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Reliant Robin

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Everything posted by Reliant Robin

  1. Wednesday's were always going to be a problem, which is why Thursday's were originally agreed to. Then the Premiership allowed the Championship Clubs to pull their pants down. It sounds selfish, but a strong (structured at least) top league is what is needed for the sport to survive in the UK. Championship Clubs should have been made to work around this by either accepting riders would be missing on these nights, or switching to any of the other available nights.
  2. I saw Robin Brundle's comments, as has been mentioned, good to see somebody taking an interest in customer satisfaction. What does he mean when he says 'the vote went against Wednesday clubs'? I must have missed the context of that part.
  3. To the average punter, that makes no difference to their perception of value for money
  4. That's more like it.....and watching in the best stadium, on the best race track in British Speedway
  5. Out of £10 the VAT would be £1.66, but that is neither here nor there. Each to his own, and each makes a call on what they're willing to pay out of their disposable income. That said, it's crazy to think that to attend at Kent with a programme would cost £16, whilst I can go an watch the Premiership Champions for £17 including a programme. I know which I would see as better VFM
  6. Quite a race in heat 15 of this one http://www.speedwaygb.co/news.php?extend.34406
  7. Get well soon Mitch, thinking of you buddy
  8. I think we all know Poole should be doing better with the side they have....a couple of the guys expected to improve have flattered to deceive thus far. The two Poles & Sundstrom are the worry for you guys. Not much better to be achieved with the averages of the two poles, but may be worth a word with El Tel to see if he'll lend you another Robin to give you a chance? Zengota for Sundstrom has got to be a consideration? Riding well in Poland and always has done a good job in England.
  9. Decent meeting in front of a decent crowd last night. Racing wise, a bit gate and go early on but improved as the meeting went on. Looked like we were in for a nail biter for the first 7 or 8 heats, but those Pirates fell apart. Brady looked sharp which is about the only positive for Poole. The team who looked like a team turned it on when it mattered. Hope Stefan is all ok after his couple of tumbles. For the Robins, onto a big week next week
  10. 100% agree with this, when looking at averages and potential replacements there isn't going to be anyone better. Last night, fair play to Kings Lynn, and pleased to see Lambert getting on with the job and proving some of the doubters wrong. Bags of ability, and it's good to see his progression. Off night for Bellego but not worried about him, he's been scoring average up until last night, he'll bounce back on Monday. Hopefully we'll have Zach back also and we can get back to winning ways.
  11. Possible swap deal on the cards with Holder to Swindon for 2019?
  12. Scored 7 for Swindon at Leicester last night including a good race win, so all good
  13. For those of us that were there, that's exactly how it seemed. Unfortunately, the blame culture in and around speedway leads to all and sundry weighing in without full facts.
  14. It must be the way in which you raise an issue that brings so much 'attention'. Perhaps it would work better as 'excuse me, my soup is a bit cold, would it be possible to receive a warm replacement please?'
  15. hindsight ˈhʌɪn(d)sʌɪt/ noun noun: hindsight understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed. "with hindsight, it should never have started"
  16. Confirmed that MPT now takes his place in the line-up
  17. Looks like Paul Starke rather than R/R at 2 for the Lions. Should be a decent meeting, looking forward to seeing how Vaculik goes. Expect this to be a close one, Robins win by 4-6. Online ticket bought, looking forward to some racing finally!
  18. Clubs are going to need to cut their season in half at this rate! Monday's and Wednesday's up to cut off must be getting thin on the ground
  19. Agreed to a certain extent, but can also see both sides of the coin. The fact is, whenever there are a few spots of rain about, the gate numbers are always down significantly at all tracks. Discussions on the weather on social media platforms seems to start earlier and earlier with forecasts and radars readily available. It seems promoters are less likely to push to get a meeting on, as they know it will be a financial blow to run it in such conditions. As you say, we then get to the back end of the season when everyone will be scrabbling about to fit their fixtures in. What's going to come first......either track covers, promotions making an effort and instilling a confidence to the paying public that a bit of rain won't stop play, or continue as we are. I'm sure Promoters can generally sense a tone from facebook, twitter, forums etc that a crowd will be hit the moment there is even the slightest risk of rain. It's their money at risk, so can understand these early calls.
  20. Scandalous!! There's a good 8 hours of 'drying time' remaining.
  21. You also can't become the original fixture by reserving every one of your race days in a calendar. Otherwise all Clubs would do that and there would be no scope for re-arranging fixtures. I'd also suggest that Lakeside don't have an 'original' fixture on that date, and would be unlikely to agree to taking on that date at Ipswich if they were to be missing Adam, Zach and Nick
  22. Swindon's has already been re-arranged and so becomes the original fixture. If Ipswich then have a call to make then they'll need to be looking at potential clashes
  23. I've not attempted to check this information as I haven't felt the need. The information I have posted is based on press releases etc from when Downers Management bought into the Club, and from programme notes/social media postings that I have seen since. I still don't see where there was an entry with a flourish from Per-Axel Warensjo. Perhaps you've confused him with Mike Bowden who did enter a little more at the forefront at the time?
  24. Owners haven't changed as I understand. Downers Management(I think that's what they were called), the consortium that Mike Bowden, Per-Axel Warensjo and Steve Park are a part of, still own the club with Terry. It's just those with a day to day involvement that have changed around from what I can see, and this happened last season.
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