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Everything posted by Hodgy

  1. The current points system is just perfect as it is. Anyone that finds it complexed and difficult to understand should seek help. Numerous issues certainly need addressing - this isn’t one of them.
  2. Hope it didn’t make him too angry
  3. Is it faster? We would assume so with today’s detailed engine technology and fine tuning - yet several (not all) track records have stood for years.
  4. Wembley were one off World Championship Finals, Cardiff is a round in a GP series. Very different attractions - I anticipate Cardiff would attract +60k for a one off World Final. As you say, it’s all about VFM. I do enjoy seeing the youngsters coming through but would also gladly pay £20 to watch Dudek, Bart, Doyle, Woffinden etc... race at Peterborough - as many Joe Bloggs would in my opinion. Yes I know, those days are long gone.
  5. It’s not a criticism, it’s an opinionated response to a proposal. Isn’t that what forums are about? The counter response / opinion is clear, “weaken the product further will result in more fans walking away”. You state “Its very easy to come on here and criticise a viewpoint regarding the future of speedway without actually stating what you would do to turn it around”. Is your post any different?
  6. Thanks for the response. Were you one of the few that attended the KL NL meetings this season? Unfortunately ending prematurely.
  7. Your master plan puts 2/3 of the riders out of work, closes tracks and leaves you with nothing to market. Making sense, really? You don’t attend today - will you be tempted back when our top level league is NL standard? JC confirmed the exact opposite. He would exclude 2/3 of today’s riders.
  8. My opinion was seeking clarity and response according to your confirmed proposed plan. Do I need to have a plan in order to put forward my opinion? Your plan with no +6 point average riders (in the top league) forces today’s majority out. Many loyal (several British) riders with nowhere to go. There are also more than 24 clubs today, albeit some on life support. We just forget and close the others? Wolves led by Greaves and Riss, Belle Vue with Bewley and Smith etc... in our ‘top tier’? Cooke, Harris, Nicholls, Worralls, Lawson and numerous others with no place in British Speedway? You are also entitled to your opinion - is my summary in line with your intended meaning?
  9. JC didnt respond but liked your response, assume his answer is yes. So there are not enough riders for 2 professional leagues yet you are putting all with a +6 point average out of work? Most PL teams top 4 riders all averegad more than 6. This plan sounds insane. I must be missing something.
  10. Ruling out all current riders with a +6 point average?
  11. Just to ensure I haven’t missed a previous post. Is your proposal based on replacing the current PL and CL / NL with a 2 League only structure, semi pro and amateur?
  12. Sorry but in my opinion this proposal would kill it stone dead, instantly.
  13. Yes, all right. Make a sentence out of the following words: Face, sodding, your, shut
  14. My tongue in cheek comment was regarding Panther1997 paying Ged’s Fine. Will Ged walk away! With a +40k fine hanging my future prospects are not confident. The real disappointment is we survived The Chuckle Brothers but may now disappear for being too open, honest and ill advised.
  15. Thank you for saving Peterborough Speedway. Pleased to win a trophy. Ipswich very unlucky - so many finals this year disrupted by unfortunate injuries. Hope Danny is ok.
  16. Me too, I wish they would just sit still until the tapes go up.
  17. When did anyone say Lambert wasn’t riding? Win or lose with your own team riders - may the best team win.
  18. Never agreed with this old adage. The customer is not always right, but they are always the customer and should be treated as such. As I see it, several riders couldnt care less attitude is rubbing off on the supporters. Doubling up was permitted to support those that couldnt make one league pay. Too many (not all) appear to have forgotten this and are now taking the pi$$. Doubling up should be limited to British riders only. Sink or swim Johnny.
  19. I’d like to see this pic of Kelvin and the BSPA.
  20. I prefer to consider it a contribution to the ultimate legends unfortunate care and support needs.
  21. Friends or photos - in my opinion he is the worst offender. He did ride in the PL Pairs early season.
  22. Understand the logic but in my opinion it would make this increasing frustration worse. 4 riders knowing they can all get away with a ‘flyer’ (to which I mean moving before the tapes) will result in even more delay(s).
  23. I recall it being rider at the tapes ready to race. Don’t know when it was changed - maybe to coincide with banning riders taking the rushed short cut across the centre green.
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