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Everything posted by IainB

  1. It was like watching an old Colin Hill team!
  2. Back in the day, the home promotion would be on the mic to apologise and explain what was going on... anybody that attended tonight was mugged off! If Eastbourne can't afford to send a team the match should have been postponed and to announce the advertised Ed Kennett's absence minutes before the parade in the age of social media is unforgivable!
  3. Just arrived in the stadium... a medic has gone to the wrong track and has been replaced by someone from out of the crowd and it's just been announced that there's no Ed Kennett either. FFS! Mugged off again... at least I haven't come all the way from Eastbourne!
  4. The very last piece of credibility ripped from the sport... why not... In for a penny
  5. Haven't Ippo got something going on with Ipswich Town?
  6. Which promotion was that, can you remember? I was looking at the Leicester admission prices and it's just a £3 reduction for students at £14 and in a city with 2 universities there is no mention of Speedway on the student union website. They should be looking at students for a fiver and get the rest in bar takings. During term time get the Speedway done by 8:30pm and get a local upcoming band on for the 2nd half like they do at the horse racing. Maybe they think that there's no long term gain as once a student has done their course they move back home and stop coming to Leicester. And this is not just a Leicester thing, no club in the country does this kind of thing as far as I'm aware. Unfortunately it in a lot of cases it all seems like it's too much trouble to go to.
  7. I think we need to get things in perspective a bit here, I think most Speedway fans (that currently still attend) go along to their local club, enjoy their night out and go home happy, completely oblivious that there's a British Speedway Forum out there. Personally if I were new to the sport I wouldn't be looking for discussion forums in the early days, probably after I'd been going a while and wanted to get something off my chest (positive or negative) I'd search out such a forum. I joined this forum in 2003, originally only to read reaction on the match that I had just been to. It wasn't until 2015 that I started to make more of a contribution as I realised that the sport was suffering from some serious issues and it was in a very real danger of collapsing. I think most people on here love their Speedway, I certainly do and when it's at its best it sells itself, the trouble is it's not at its best often enough, no where near often enough. There are many people on here that have watched the sport in this country decline over the years to what it was when they first started going and are passionate about it still and feel that they have no voice with those that are running the sport and their business as usual attitude. I've made many comments on here, a lot of them negative but I can't just bury my head in the sand while the sport around me is in such a state. There is absolutely no way on this earth I would attend Speedway as a newcomer these days if I were "sportless" and were looking to get into something... I'd probably be going along to the 100 cricket. At a push If I'd managed to somehow catch it I'd be looking into the SGP's. If Birmingham weren't in such financial trouble and the Leicester match had just been another league match it probably wouldn't have generated so much discussion but this was their big chance to entice a crowd, which fair play to them they did and everything about the night was great... except for the Speedway!
  8. It is laughable isn't it... Why they think those comments would attract any fans along I really don't know.
  9. Only if you don't agree with them and don't want to enter into discussion/debate and just start name calling
  10. You're right we MUST NOT have happy fans! No fans, no Birmingham Speedway
  11. I've never been to the Isle of Wight, so can't comment on whether it's for me or not, but blummin eck I think I want to! It's refreshing, not only to actually have a real life promoter frequent these forums but also somebody that actually talks their product up. Compare to these direct quotes on the BSPL website in the "what the fans say" section: "After moving away from my home town I lost track of the Speedway scene" "even though I don't go every week" "despite this being a testimonial" "lingering smell reminiscent of cooking oil." "It was generally thought by those who knew me best that it would not be "my cup of tea" "I didn't understand about helmet colours and teams and so on" "regulars at our home track Poole and at Swindon in the Phil Crump era." "the taste and the feeling in the air of the dust mixed together with the oil and fumes" "Speedway is modern day hunting" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF! "as much as we might moan about the lack of passing or whatever" "discussions maybe heated" "It was a trip on the train to Cradley Heath on July 18th 1970 that did it." "After being slightly concerned that a 20 year wait for the return of our famous Brummies may diminish my interest in the sport" "Our sport isn't the "beautiful game"... and it certainly isn't a noble art"
  12. No argument here... just opinion. In fact just coming on here and saying "fishing for an argument" is fishing for an argument... it's a discussion forum, a member leaves a comment and then another member, if they wish, will come back and say that they agree or disagree and will then go on to comment on why they disagree. Just coming on here and making comments like that is illogical.
  13. Not my side my Scottish friend... but let's see at the end of the season how many league points clubs have in the table from riding against Birmingham... Am I going to have to spell it out for you?
  14. I've got to say again how alarmingly slow the medics are on the scene of a crash in Sweden!!! It was a full 1 and a half minutes before a medic ambled into view for the Kim Nilsson crash... and over a minute for the Woryna crash! If you need urgent attention... you're screwed!
  15. LEICESTER: Hans Andersen, Dan Thompson, Kyle Howarth, Nick Morris, Ryan Douglas, Joe Thompson, Zaine Kennedy. EASTBOURNE: Richard Lawson, Kyle Newman, Edward Kennett, Tom Brennan, Lewis Kerr, Drew Kemp, Nathan Ablitt.
  16. Do you work for Manchester City Council?!? You've almost persuaded me to up sticks and move to sunny Manchester
  17. Some truth in that... was looking at twitter earlier and somebody had posted a picture from the "centre green experience" at brumb on Wednesday and was saying what a great night and cracking meeting it was... I thought it was absolute garbage, not because of the internet mind, because I like to see what's actually going on, on the track and don't want to go home covered in dust. Different folk enjoy different things I guess...
  18. By "Promotion" I mean: 1. activity that supports or provides active encouragement for the furtherance of a cause, venture, or aim 2. the publicization of a product, organisation, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness. All clubs seem to put out a press release in the days or day before a meeting with the team line-ups and maybe a quote from the manager or a rider saying something along the lines of "it's going to be really exciting". Other than that is your club doing anything that is noticeable? Birmingham have recently initiated a few things like the track walk, meet & greets etc. but this may be too little too late. I can only speak of what I see from Leicester, there's a couple of buses going around the city with posters on the side, I don't listen to local radio or read the local paper so can't comment on any coverage, what I do know is that if you go onto the Leicester Mercury website, Speedway does not get a mention. If I type "what's on in Leicester" into Google, Speedway does not get a mention. Leicester has 2 universities in the city, neither of the student union websites mention Speedway. Speedway does get a mention on the visit Leicester website "The Lions team consists of one Australian and six English riders and are captained by Scott Nicholls a seven-time British Individual Champion. The charismatic Nicholls, who is renowned for his highly colourful tailored shirts, is an analyst on the BT Sport channels during their live transmissions of the season long Speedway Grand Prix competition.". There are advertising screen kiosks around the city centre, are these being used does anybody know? What is your club doing?
  19. Hmm... what a massive coincidence another Birmingham away match cancelled
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