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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Just heard on the radio this morning that Poland is to be added to the quarantine list at the weekend
  2. I gotta say ALL of the "kids" have been really impressive
  3. Are you watching it through an open window stood in your garden with the Mrs emptying a watering can over you? For authenticity
  4. Mine started juddering just before heat 1 then cleared up, thankfully
  5. I've been busy watching some grass grow during the summer and now autumn/winter is here I've got some paint that needs to be watched drying
  6. I'm sure he'd soon be "white balled" again if he was scoring points This is probably why the price is so steep... 50% of it is set aside for admin fees! as always in Manchester
  7. I'd be very surprised if the FIM & BSI were that forward thinking.
  8. No villageidiot, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit
  9. come on racers and royals, don't be so rude not just you
  10. He posted that he was on a wind up... after getting piled on though
  11. I think the "Bfitish final" is hopefully a one off in these current circumstances, I think the wider topic under normal circumstances is an interesting one
  12. One wonders if British Speedway actually knows who their demographic is, I know it likes to think of itself as a "family sport" but from what I see on the terraces it seems to be an old persons sport even though the competitors probably see it as an extreme sport, so who do you aim your stream and pricing at? I don't agree that "the stream needs to be aimed at those who dont attend Speedway regularly but know it exists and maybe used to follow it" or the neutral... I consider myself a fan of F1 but have never been to a race, having said that I do subscribe to the F1 channel, I also quite like to watch the odd Football match but would never pay to attend one or watch one on PPV TV... it's really quite complex when you start to think about it. Maybe they could/should be looking to team up with their "broadcast partner" to see how this can be made financially viable, maybe using the Eurosport Player
  13. That's funny because it's called the British Final and all riders riding in it have British Passports. Let us know how you get on with your prosecution
  14. That's why charging a one off event fee will not work in my opinion. Boxing does PPV for one off title fights that the public will pay, although I never have, but I have watched them down the pub. But then they've also got a Box Nation subscription channel on Sky. I'd perhaps pay for a season ticket but not one off events at over a tenner a pop
  15. Any advertising during the streams?
  16. A tenner for the British Final is probably around the right price, not so sure for a league match though, it'll be interesting to see what the "behind the scenes" coverage is like, it'll need some buy in from the riders, interviews during the meeting etc. they need to be offering something on the stream that you can't get at the live meeting. Also they'll need to come up with some refund policy if the meeting is abandoned etc.
  17. As there's a few comments on a few different threads, I thought I'd set a new topic up as streaming seems to be the future. I will be purchasing my first stream for Saturday's British Final... assuming a host of riders don't drop out at the last minute! But it will be a one off, as BSPL have been done up like a kipper by the government on this. It'll be a one off for me because of the pricing, what should the pricing model be? BSPL seem to be wanting to recoup all of their outlay in the first season instead of spreading the cost over the next 10 years... as it's clearly the future. It's tricky to price, as charge too much and people won't pay it and charge too cheaply and people will just watch it from home. Maybe it needs some out of the box thinking and selling it as a part of a season ticket package, attend home matches and get discounted streaming passes. Does anybody know how other sports price their streaming offerings?
  18. For me you just can't beat being there live, there's absolutely no comparison. It'll be interesting to see how the new streaming takes off for the BSPL, at the moment they seem to think that £13 is a fair price, I suppose market forces will decide what the price should be. For me that's far too much and only around a £5 saving on actually being there and having the "live" experience. I know there's other costs associated with attending a meeting but for me I'd often make a day of attending meetings further away from home and pull in some other local attraction. As a one off I will be re-investing my £20 to watch this weekend's British Final as I've paid it out already and want to help them covering their costs as they've been done up like a kipper but in the future I think £5 - £7.50 would be my limit for a streamed match, compare this to Eurosport, BT Sport or Premier Sports and it's poor value, and before anybody comes back to me explaining the costs involved, I know this and all I'm really interested in is the cost to myself.
  19. £12.95 is way too much to be charging for a one off sporting stream in my opinion, I have never paid for a one off PPV event, boxing etc. As a one-off though I will be re-investing my £20 to watch this event as for once circumstances really were beyond their control and I wan them to cover their costs. Going forward though they really need to look at their pricing policy, £20 for a week pass or something along those lines, can't be lumping out £13 for every meeting
  20. I'm not sure Bomber can string enough starts together these days to win it... It's a real leveler this year with the more "talented" riders having had less track time than the youngsters
  21. Has he been riding much elsewhere this season do you know?
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