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Everything posted by IainB

  1. And BV had a meeting called off because somebody had buried a load of rubbish under one of the bends
  2. OK, can you tell me the attendance for the Leicester vs Scunthorpe match on Saturday the 10th of July? What was the pay rate for each rider? And did the club make a profit or loss on that meeting? I await your numbers, thanks.
  3. https://www.itv.com/news/wales/2021-07-18/wales-becomes-only-uk-nation-not-added-to-denmarks-travel-red-list
  4. To be fair as attendances, pay rates and profit/loss numbers are the biggest kept secrets in Speedway, it's difficult to do any sums. As for Bartosz Smarzlik (Zmarzlik) I think you could probably add a zero on the end of £120 a point, probably more going by the numbers Darcy Ward was quoting a few years back.
  5. It's like praising Jimmy Savile for all his charity runs
  6. It's strange that the club haven't done anything, you would have thought it would have been a way to make a bit of easy money. Buy and print t-shirts for a fiver, sell em for £20. There are a lot of people that wear Leicester merch on race night at BP. I've stood there and watched people shell out £25-£30 for tour t-shirts at music concerts!
  7. These Individual meetings are invariably run at the end of the season as a fixture filler or at the start of the season when there's a frozen drop on the end of your nose. That's why they don't pull a crowd and because of this promoters think the fans want team racing first and foremost. Back in the day the "big" individual was held during the summer, The Golden Gauntlets, Pride of the East, Star of Anglia, The 16 Lapper, Barum Trophy, Coalite Classic, MLRC, NRC, Brandonapolis and the list goes on... British Final, Commonwealth Final, Overseas Final. The fact that the British Final is not run on a Saturday night at the NSS is a complete waste of the event and a scandal. One of the best attended meetings in relatively modern times (although it was 25 years ago now!) was the Rick Miller testimonial, pulled in a massive crowd for what was, with all due respect to him and he is a Coventry legend, a (very good) 2nd string rider. But boy did he promote it!
  8. Blimey, there really is a rule for everything!
  9. Also noticed that Anders Thomson used to be #5 as all his kit says he is but is #105 in the SGP
  10. Nice of KK to make a point of saying hello to his British fans last night. Was it a come and get me call I wonder?
  11. Was down Asda the other day and saw a guy get out of his car wearing this: https://shop.lcfc.com/leicester-city-fa-cup-2021-winners-t-shirt Went to the Leicester Lions shop thinking I'll get my commemorative League & Shield Winners t-shirt: https://jaybeadesigns.co.uk/product-category/leicester-lions/clothing-leicester-lions/ Oh dear... Just saying
  12. You'll probably not find out who the replacement is until the parade... my guess would be a Lion Cub or Jake Knight
  13. Pretty sure I saw yesterday that Denmark had put the UK on a non-travel list... Don't know if this will effect the Peterborough Danes or are they exempt as "elite" sportsment?
  14. I've been banging on about this in other threads, 17th was the date for the British GP, which was cancelled back in April yet not 1 so called "promoter" in the whole country had the vision to put a meeting on, on one of the most prime dates available in the calendar... See you on the wet wind swept terraces in the last week of October though watching a final being raced on an unraceable track
  15. Probably... I steered well clear of the place!
  16. Perhaps Keith Heuwen will replace Scott... at Eastbourne
  17. Depends what you're looking for from a programme. If it's a race card to tell you who's in each race the Scunny prog is excellent. If you're after a match day magazine full of adverts and press releases with the odd column from the promoter or manager and local journo it's very poor. I prefer the former and the option not to buy the latter
  18. Don't mention weather forecasts! I mentioned it once... and didn't get away with it Touch and go, I'd say. https://weather.com/en-GB/weather/radar/interactive/l/2dcf05dd14240a44e1a853ad63211c01b751cc20647bcd75f3bbc4bd51b9649a
  19. Just the type of more in depth coverage that Speedway has never really enjoyed on TV
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