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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Yes I'm sure the promoter of my club has better things to do on race day than look after the fans... even though they find time to continually tweet race results etc. I've put my ideas to them... they didn't even have the courtesy to even acknowledge them with a reply of any sort
  2. Agreed... but a club replying to a question on Twitter is as easy as me or you replying on here... and they don't
  3. I don't want a weather forecast, they're totally unreliable! I want a report from the track, which is the easiest thing in the world to do these days
  4. Nail hit on the head here I think... Also there was a lot less to do, in terms of leisure activities, back in the day, so you were having your parsnips buttered a lot less often. These days we live in a world of sensory overload and Speedway just can't quite cut it in its current guise
  5. What happens if you break the noise limit? Is it equipped with a laser cannon?
  6. And when ever you do make a comment, asking a legitimate question like what the weather is like, you'll get no reply
  7. Look at Peterborough, they're already running R/R for a rider who got injured riding for Glasgow, can't find (or weren't allowed to depending on who you believe) a replacement and could easily lose Scott Nicolls riding for Kent, Chris Harris riding for Birmingham, MPT riding for Redcar, Hans Andersen riding for Leicester or Bjarne Pedersen riding for Plymouth... or any of the other clubs they may ride for around Europe
  8. Fair enough... but when the Sky money disappeared, so did he, probably just coincidence
  9. He's only ridden 1 season for you since 2010!
  10. Didn't he clear off abroad (with a few others) for the money in British speedway's hour of need?
  11. Heat 12 and the track has come to the riders
  12. I wonder if Aaron Summers or Nathan Greaves will be granted farewell meetings?
  13. Pedersen having a farewell meeting in this country? Seriously? Was this part of the deal to get him to ride in this country again? Greg Hancock will be wanting one next!!!
  14. Lighten up mate... he's just having some fun
  15. Despite being told every 5 minutes that it's BRILLIANT! It's far from it
  16. Back in the day you could happily do that... in the crazy world we live in today you'd have to put warnings up all over the place informing the would be toe rag that they might get hurt!
  17. An update on Grigory Laguta, posted around 20 mins ago. "Regained consciousness within minutes of crash. Felt like a solid bell. Battered but didn't complain of anything specific bothering him. And is getting further evaluation". https://t.co/lZSAz0gZJh
  18. It was better than the rubbish served up at Leicester last night
  19. The racing was generally rubbish last night with it all being over by bend 2 of lap 1... with the exception of races that Josh Pickering was in, he was great value. Track was underwatered and all the dirt had gone off the line by heat 3. Crowd looked poor, but that's what you get when you don't promote it... even Lenny the Lion couldn't be bothered lol Lions will have to up their game if they are to win anything this year
  20. We did change... we brought in and expanded doubling up
  21. One thing I will say for Edinburgh is they have nice big clear numbers on the back of their race jackets, something all other clubs could learn from.
  22. Welcome to Leicester! They'll be playing it's like that, it's just the way it is for you next
  23. They are playing things can only get better over the pa
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