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Everything posted by IainB

  1. I can hold my piss from Leicester to Scotland, no problem! Though it sounds like you couldn't get by Donnington services... maybe get your prostate checked?
  2. Well, is the fun fair there or isn't it? I ain't going all that way, only to find it has moved on!
  3. yep, that's fine, now everybody knows that if you're travelling down from Newcastle to Scunthorpe (by car) that if you check their socials by 11:52 you know it's defintely going to be on unless it actually rains, at least we now know where we stand...
  4. I don't think the issue is were they right or wrong, it's when does a fan check and get a final decision on whether to travel or not? 11:52 apparently, if everybody knows it's 11:52, fair enough, call every match off... as long as we all know where we are
  5. It's a tricky one isn't it... Rob (or any other promoter) can't control the weather of course, they can control if and when they postpone a meeting though. There should be some cut off time though as to when a decision is made, if they're going to continue to call meetings off based on weather forecasts, which seems to be the new normal. A lot of fans simply don't know where they stand and if or when to check. I think a lot of fans can take an actual rain off while they're at the track or on their way, it goes with the territory of following a weather prone sport in Britain. What they can't take is a promotion deciding to call a meeting off on what may or may not happen at any given time. If they said a meeting will not be called off after say 11am on the day of a meeting, based on a weather forecast, then everybody would know where they stood. If it actually did rain after that, enough to cancel a meeting, fair enough, that's life. But if a match starts, heaven and earth should be moved to ensure it finishes.
  6. People do check, in fact i did check this forecast as i was going to watch it on BSN, i saw that showers were forecast and thought nothing more of it. As I've said there was no storm forecast or any prolonged rain. If the club want to call it off that early that's fine, I'll just mark them down as one of the many clubs not to bother to travel to anymore as they can't be relied on to get a meeting on
  7. Why would you check though? There was no real substantial rain forecast, it seems these days if you do decide to travel you must stop every 15 minutes to check it's not been cancelled on a whim
  8. Was thinking that myself, subscribe to some sort of messaging service. I had a similar situation a few years back while traveling from Leicester to Glasgow, the forecast was fine, the weather was lovely on the way up there, stopped for a wee just as i crossed the border into Scotland, thought I'd just check twitter and unbelievably it had been called off about 15 minutes after I'd left home!
  9. That's the thing though, it's a lottery these days, if there was a forecast of a storm sweeping the country or prolonged rain, you probably would have checked. There doesn't seem to be a general policy where the (travelling) fan knows what's what. You can't be cancelling meetings in this country on the forecast of showers, they're so hit and miss. I'm afraid if a club were unfortunate enough to cop a shower, they should be busting a gut to get the meeting started and finished.
  10. Or making a day of it... and why would you even check so early on a bright and breezy spring day with a forecast only for isolated showers
  11. Queue people coming on here telling you the promotion made exactly the right decision to cancel
  12. Of course we don't know for sure what actually was on his laptop screen
  13. Sam Ermolenko always used to plug Kandysoft when he was on Sky with Keith Heuwen with his laptop open... So that blows part of that theory out of the water
  14. God forbid, if anybody was killed in the fire, firefighters, emergency services, I wonder who would be liable? Brandon Estates or Rugby Council?
  15. Sport is passion though (or should be) and that's what some so called promoters should realise!
  16. That's why the Leicester track was such a good education for him... put some fear into him... and now he's in the GP's lol FWIW, I think you were right in your initial posts about Ellisgate 2, the promotion were dishonest with the fans, they may want to be dishonest in dealings between themselves and riders but when you start being dishonest with the fans you're on a slippery slope to ruin
  17. Przedpelski dipped his toe in the Leicester track and broke his ankle on debut... was never seen again, now he's in the GP's showing just what an education the Leicester track is
  18. I think it might be short for erection
  19. I think you'll find that in half of Bomber's guest bookings he's actually guesting for Rory Schlein
  20. We've had a remarkably dry spring though, was bound to break sooner or later
  21. This is more exciting than any Speedway meeting Will it, won't it? Did it, didn't it? Should it, shouldn't it?
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