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Everything posted by IainB

  1. That's not really an incentive though, that's just chance. If you are guaranteed a point for finishing the race, that's incentive to do 4 laps.
  2. It all got too much for him I think after a spell with Coventry, which is a shame as I remember him pulling off a hell of a ride in the final heat of the reopening match to secure a draw. For me there isn't a rider in the modern era that I associate with Leicester, probably because they've chopped and changed leagues so much. Hopefully, if they stick with Speedway, don't get binned off and don't become too good the twins will be those riders
  3. But you get 0 for last at the moment, no incentive to keep going when you're at the back.
  4. Has Speedway always used the 3,2,1,0 heat scoring system in team matches? It has for as long as I can remember. We had the dreaded double points for a few seasons and thankfully that is just a bad memory now. Would a 6,4,2,1 scoring system not be a more radical scoring system? There would be a bigger incentive for riders to achieve a better result, I suppose you could have some run away wins with this system though if a team scored a succession of 10-3's! 5,3,2,1 would incentivise heat winners. I do think that riders finishing last should be awarded a point though. Obviously it's not something that's going to save Speedway but it always annoys me when I see a rider just quitting at the back and pulling onto the infield, Nick Pedersen always used to be one for this.
  5. It's a very big subject and there is no single thing that can be done to fix everything but to do nothing is not an option. Every owner of a club must be applauded for getting through this season as nobody could realistically have seen Covid coming and nobody knew what the crowd numbers would be like coming out of lockdowns... BUT, I still think much could be done to actually promote the sport which just doesn't seem to be happening at the moment. I can only speak for Leicester, but I live local to the track and you would not know anything was going on in the city as regards to Speedway other than an advert I see on the side of a bus. There's a shopping centre within a few hundred feet of the arena with a massive foot fall, yet I have never seen anything promoting Leicester Speedway in there. Why isn't there a rider and machine displaying there on match day giving away discounted tickets? It's really simple things like this that just aren't being done. Also when were you last attracted to a match to see "rider x"? Since all of the "stars" have left British Speedway I can't recall ever thinking to myself "I must go to the Speedway tonight to see..." whoever, probably the last time I thought that was Darcy Ward in 2015. And now it seems that any star that is produced works their way to the top and then out of the sport in this country. If you're not going to have star riders to attract crowds then all you have are teams and at the moment they just aren't credible. I would be more than happy to watch even weaker teams than we have at the moment as long as they are credible, if that means watering down the league then so be it. The fans should have a voice somewhere, especially regarding the race night experience, if the first you know about fans not being happy is them not attending then it's too late. I could go on... but it's all bee said before.
  6. There's now 3 live threads for Oxford... more virulent than Covid!
  7. Looks like the track is based on Poole's
  8. Definitely... though the fact remains that ALL clubs in this country do not attract the numbers of people through the turnstiles to make their businesses profitable
  9. Even though they've proved not to this very year?
  10. If they did they would be running next season... but I get it, there were multiple reasons as to why many of these clubs have closed. Bottom line is that not enough people attend the sport
  11. Yes they'll reap the financial rewards of running on an off race night in early November and then in the following season, if they're still in business, they can reap the rewards of winning the Championship by failing to ever mention it ever again to promote their business
  12. I know what you mean and if the CL de-strengthens then I'm sure he could but as the strengths of the leagues converge then his BV average of 5.2 is pretty similar to his 5.3 at Berwick, therefore I'd say his average is an accurate reflection of his abilities... it's a no from me
  13. Does Sweden even count as a league? A lot of riders hardly do what you'd call a full season over there with their squad system
  14. Don't forget Peterborough are also up for sale along with KL... and who's going to buy that with the question marks over the EoEA And are the Manchester United of Speedway (in the 2nd division) still up for sale?
  15. Riders are on an average for a reason... I've never seen him be anything other than below average... even on his home BV home track
  16. I don't know why they'd want to bring Jye to BP he's never been anything other than forgettable
  17. And air fences are supposed to cost tens of thousands of pounds... I'd get that on eBay tout suite
  18. Aren't you all being a bit previous? Or have Poland announced that their 2 team rule will also apply for next season?
  19. I seem to remember it also impacting Lakeside? Is Rob Godfrey the man to preside over the most track closures in his tenure?
  20. Tell that to the Edinburgh fans who were sat in a Leicester hotel room looking at a perfect evening for speedway earlier this summer
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