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Everything posted by IainB

  1. It was not an additional attraction because they did absolutely nothing to make it attractive!
  2. Maybe, and it's always wise to say after the event, if a rider is parked up in a hotel car park over night with a van full of kit, they could ask the hotel management to park near the entrance and/or wheel clamp the vehicle... just saying.
  3. You are joking aren't you? Please tell me you are joking!
  4. I hate it when riders are fawning over each other after a race (even a crap one), only seems to be a relatively recent thing, probably since the Morans. I always remember Crump and Hancock being particularly tactile. Looking at videos from the 70's and early 80's riders barely even acknowledged each other after a race
  5. Don't forget touch when you get shot in the face with shale
  6. Hold on a minute though, it's early days yet... I don't know how they're going to do it yet but I'm sure the BSPL can do something that will make things worse, just give them time.
  7. Any Kent fans thinking of attending the double header, be advised that if you park in the supermarket car park there is a 4 hour restriction enforced by camera, so factor in time getting to and from the stadium and cross your fingers it's all over quick enough for you to watch both matches without getting a parking fine
  8. Emil has shown a liking for money over titles in the past when he sat out the GP's when he was possibly the best rider in the world along with Woffinden and denied us seeing those two duke it out for the world title... it's while he'll never be world champion
  9. Well, the wisdom of cancelling matches for no reason earlier in the season has cost them my £17! I won't be attending any double headers at Leicester unless there is no increase in admission. The Promotion plays a blinder again smh
  10. If they're not actually Russia, I suppose there's no reason why they couldn't track non Russian riders? Should get a Polish B team in with help from Polish sponsors
  11. You could if you think that vaccination should be mandatory but that's probably one for the thread that shall not be named
  12. TV money? Those teams and riders are of 5 and 6 years ago though and none of those riders were of the quality then as they are now.
  13. Like the GP's vs OOWF both traditional league and the Pay Offs have their pros and cons... Without the Pay Offs BV's season could have been over mid season meaning half a season of dead rubbers... you'd really see some low crowds then for the punters that only turn up to watch a winning team. Surprised nobody has mentioned the caption for Adam Ellis on parade... Nationality: FRA I do think they were having some technical difficulties last night I remember Tatum clearly being p155ed while presenting for Sky at a World Cup match a few years back... slurring his words, not professional at all Tom Brennan Like I said I think they were having technical difficulties last night, I clearly heard Tatum saying, off mic, "I think it's a loose connection" and then he went silent for a while, that was around the time when he didn't respond to Brandon
  14. He's averaging under 7 in the Championship, it's embarrassing tbh
  15. If Sky are involved you can be absolutely 100% sure it's a gimmick You only have to look at F1 to see the impact that sound has on Sport, the high revving V12,V10 & V8 engines were their trademark, so much so that they used the same sounds in their promotional videos long after the hybrid engines were introduced... If it doesn't sound fast it doesn't look fast to me. Although during the lockdown the TV companies overdubbed crowd noise at the Football matches to generate some atmosphere, perhaps that's what's needed in Speedway not just engine noise... but crowd noise as well
  16. If the lack of noise is an excuse for track presenters to prattle on about nothing for even longer it's a resounding no from me!
  17. I do think that we have to remember Covid has played a massive part in team make ups this season, there are a lot of foreign riders (non GP) that just aren't riding in our leagues this season because of travel difficulties, especially at the time when teams were assembled. Also the Poland 2 leagues only rule has had an effect, whether this was brought in due to Covid or self interest I'm not sure, now it's in place though will it change? Some riders, the more professional ones, have been able to work around these restrictions and carry on as usual. Doubling down has enabled many clubs to run this year... but may also have closed at least one of them.
  18. Thought the racing at this match was pretty good again, there's actually been some pretty good racing at Leicester recently, not words I'd ever thought I'd see myself typing. Whether it's to do with improved track conditions or riders getting back into the swing of things after 18 months off, I don't know, maybe a bit of both.
  19. Will it mean half hour breaks between each race as we wait for the bikes to re-charge? And bikes running out of charge after 3-laps, rider range anxiety
  20. It's no doubt been discussed elsewhere but does anybody know why GB had no entrants into the WU21 Championship this year?
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