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Everything posted by Brummiestormer

  1. Might like to read the statement on the Brummies website and the Eagles........maybe this was BSPA meddling again then because they sure don't like Birmingham or maybe Graham in particular i really don't know but looks like this one could run and run lol
  2. ........and so it starts! Just feel sorry for the fans who have travelled down for this debacle and whatever the right and wrongs are the fans have been robbed but hey ho enjoy your hollow win!
  3. .................and they call us a win at all costs team haha ; robbed the fans of a close meeting; tbh they had one hand on the cup anyway!! A shame because a good spirit was developing on here between the sets of fans which is now going to fall into acrimony again over this i fear! Yes Shanes name is in the prog and he's at the track ready to race...oh the joys of speedway!
  4. They knew Shanes was booked a while ago why wait until now to object....desperate or what!
  5. One rider i would NEVER have in my team is Ellis Perks....has a screw loose somewhere!
  6. I was coming down for this but don't think i can stand being robbed again in the play offs like we were in the EL and in previous finals we have been in; the KO Cup is gone and we might end up with nothing...so i'll drown my sorrows at home thanks.
  7. At last someone with a level viewpoint--i would suggest at the Eastbourne Awards Night GeeJay and Richard Weston go up for the Best "One Eyed Fan" award. It's refreshing to hear a balanced viewpoint although i don't agree with everything you said. But it's finely balanced now and i believe your track advantage will decide it and most Easty fans are in denial if they don't thinks it's a factor---thanks again for your balanced comments
  8. Just to let you know you know all i've been to all of the Brummies meetings home and AWAY bar one----have you done that for your team; hmmmm still congratulations on winning the NL and KO Cup rain or not as over 2 legs your home advantage will be the deciding factor. The fact still remains we are the best team in the League this year and i have been there to see it all and will be at all our remaining fixtures win or lose.
  9. Had to smile Dugard saying they can race in those conditions--of course you can it makes the home track advantage even more and the away riders even less confident unless they are top riders like the one who scored well but hey ho
  10. Have to face facts speedway in the UK is a 2nd rate product compared with the Swedish and Polish Leagues and i doubt know we can ever get back to the power we once were and no amount of sabre rattling will change that......only money and where is that going to come from???
  11. Won't be any average fixing from us as we know our team will be decimated after this season we just want our boys to stay safe--be good to win but not at the expense of injuries---see you there!
  12. No doubt about it home track advantage for Eastbourne ensures it and you can berate and chide all you want but it's a fact
  13. I did predict before a wheel was turned Eastbourne would win the play--offs
  14. First of all let me state Adam Ellis is one of the nicest guys you could wish to meet and he was loved at Birmingham and i won't have a word said against him......that said Easbourne fans have short memories it seems quite a few moaned about his dominance in the NL last year when with us and he's even better now and are defending him like we had too last year----ironic really! You will never find me or most Brummies fans knocking Adam even though he rides for Eagles now.
  15. I've only missed one Brummies match all season so i can say what i like on a public forum thank you---losing JPB and not knowing if Darryl is riding yet tips the balance--in my unbelievable opinion that it! It only seems so in your eyes to me--don't presume so much about me.
  16. I shall still be at Kent for the second leg---will you? Enough said!
  17. George was there yes but seldom goes but as Birmingham was there so was he
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