Snow 4, Kyle Howarth 3, Harley Brigden 3, Clinton Dennis 2, Michael Detenon (res) 2, Michael Penfold 0.
  18. http://www.gillmanspeedway.com/release.asp?NewsId=42045 - the official report of the meeting.
  19. Probably setting it up for GB to host another final when the new Belle Vue stadium's ready in 2013 - let's face it, youse Poms aren't good enough to qualify on merit.
  20. Well What a Weekend! Kicking off at 3 O'clock in the arvo, after a few pre-meeting bevvies at the Royal Fundamental Orifice Hotel, we were treated to a feast of Speedway which didn't finish until 12 hours later on the balcony of said establishment as Lunchy, Spider and yours truly put the world to rights thanks to the assistance of an exotic cocktail of drugs and alcohol, taught to me many years ago, in a ramshackle retreat deep in the remote fastnesses of the Hindu Kush by a bedraggled B-grade Guru who'd seen better days. The Weather, which had threatened to put a damper on proceedings, cleared up and I didn't have to go for the Mick Headland/Paul Waters World Champions Hoodie until well into the proceedings, although to be honest the Thermals did their job quite nicely, thankyouverymuch. Arrival at the track gave us the opportunity to inspect the new U-beaut Airfence, if only to check out if they'd spelt our names right on our bits - although to be fair even resident Gillman Track Guru and Speedway manager Dave Parker would have trouble stuffing up BFD! The Arvo session, 20-odd assorted races of Solo and Sidecar supports together with 125cc Juniors and quads - think Ride-on Mowers with the blades removed - kept us all amused while we descended on the souvenir stalls and tucker departments and generally resumed relations with hordes of long-lost buddies, including a coupla Pommy Backpacker Sheilas who brightened my day and a German Tourist who's dead-set model material and caused me glasses to steam up - when I removed said spectacles to give 'em a wipe I discovered it was actually me Eyeballs that had misted over! Plenty of good racing on both inner and outer circuits, with fields of six riders in the solos, won by former motocross rider and late developer Tom Jones (A common name? It's Not Unusual!), and five outfits in each of the sidecars events making for plenty of interesting racing. Olly Simpson was the pick of the Juniors, from Dakota Ballantyne and Jake Mitchell, with Declyn Adams, Stormin' Jack Norman, Jacob Rilotta and Jordan Stewart all winning heats as well. The Chairs provided us with heaps of entertainment and excitement; Pommy Pilot Mick Cave and ring-in Swinger Matt Morgan looked the goods along with Jason Hardy and Geoff Langdon, but best-performed was Ol' No 85 with new chum Glenn Bowles, stepping in for re-retired legend the Prince of Port Adelaide Ronny Parker, and regular Swinger (both on and off track!) Nik Schwarzer, with three race wins; a feat that made them first reserve for the main meeting, and kept them off the turps for the rest of the day! So much for the appetiser, now for the main course. Ringmeister-supreme David Tapp from Speedway Racing News, ably assisted by star interviewer Steve Johnson introduced the assembled hordes to the special guests including John Titman, Todd Wiltshire and an ol' mate of Leigh's from Leszno, whose name escapes me, partly due to today's breakfast of JD & Pepsi and in more direct manner due to the fact that his name is several syllables long and consists of more consonants than an Optician's Eyechart, and kept us amused and entertained with anecdotes and interviews throughout the proceedings. Then it was time to get off our backsides for a minute's silence as a tribute to recently-departed legend Gary Moon R.I.P., who would have turned 45 yesterday, and no sooner had we sat down than it was time to get up again to cheer a tour of the track by our hero Leigh Adams, accompanied by Kylie & the billy-lids in a flash Yank convertible, followed by the obligatory interview, which updated us on Leigh's progress and the planned trip to Project Walk., I never cease to be amazed at the inner strength and courage of Leigh and Kylie Adams; they may have been dealt a rotten hand this time round but you can bet your bottom dollar ( not the $100 bill I keep in me runners for bail, I hasten to add) they'll get through this minor setback and come up smelling like roses, while mere mortals like you and I end up resembling the fertiliser we mulch 'em with (and that ain't horse-feathers, I'll tell you for sure!). Goodonya Kylie & Leigh! Now, what was I on about? - oh, yes, the Meeting! Parks had managed to assemble a full field for this, but sadly PLRC Champ Sam Masters had to call it off at the last minute, so we ended up with 15 riders, not bad considering over 60 were approached, and many had to pull out along the way. It must have been soul-destroying