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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Absolutely no blame to the Poles at all, they're doing what's best for them, while we continue to do the worst. Not every rider is going to make the grade of course... but they do seem to persevere more with their youngsters, mainly because the rules dictate it If I were a Polish promoter I would be looking at the likes of Anders Rowe, Tom Brennan, Dan Thompson, Drew Kemp, Jordan Palin, Jason Edwards etc. At their stage of their careers they are as good as anybody from Sweden, Denmark & Germany, better in most cases. Unfortunately we don't get to see them ride for their country in the UK but generally they produce the goods while riding against their peers in Europe.
  2. Give em 1 league point each and move on, no re-staging
  3. BSPL don't control riders licences though, do they?
  4. There are a lot of people on here with some great ideas. Leicester's "promotion" of one of the "plum" fixtures for tonight's match against Glasgow (which has now been cancelled) was literally non-existent.
  5. The only saving grace though I think, as I've only read a google translated version of the press release, is that 4 team spots seem to be reserved for Polish riders, so it won't be a complete exodus but they'll certainly take/attract the cream of the crop of riders between 15 and 24 from around the world.
  6. I'm not sure what the rules are here in the UK but I think we at least have to have 2 medics on each bend as that's the minimum I ever see. If an ambulance is needed it is brought onto the track by a medic in the pits. I always thought the Swedes were a bit more safety conscious than us Brits.
  7. I think if you're serious about achieving anything in the sport, you move to Poland. Look at what happened to Jason Edwards earlier this year, was binned off by Eastbourne when they should have been releasing one of their high earners. He'll probably spend the next few years going from club to club as he gets dropped by each one in turn as they make changes further up the team to try and secure a meaningless play off place. Just like many riders before him, James Sarjeant a prime example, a real prospect when he first started... there's many others. The Poles have made a real challenge here to every countries youth schemes!
  8. Forecast has just changed, for the better. Still a lot of rain about though
  9. No medics on the in field again. It took well over 2 minutes until any medic checked on Avon Van Dyck after he fell. That's if anybody did because the camera left him after he returned to the pits. I can't believe the Swedes are so lackadaisical about medical cover. I dread to think what would happen if a rider swallowed his tongue or something.
  10. Another match cancelled tonight based on an incorrect forecast, this time at Glasgow. Edinburgh now have to arrange to go to Birmingham and Eastbourne because they were shifted to one side to allow for a bigger crowd. Trouble at Lynn last night. If they'd known it wouldn't have been re-staged a few of them may have been a bit more keen to ride! 1 point a piece and move on!
  11. That's under the build up to the match at Glasgow. Sounds like the "gone to Glasgow" sign is hanging on the door at the office lol
  12. Just over 24 hours to go and again Leicester have pulled out all of the stops to promote this one! No teams announced. I think the weather may win this one. Rain due to stop at around 16:00 with showers forecast from 4 'til 7. Let's hope they've got the track covers on!
  13. Glasgow Rangers vs Edinburgh Celtics We should hold a whip round for the Edinburgh fans, like when a rider blows and engine, to pay for their wasted hotel bills
  14. Yes, I hear good things about him... I've just never seen him do it in person. He's always been a bit anonymous to me
  15. I'd like to see the British Final run along the same lines as a GP series, not at the same tracks obviously. I was suggesting that last year as a way to give British Riders something meaningful to ride in. Especially as it's not a WC qualifier anymore. You know there's a reason why, when things are run in a league system, which in effect what the GP series is, an Individual Speedway Riders League, that teams meet each other the same amount of times home and away... can you guess why that is (don't help him anybody, he'll get there, in fact I think secretly he already is). For the love of all that is chunky I hope Jan Kvech doesn't qualify for the GP's tomorrow or I think I'll have an aneurysm . oink, oink
  16. They are now with the announcement of the Polish U24 league and their call out to foreign riders to go and join them. Not so great for British Speedway though sadly. Which is a shame because generally, with the exception of Drew Kemp, who I've never seen have a good meeting, every "kid" I've seen has been competitive and on the pace.
  17. You obviously don't know the meaning of the word fair... go educate yourself, oink
  18. It would be better for Roofless Robert Lambert. Here all week
  19. One off event, no comparison, would Bewley have come 2nd at Eastbourne, highly unlikely. 6 out of 11 WC events in a single country? It's clearly unfair, oink oink
  20. Seems like the Edinburgh fans have been sh@t on left, right and centre this season!!! When Scotland gain their independence don't be surprised if they set their own Super League up with erm... Glasgow.
  21. Can Buster even sell KL & Peterborough? I thought they were now part of a limited company with other clubs? Are they still independent clubs/ limited companies?
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