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Reliant Robin

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Everything posted by Reliant Robin

  1. I don't think they're selling season tickets on the strength of a new stadium (although they probably could have left it out of the press release altogether!). Why would you get your money back when they are competing in 2016 Season? 4 riders already signed
  2. Thomsen would be good for any side he signs for but heard he's giving UK a miss this year. Of the others, would prefer Pavlic, don't think Masters would fit in there
  3. Would Pavlic fit in there? I don't think he was much over 5 when he last rode over here. Would be a solid side if so
  4. He's already given a statement stating that he hoped we would be in the new stadium next season but that the safety net is there that the Old Abbey will not be touched until such a time as we can move in (if that ever happens of course).
  5. Happy with the signing, think he'll do a good job, seems to have matured as a rider over the last couple of years. As an asset we'll have first call on fixture clashes as well which is good. I'm probably one of the few that would still take Batch, with the right team around him and not as a No.1, on his average he's still a good shout. He upped his game when Darcy came in and I'd like to think if Doyle could potentially be back then it would get the same reaction. Just needs to show a bit more grit on occasions....and an apology for letting us down at the end of the last 2 seasons wouldn't go amiss!
  6. I actually agree to a certain extent...uk martin often has a valid point....but generally manages to cloud it over with his constant sniping, derogatory comments and the pushing of an agenda going back to a fallen Birmingham promotion.
  7. Never takes much for you to go off on a rant at BSPA/Go Speed/Sky/Whoever may take your fancy. Stinks of the ramblings of a bitter old man. I've seen plenty on the start up of the Poultec apprenticeships, been well documented on BSPA site, Speedway Star etc. Instead of embracing a positive you will always prefer to find fault.
  8. If you choose to read it like that then that is down to you. In my eyes it just means that whoever stated that he was 'robbed' feels as though PK was a little unlucky that the original staging of the race needed to be stopped. Not that there is a conspiracy to keep him out or that anybody fell off or stayed down on purpose.
  9. I haven't seen that written or suggested anywhere except for in your own post.
  10. Think he'll be too high in average....if the second FTR comes in at 3 points then only leaves little over 4 points in there I think. Ben Barker, Rasmus Jensen?
  11. Think it'll start something like this....asset based and Wrighty who was superb in 2015, but would like to see less fixture clashes: 1. Doyle 2. Sedgmen 3. Morris 4. 5. Zengota/Kildemand 6. Wright 7.
  12. You mean the same Odsal where the Bradford Bulls are still playing? If so I don't see the point you're trying to make. Nice stadium is Odsal http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-16723350
  13. Incorrect....Clubs receive an amount for being in the Elite League as well as a sum for each home meeting
  14. Either that or TR will get bored of the knockers and decide to shut the thing down until (if it happens) the new Stadium is in place. At least he could not then be accused of a 'con'. Plenty of rumours floating about re possible Clubs joining the EL....so could still be at minimum of 8 even without Swindon.
  15. That is how I have read the last couple of statements also
  16. I've seen the bikes go around Swindon, so even better. I've also seen races on the Swindon middle track....have you? It's plenty wide enough and big enough for 4 x 150cc. Would you rather hit an air fence or have no impact at all with a rather large run off area? Moaning for moaning's sake, same old
  17. Why not? Personally I think it makes much more sense to use the track that was built for exactly this rather than having engines revving their so and so's out by the end of a straight. Think it will make the racing a bit more competitive.
  18. Exactly, I don't think it is a 'bang...there you go...new engine to buy now crack on'. It's something that could be phased in. If these engines are a fraction of the price and cost a lot less in terms of maintenance then that has to be a good thing surely? And something that is quite often called for on this forum when talking about why entrance prices are so high.
  19. Zengi has been superb this season, really got going from mid-season onwards and was banging points in home and away....including 16 at Wolverhampton. I'd take him as a second heatleader at Swindon without hesitation. But....if a choice between him and Kildemand then I'd probably opt for PK as long as he's up for a full season
  20. I think there's about 30 or so....some are regulars at the Abbey like Broady, Ian Williams, Barry Duke, Martin Ashby, also heard that John Davis, Andrew Silver, Geoff Bouchard, Norman Hunter & possibly Brian Karger (with Peter being in the meeting) will be there. Unsure on the others.
  21. Top boys just don't want it with Melbourne a couple of weeks after. A real shame but a glance into what those guys are focussed on. Plenty of former Swindon riders have been invited apparently and many old faces being paraded before the meeting. Leigh was unable to make it. There was someone on Swindon's facebook group trying to organise it, but just couldn't happen. Unsure what more can be done really. Still a couple of gaps left so we'll see if any top names get pulled out the hat. I'll be there anyway.
  22. I thought it had already been said that it was Gordon Pairman, causing a bit of a conflict of interest. Could be wrong though
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