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Everything posted by BigFatDave

  1. Pretty good line-up at Kurri on Monday Night: Jason Crump, Chris Holder, Davey Watt, Sam Masters, Kozza Smith, Alex Davies, Taylor Poole, Nick Morris, Justin Sedgmen, James Holder, Todd Kurtz, Richard Sweetman, Mason Campton, Rohan Tungate, Daine Stevens and Sean McLellan. Should be a ripper. A las I can't be there; off to Adelaide for WSS and SA Sidecars instead . Merry Xmas.
  2. =5978&tx_ttnews[backPid]=6&cHash=215e442794"]http://www.ma.org.au/index.php?id=12&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=5978&tx_ttnews[backPid]=6&cHash=215e442794 The MA site gives the full list of riders; six seeded riders and two qualifiers of sixteen riders with two reserves; top five from each qual. into the final for the solos; seven teams for the pairs. The Conveyor Belt rolls on!
  3. Could be a good weekend for travelling fans with Waikaraka Park Speedway in Te Papapa - South Auckland - promoting a Solo and Sidecar Spectacular on Friday 30th March - http://www.waikarakafamilyspeedway.co.nz/site/modules/content/index.php?id=2
  4. Start lobbying your cable provider to get SPEED Channel - took us Hicks in Rural Australia about six months of concentrated effort to get what the big cities get.
  5. I see another 'informed' self-appointed expert has predicted doom & gloom. I take it you won't be attending, Kennylane? Good to see another true fan will be travelling from six-fingered territory to the Land of the Wrong White Crowd - looking forward to catching up, Haza!
  6. Mason pulled out a couple of days before hand as his motors weren't back - he had warned that this may happen - not his fault. Damien Koppe's vehicle broke down about 700km from the track and he was unable to make it also. Kozza was moved into Koppe's spot, Jake Allen came into Kozza's spot and Michael Detenon filled Mason's place.
  7. From Gavin Elmes: YOUNG BRITISH LIONS 44 (Josh Auty 11, Richie Worrall 10, Tom Perry 9, Kyle Howarth 7, Ashley Morris 7).TEAM WATT 40 (Kozza Smith 13, Dave Watt 12, Nick Morris 9, Alan Rivett 4, Michael Detenon 2) NORTHERN YOUNG GUNS 36 (Josh Grajczonek 11, Steve Worrall 9, Tyson Nelson 8, Ryan Douglas 7, Hayden Barr 1) TEAM CRUMP 30 (Jason Crump 12, Harley Horwood 9, Trent Leverington 3, Tyson Snow 3, Jake Allen 3) Comments: Jason Crump broke a chain at the starting line; Richie Worrall excluded when the tapes caught on the peak of his helmet as they rose on his easiest race; Kyle Howarth pulled out on first turn when he saw red tail light in crowd; Trent Leverington won his first race after almost 2 years lay-off, but didn't score again; Harley Horwood started off with 2 ducks, then won his remaining 3, beating Josh Auty, then Nick Morris, then Josh Grajczonek; Kozza Smith was every bit the NSW Champion as the night's top scorer. Result of Heat 1 - Crump, Auty, Grajczonek, Watt. Watt won all his races after that. From the messages I've received it sounds like a helluva night - Crumpy's spannerman was a bloke who normally drives open-wheelers for a crust - Mark Webber!
  8. No chance of you joining in THIS debate without throwing in yet another of your famed red herrings, I see. Another typical totally-off-topic post from Prevarication Central, courtesy of the forum's pet archaeologist.
  9. There are thriving clubs on both islands, but there's no league structure; it's like Oz, mainly individual meetings, and like us the sidecar scene is thriving. With the improved TV coverage of the GPs and Elite League now available expect to see an upsurge in Kiwis good enough to make it abroad. Keep the name Hayden Sims in your mind for a couple of years down the track. Most of the population are safely tucked up in their paddocks, listening to their shepherd counting.
  10. Teams for Saturday nights racing at North Brisbane are TEAM WATT: Dave Watt Damien Koppe Allan Rivett Nick Morris and Mason Campton TEAM CRUMP: Jason Crump Harley Horwood Kozza Smith Tyson Snow Trent Leverington YOUNG LIONS:Josh Auty Tom Perry Richie Worrall Kyle Howarth Ashley Morris NORTHERN YOUNG GUNS: Josh Grajczonek Ryan Douglas Tyson Nelson Steve Worrell Hayden Barr I wish I could be there for this one, should be a ripper - team managers for the Poms will be Marcus Williams & Steve Koppe, while our very own Trackman will be the mastermind behind the NQ Young Guns - gawd 'elp 'em! Of course, there's more still!!! The teams event is supported by 5 sidecars, 5 350ccs (incl Tyler King - NSW), 4 support solos and 12 Junior solos. A great night's racing is assured!
