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Everything posted by IainB

  1. It's good to see that the discussion of the Leicester track has only taken until the first match of the season to appear again
  2. I though Wolves always (recently) started off with a "charity" match?
  3. Did it mention if the bike had brakes or not? Because if it didn't mention that... it definitely has got brakes
  4. Wasn't helped by the extended tractor racing each time either... you'd think with the price of diesel these days we wouldn't have seen so much of it
  5. A good afternoon's entertainment, racing wasn't great early on but certainly a packed programme. When these meetings have "veteran" races, I've never heard of any of the "veteran" riders. Were they actual former riders or are they enthusiasts who've bought and restored old bikes. Fair play to the big lad who looped it at the start today, went down like a sack of spuds, went hob-wobbling back to the pits and came out for the rerun to finish 2nd!
  6. I probably would have gone to the 2nd leg... so both Leicester and Birmingham have missed my money because of last night.
  7. It's almost as if they couldn't give a toss about the promotion and fans they are visiting
  8. Even if Ellis had only scored 10, at least the tie would still be alive. So not only have the Leicester fans been mugged off tonight, the Brummie fans will be expected to turn up to watch a dead rubber at the 2nd leg and they wonder why nobody goes to Birmingham... No winners
  9. I wonder how many more matches Ellis will be missing for Brummies?
  10. I think chrome is meant for other android devices, apparently it can be installed but not in a standard way. I've looked at Puffin TV browser but i think there maybe a limit on free usage to 1 hour a day. It'd be good if somebody could recommend something
  11. Is there a recommended browser to watch this on Smart TV's?
  12. I'm not going... would have done if Ellis had turned out or been adequately replaced
  13. Why did Birmingham accept the fixture then? We rearranged last season and went there to save their club... and this is how the Leicester fans are repaid!
  14. Leicester throwing all their promotional might at this one and finally give it a mention on the website with little more than 24 hours until tapes up LEICESTER: Nick Morris, Connor Mountain, Kyle Howarth, Dan Thompson, Richie Worrall, Anders Rowe, Joe Thompson. BIRMINGHAM: Claus Vissing, James Shanes, Stefan Nielsen, Ashley Morris, Josh Auty, Ben Morley, James Pearson. No Adam Ellis... again! Is he frit of Leicester or something. He's just "unavailable" this time unlike the lies that were spun last time. Was quite looking forward to this, probably give it a miss now in favour of the Ben Fund at Peterborough
  15. it was chaos at Birmingham last year when they "lost their signal", fortunately I had cash on me and got in using that... also some clubs (Leicester!) add a CC surcharge
  16. For me it wasn't as good as the weaker field line-up from the end of last season... but then this attracted double the crowd, so go figure. Heat 20! was worth the 3 hour trip up from Leicester including a 45 minute motorway closure and a 2 and a half hour trip home with another motorway closure! To those that say fans have no appetite for individual meetings, last night was a near sell out, proving that if you can assemble the right line-up the fans will turn out
  17. Are you suggesting that Leicester don't do enough to promote the sport in the city?
  18. There haven't been drawn matches for years with the league points scoring system
  19. After the recent shocking passing of Shane Warne "the ball of the century" got a lot of air play and it was amusing to listen to Richie Benaud & Bob Willis almost dead pan commentary. These days the windows of the commentary box would be blown out with the reaction!
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