Or running meetings in March with no field. NKI got very lucky, pleased for him. Our weather has always had a serious impact on UK Speedway. It will never change.
It is well known Cook has had a long battle with his mental health. In these days we try hard to make it noticed as a serious illness. Yet there is not one thought or consideration about how he is. Only assumptions regarding letting another team down. It’s a horrible place to be, I’ve seen it many times. One week you’re on top of the World and looking forward to the future. It can suddenly change over night to not want to even leave your house. It’s quite obvious he’s faced some demons but FFS, let’s take a step back, then judge in sickness or health.
That’s not his job or responsibility. He’s riding in the biggest, best paid league in the Speedway World. Why would he travel to other countries for peanuts. He owes nothing. We no longer have any entrepreneurs to entice him for any reason. It’s a promoters job to promote. His English is understandable. I’m sure he’s very happy what he’s doing.
I’ve always paid my way but my reward is a rip off from every station. Finally forced to the firestick, no regrets. It’s their fault so many resort to this. The more that turn to this option - I hope they will realise why. My subscription went up over 200%. I’ve been a loyal customer since day 1.
Increase after increase - I’m out. From what I’ve read about Eurosport / Discovery Speedway this season, many more will do the same. Get a stick and f*** em.
Always have to be very vigilant wherever you go but Prague is certainly not top. Barcelona, Las Ramblas, Paris are the top two. As said, just be careful wherever you go. Wallet front pocket, rucksack face the front on route, look before you take pics on your phone. Apart from that enjoy. It’s the same in London.
It was a great annual brothers weekend. Somerset pairs followed by Cardiff GP (also Welsh open at Newport on Sunday). It was great walking through Cardiff and all was Speedway. Great times.
Due to the capacity limit I would confidently expect both days to be sold out. Need to hit those hotels before they catch on. As Cardiff did after the first few years. One of the major reasons so many stopped going.