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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Do these Polish/Russian youngsters/reserves ride in the lower leagues in Poland doubling up at all? Because most of them this season seem to be way out of their depth and borderline dangerous.
  2. I think they announced last week that you can now pay at the gate... check out their website
  3. Does anybody know where the QR code is located at Peterborough so we can all check in with our NHS Covid app for contact tracing?
  4. They used to prohibit photo's and videos at rock concerts... more recently the talent themselves on the stage encourage it, it all equals more exposure
  5. It's surprising that some of these "slippery customers" haven't had one of the government Covid loans with no intention of paying it back and declaring bankruptcy, as no doubt many many businesses will do up and down the country. I suppose we'll have to wait and see on that score
  6. I'm at a bit of a loss to understand what track watering is designed to achieve in this country, is it to keep the dust down for the fans or to make the track better for the riders? All I know is that when the track is watered in the GP's or on Polish coverage the whole track is watered not just the outside. If you were watering to keep the fans clean and allow them to see the action they have paid for why would you not water the inside where all of the dust is coming from. The sun break seems to be a relatively modern phenomenon in Speedway, I'm not sure what's changed since when I started watching in the late 70's and now. I assume the start time has been changed to 7pm to try and avoid a sun delay, it wouldn't have made a difference last night anyway even without Auty's crash as the track work they carried out made things drag out. Glad to hear Auty's injury isn't as bad as was feared.
  7. That may well have been the case... it clearly needed watering after the parade (why was everybody wearing helmets except from Josh Auty) and before heat 1. Then the same old practice of then watering it from mid-track to the fence when all the riders are riding the inside line
  8. Dusty track, no contest, long delays due to inadequate medical cover and track grading, track still showing signs of big holes in it just like in 2019, 15 minutes racing crammed into 2 and a half hours and there would have been a sun delay if it wasn't for Auty's crash... and all for £17 + £1 booking fee... But on this occasion I didn't really care, it was just good to be out on a beautiful summers evening watching some Speedway at my local track. Thompson twins impressed me again, Bates was comical at times trying to stay on his bike, sometimes succeeding other times not, if he's not retired by then, surely he'll be at reserve soon?
  9. Just seems to be too restrictive to me, the team manager may as well stay at home. If they'd wanted to be a bit more innovative with a different competition they could have made the top 5 ride at whatever number the manager decides, home team to declare first
  10. 2 full teams, can't see anything other than Leicester progressing. I wonder what the thinking behind not allowing tac subs in cup matches is? Is it just having it different for being different's sake?
  11. Anybody any ideas on team line ups for this one, not mentioned on either clubs website... Seems like they almost can't be bothered lol
  12. You don't have to be located at the stadium to do telephone sales... there's these wonderful new things I've seen called mobile phones... they don't have a wire attached to them or anything! I'm gonna get myself one
  13. That's part of the problem isn't it, NOBODY knows how much it costs to run a meeting (not even the promoters seemingly). Nobody puts the numbers in the public domain, nobody knows what the attendance is at meetings, nobody knows what the capacity is at tracks. With Wolves going public with their losses, still not saying what they are, just "severe" whatever that means. It may help if they were a little more open, like I said in a previous post they should say what their break even admission price is with a limited unknown capacity
  14. Ahh.. the good old days. In the height of summer me and my dad would often go to Wolves on a Monday, Milton Keynes on a Tuesday, Long Eaton on a Wednesday, Sheffield on a Thursday, Peterborough on a Friday, Coventry on a Saturday and then an individual meeting on a Sunday, KL, Bradford or BV... oh how times have changed! They were happy days
  15. That will also allow floating fans to attend multiple events, I wonder how many people used to go to Peterborough and KL but now have to choose
  16. I'm still waiting for the new Long Eaton stadium... last I heard was about 20 years ago when the were just doting the i's and crossing the t's... believe it when your in it
  17. The only 2 relatively recent "new" engines I can recall are the ones that Lee Richardson was using when he first rode for Coventry, which is way too early for this and the ones Adam Skornicki was riding when he made his comeback for Wolves, which I think would be too late for the 2010-11 date. I know Godden have been dabbling for a while and then there are the GTR's but they're not British.
  18. I don't think comments like that are very helpful, I don't think there's anybody on here that wants to see the death of Speedway or hate Speedway. We're all on here because we love Speedway and want it desperately to succeed, we just have different opinions on how to get there. Admittedly we don't have skin in the game other than tipping up our admission fee with an expectation to be entertained for the evening. Has anybody said this is the wrong decision? All I'm reading are a lot of people asking why several clubs haven't done their sums.
  19. There should be room in our sport for those that don't go on to show continuous improvement, or they drift away from the sport, like they have and you end up in a situation where you're relying on foreign riders and doubling up to make the sport viable. There has been enough throughput of riders over the last 10 years to negate the need for doubling up and recruiting foreign riders. Not every rider is going to succeed, Josh Auty being a great example, showed great promise in his early years but stagnated and has been a great club man at Scunny, who to their credit have actually shown him some loyalty. He is the exception rather than the rule though
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