It's all part of the overall package though isn't it. Dan could buy Tai's bikes off him at the end of the year but they'd probably deteriorate over the course of a season without the correct maintenance and upkeep. Whatever the reason it was clear to see he was a lot sharper from the start and instead of just drifting away at the back was normally challenging the rider in front of him when he wasn't in front himself.
I'm sure deep down Dan knows what the reasons are, whether he has the wherewithal to do anything about it though is a different matter
without going into the whys and wherefores of mask wearing and social distancing etc, I don't think anybody that watched the TV coverage of Polish speedway this year would be surprised
Cook yourself a big plate of chips in Castrol R, make sure you eat many many tins of baked beans with it, close all your doors and windows, sit back and wait for nature to take its course