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Reliant Robin

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Everything posted by Reliant Robin

  1. Just subscribed, know the quality will be good as I've watched one from them before. £19.99 for the month, 7 meetings and watch them as many times as I want, doesn't seem too shabby
  2. They were on there earlier, maybe some maintenance going on at the moment or something similar, but they were the prices showing earlier in the evening
  3. I've seen the prices on there - think they're in the About Portal section. £3.99 for the one meeting on 1/9 then £5.99 each time there are two meetings
  4. A good news day. Watched a stream on there whilst in Cyprus a few weeks back, quality was perfect. Look forward to seeing what gets served up from Poland.
  5. Scunthorpe v Workington is on at the end of April. A good bit of variety to the coverage, good also to see recognition given to Berwick's efforts and Sky getting to a new venue in terms of their coverage.
  6. We are the seekers of back to back titles
  7. That one is interesting. 100% untrue, but interesting.
  8. He hasn't been in NZ, but when invited he was originally intending to be in NZ for Ronnie Moore's 80th at the time of the meeting which is why he couldn't confirm for the meeting..
  9. Probably the same live Sports that were shown through the summer months last year meaning that the SGP's ended up on Sky Sports 4 or the red button. Hoping it's Eurosport, I'm sure it'll all unfold in its own time
  10. Add Tues 2nd April - Wolverhampton v Belle Vue
  11. You are bang on - snippets have been used in the News/Editorial story taken from the same interview. This report was not put together by Ian Wadley of the Sports dept, the fuller version was.
  12. I'm claiming nothing of the sort. There are no comments that I have a particular like or dislike for in either item, genuine or otherwise. I was responding to the statement that: "Matt Ford seems to be taking a hell of a risk giving such a long interview/press release to the same puveyor of untruths today. You'd think he would know better" What I am saying is that Matt Ford gave his long interview to the Sports Dept, not the News/Editorial department that have used the Middlo quotes.
  13. It's not rubbish at all. I'm certainly not condoning what Middlo is 'claimed' to have said, I am merely pointing out that Middlo's comments have been put in by the Editorial/News dept. Totally seperate to Ian Wadley of the Sport department to whom Matt Ford has given his comments. At the bottom of the 'News' story it states 'More reaction from Matt Ford in Echo Sport.'
  14. Matt Ford's interview is with the Sports Dept - the initial story came via the Editorial/News department. As they deal with the Sports Dept journalists daily I'd imagine the trust is there to give a longer interview.
  15. I think Bagpuss was talking about Simon Nielsen in his post
  16. If only that were possible hey?! Remind me again why Travis McGowan never turned a wheel for Belle Vue when they had announced his signing. It wasn't to do with either party not wanting it to happen as far as I'm aware.
  17. Indeed, collapse the Leagues and just let any Billy Big Balls that fancies their hand at promoting events sort out a few meetings a year And yet some still don't see why the B.S.P.A/SCB would want to stand in the way of such an innovative idea.
  18. Or worse still, if this was allowed to go through, what's to stop current 'Promoter' from thinking, "hang on, I quite fancy running a series of 5 or 6 meetings rather than committing to a full season, I'll lose much less dosh!". Could cause the collapse of the whole league set up, so correct decision and stance has been taken in my eyes.
  19. 8-10k doesn't seem unreasonable to me for a 33 year old. He's hardly going to command a fee much higher than 2-3 seasons worth of loan fee. When you consider approx 4k has already been paid for a 2012 loan fee it shouldn't seem so insulting imo.
  20. Does the fact that he isn't a Swindon employee alter your point, or are we glossing over that little one as well?
  21. Until a rider wants to put that to the test through the courts, potentially blowing the whole system away, we're not going to know that. Will that rider be Andersen with a testemonial coming up? Assuming if the system is done away with and they are free to sign for whoever they want year on year then there will be a lot less of those.
  22. I've explained how the situations are different without mentioning averages. I think Hans is holding out for more than he was on when he rode for them in 2003 if his parent club are serious about signing him For what it is worth, I don't believe any Club is whiter than white, including Swindon. If Peterborough can prove that they have made a 'realistic attempt' to sign Hans up on 'realistic terms' and he has turned them down then either Swindon should buy him or he sits the season out (same as what should have happened with Miedzinski). If Hans accepts an offer from Boro then I assume we will end up with Bjerre on loan.
  23. Peterborough are still free to use Andersen as he has not been named in a side, it is their call as to whether they seriously want him or not. If they do then they offer him serious terms. Would Swindon then get permission to talk to Bjerre? The above was not the case with Miedzinski - he was just named in the Poole side and to hell with the consequences. Those consequences are what has brought about this current mess.
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