for Dave, who's worked so hard to ensure that this meeting was a success, to have been subjected to so many "Sorry, mate, but..." emails over the past five months, but all credit to him and to the riders who turned up and gave it their all. I think my sponsorship dollars went towards paying off part of his phone bill, and I'd like take this opportunity to thank all the little old ladies of Darwin who gave so generously (when confronted with an armed masked BigFatThug}. Scores - Solos: Cam Woodward 12 - on a max after 4 races but just had to test out the airfence in his last heat. Luckily he missed my bit and hit Ivan Mauger's panel instead. Brenton Barnfield 9 - one of the big improvers, very impressive. Sam Masters - alas a late withdrawal. Mark Jones 6 - a couple of strong second placings showed us he's learned a lot at Newport, riding for the Mighty WASPS. Justin Sedgmen 10 - getting back to his form of 2010; should write to his mum for tips more often I reckon. Cam Heeps 9 - Can't believe how much he's progressed in his first year on the 500s Ty Proctor 11 - took a while to get going but finished strongly: his win in the B Main was all class. Davey Watt 14 - talking of all class, this is how you spell it. Mark Lemon 14 - ditto - the new Team Oz manager should think about riding on next year in my book. Jason Stewart 6 - a good fighting performance Joe Jacobs (GB) 4 - well done Joe: plenty more to come from him Ryan Sedgmen 1 - plagued by engine problems all night, poor bugger - I blame his dad - onya Gavin! Jake Anderson 9 - another on the improve, great to see him doing well Robert Ksiezak 7 - great to see Robbie back after his accident, did enough to show he's not far away from top form Brock Gates 3 - tried hard all night, never gave up. Nigel Sadler 5 - mixed it with the youngsters all night long Elimination final: Ist Ty Proctor; 2nd Brenton Barnfield; 3rd Jake Anderson; 4th Justin Sedgmen. The Sedgehammer was desperately unlucky in this as he gated superbly but slightly overcooked it on turn 2 to go from hero to zero. Ty showed his class in powering through to take it out. Final - a Ripper! 1st Davey Watt, who showed us exactly why he represents Australia at the Top Level; 2nd Ty Proctor who keeps getting better and better; 3rd Cam Woodward - coming off one of his best seasons in Pomgolia, he overcooked it a couple of times dicing with Davey and nearly ended up last, only to power past 4th-placed evergreen Mark Lemon, now fully fit after a season to forget. The Sidecars was probably the best field of eight assembled for any meeting anywhere, and the racing was electric. Scores after 4 heats each: Glenn O'Brien/Aaron Maynard 9 Mark Mitchell/Tom Golding 6 Warren Monson/Deven Gates 7 Justin Plaisted/Mark Lucas 5 Chris Pascoe/Simon Cohrs 4 Mark Plaisted/Jamie Banks 8 Darrin/Treloar/Sam Gilbert 4 Mick Headland/Paul Waters 5 These boys all showed us the benefits of racing each other regularly in the Grand Slam, FIM World Championship and Mildura International Masters recently and the racing was of an incredibly high standard Elimination Final 1st Headland/Waters - after playing possum through the heats the dual World Champs showed us what it's all about when it comes down to racing for sheep stations; 2nd Treloar/Gilbert - bit of an off night for the current FIM World Champions, but thanks and a tip of the hat for the Gary Moon decal on the front of his outfit. 3rd the Entertainers Pascoe/Cohrs; 4th Monson./Gates. Final. 1st Headland/Waters; 2nd M. Plaisted/Banks; 3rd J. Plaisted/Lucas; 4th O'Brien/Maynard - a ripper race, one of the best I've seen. Many Thanks to everyone who took part; either behind the scenes or on the track - a great day's racing. Where's that 'Like' button! On a more serious not: I've now managed to get barred from the Gillman VIP area; no mean achievement since I can't for the life of me remember actually getting in there in the first place! Getting to be a dry argument this - see ya!
  21. No worries Cuz! seeing as you're a fellow BSF Member I'm only too pleased to pass on the nympho - oooops! I meant Info! Mick Hargreaves has completed a DVD of the Leigh Adams Benefit Meeting at Gillman Stadium. The price of the DVD is $25 Australian, which includes postage anywhere in the World. $5.00 from every DVD will go to Leigh Adams Benefit Fund. To order your DVD, contact Mick at mick.44@bigpond.com Also, the show will be on SPEED Channel in about ten days time, so if you know someone in Oz who uses Pando and regularly records these shows - like me ol' mate Lance Forsythe - give him a PM and you could get that version as well!.
  22. Just heard that Scotty's OK; bit of minor wrist damage but nothing too serious - all precautions had to be taken after he was knocked out; can't argue with that!
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