  11. http://www.speedway365.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3494:batchelor-injured&catid=299:swindon-robins&Itemid=532 Here's hoping he recovers quickly.
  12. .Crumpy;s not riding in the Aussies; he's taking a well-earned break, apart from a few selected meetings.
  13. You've obviously done little or no research to make such an uninformed sweeping statement. Meanwhile, back at Western Springs, the Foo Fighters rocked the joint so much last Tuesday that seismic monitors picked up the rumble from 50,000 fans over two kilometres away. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/entertainment/music/vibrations-from-foo-fighters-concert-at-aucklands-western-springs-picked-up-by-seismic-monitors/story-e6frexl9-1226223386251 I'd hope we can top that at the end of March.
  14. Once I've dumped me traps in the hotel in Cardiff I'm there, right in the middle of all the action. Why on earth would I want to go to Wembley? I'd have to stay miles away for starters, whereas in Cardiff I'm within walking distance of everything I could possibly want. Where's the nearest Walkabout Bar to Wembley - Shepherds Bush or Watford? I'd have to drink that maiden's water youse Poms call 'beer' from the local pub - not this little black duck, Mick. I'm flying half-way round the world for this, and it seems to me some of youse mob can't even be stuffed to cross the road! Some of you who are boasting about never having attended the GP at Millenium - you don't know what you're missing; every Aussie Fan I know would give an arm or a leg to go there.
  15. Because, as you keep informing us, it's totally unreliable, Norbold, and full of biased commentary by people who like to rewrite history in their own image. Many Happy Returns to Maitland - pronounced Mate-Land.
  16. I fly in from Oz: I land at 6:00 AM Friday morning; I take the express to Paddington from Heathrow, walk across the station concourse, board a train to Wales and I'm dumping my traps at my hotel by 10:00AM. If that's not convenient I don't know what is.
  17. Cardiff is within a 4 hour train ride/drive of most of southern Britain - to say it isn't a convenient location is absolute rubbish. Then once you're there everything's convenient - stadium, hotels, shops, pubs etc, all within walkng distance - it's certainly on my list of favourite venues.
  18. Because I was responding to your query, rather than using a question to answer another question; the usual last resort of people who can't back up their argument, as you have done here.
  19. Couldn't agree more, but it's all down to MA rules & regs ensuring every state has representation: Sam came 5th in his NSW state titles while Robbie was the highest-placed SA rider in the SA Titles.
  20. All of the above points you posit should be followed by the phrase "In my opinion". As we can see, the GP Series has never looked stronger, with Auckland added to the list. Your comment re Tony Millard is, I presume, facetious, and I will treat it as such. This thread has been very interesting, if indeed most of it has been debated before, and mostly it has followed the time-worn path of long-running threads on the BSF with claims, counter-claims, posts verging on abusive and the odd bit of humour introduced to lighten up the proceedings - I can't see anything to complain about, unless there's a serial Grinch lurking out there..
  21. 2012 Australian Solo Speedway Championship Qualifiers S Masters N Rowe D Stevens B Barnfield J Stewart R Tungate H Horwood T Armstrong J Ringwood T Snow J Holder T Nelson T Kurtz R Douglas J Anderson M Campton Seeded D Watt R Ksiezak T Batchelor J Sedgmen C Gathercole T Poole K Smith C Holder C Woodward
  22. I thought it was just another mis-guided attempt to turn back the tide, and a poorly-chosen title,because Speedway GP is obviously not in tatters. MR, when you open a thread on a public forum it ceases to be your property.
  23. He was incredibly lucky in that Red Bull came up with the 350,000 Euros required to guarantee him a slot at KTM. That said, he was fangin' to ride a 500 at Gillman. For those of you in Pomgolia who enjoy getting up at the crack of dawn, Lunchy has organised to send updates to Crazy Sue, complete with uninformed inexpert commentary from the usual suspects. I'm a bit worried about the little feller, as he's staying at our usual pied-a-turd/hostelry all by himself, so we're unable to - er - look after him, as it were. Well at least no-one'll spike his drink.
  24. With all the Aussies in the side, you'd better make sure there's four goalposts at each end.
  25. Ahem! - don't you mean cedar woods for the trees? I reckon some folks are just trying to palm off their old chestnuts. From this we can deduce that the GPs are more poplar than the old one-off Final. These old codgers need to spruce up their act before they all pine away. PS Nobody mention the Ashes - OK?
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