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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Off topic but... Good to see Anders Rowe announced and the rumour about Matthew Gilmour seems not to be true (yet)
  2. I'm not suggesting that's a good thing, i think In terms of promotion it's pretty poor
  3. Leicester do the same... often nothing on the website until less than 24 hours before the meeting
  4. Not me! He was by far the most entertaining rider on the night
  5. Really? Paint, i wonder? I've never seen that
  6. I'm happy to give any club that doesn't have 2 ambulances and paramedics in attendance at the track a hard time... and have done on the Leicester threads in the past.
  7. I've noticed over the last few years that a number of the top riders in the GP have parts of their engine cases coloured black, Jason Doyle (I think) was riding a snazzy looking humbug at the weekend with a black middle part. My question is are there performance parts or just decorative? It just used to be GM badge that was coloured, red, blue, green etc. again was that just decoration or performance related? TIA
  8. I think the ref just had a strop on during the Redcar match, he pulled a few back
  9. Is that a new rule? I'm sure I've seen movement from the back wheel in the past (on TV matches) and no action was taken
  10. to be fair I think the topic has been started so that we as fans know what medical cover is in place at tracks around the country so we can make the decision before travelling I think the very small list of replies shows that the fans are pretty much in the dark as to what the medical cover is at tracks and are often reliant on "people in the know" that work/volunteer at tracks to come on here with the top secret information. Most of us probably just (naively) think adequate medical cover is in place to have meetings run to completion , which obviously hasn't been the case all the time at certain tracks
  11. Maybe they'll go back to how Sky used to do it. Much as I enjoyed the Nige & Kelv double act, I quite liked the variety Sky used to give in the early days with Floppy & Johnno being the stand outs for me. It will also help to bring some commentary talent on as it's never good to have all your eggs in one basket
  12. Pretty sure Brady said Puk was feeling under the weather
  13. Puk feeling unwell according to their manager
  14. I paid £30 for the Discovery+ subscription and so far it's been worth every penny for the Sam Ermolenko analysis... pure comedy gold
  15. Actual footage from trackside of Sam Ermolenko and Peter Karlsson at the touchscreen
  16. I'm guessing Buster wasn't there then... he may have blown a gasket
  17. I remember the days when a team manager would come onto the PA system to apologise to the fans after a display like that, especially to the travelling fans after making what would have been an expensive journey, but no, I've checked the website out and it's just the usual one arm bandit of excuses... bad luck etc. no such thing, generally you make your own luck, funny how most of the time it's the same old riders having problems with their machinery. When the Panthers could get going they were slow out of the starts and then slower still when up to speed. Aces look the complete package now with the inclusion of Zagar, I wonder if Bewley had still been in the team if the performance today would have been so total (just asking). As usual the day's racing was fast and furious and I enjoyed it all, despite such lack lustre opposition
  18. Don't mention the weather (war)... I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it!
  19. Thanks @GiveusaB, and that's all it is, my opinion, counts for nothing at the end of the day, the thing that does count (for Speedway) though is the pound in my pocket and as far as Birmingham is concerned that is where it will stay until the promotion gets its act together. What on earth Laurence Rogers is doing commenting on what Speedway fans are saying is totally beyond me, I'm afraid in his position he should just be sucking it up and keeping shtum. I hope you have Speedway to watch at PB for many years to come
  20. I think bile is a bit harsh, you may disagree with what I think, that's your prerogative, it's generally only @IronScorpion and yourself that bites... but then you're The Dog, so you would! And since I got the restraining order against @IronScorpion he's left me alone I'm not quite sure what you hope makes me happy? The fact that Birmingham have been teetering on the brink for the last few years? The fact that there have been numerous things go wrong, mostly of the promotions own making, over the last couple of seasons to further drive fans away? Maybe you think that I'm happy about the promotor having a go at so called "Keyboard warriors" when he should be concentrating on getting fans through the turnstiles and not driving them away? And I really don't know what you mean by randomly writing Pot and kettle... I'm sure you probably do but are unable to articulate it. I don't wait until a club folds and then say 'I told you so', I comment on the issues as and when they happen. And why would any potential fan be reading these forums? That would be pretty strange behaviour, they're far more likely to be reading the local rag, where all they'll ever read is that there's been another calamitous night at Perry Bar where the punters have been sent home short changed again. If I had enough money to be a, so called, promoter, Speedway is the last thing I'd sink my money into
  21. All of a sudden the Peterborough side look their age... They do not like it up em!
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