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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Forecast now looking great for this... should keep the dust down
  2. Not so much Dad's Army, more Some Mother's Do Have 'Em this season... Nicholls, Andersen & Ostergaard sooooo slow, mobile road blocks being passed for fun when they do make the gate ahead of an opponent
  3. Please, call me Iain Maybe all clubs should state expected line ups
  4. Don't get it from the BSPL website... everybody will be on you
  5. I knew it'd be a pile on from the usual suspects, even those that have suggested that I not comment on clubs i don't follow, he's strangely found himself on a Berwick thread... I'm disappointed that my stalker hasn't found his way in here yet. If it makes you all happy, yes i thought the column on the BSPL statistics page marked GSA was the Green Sheet Average... when of course it wasn't. Lock me up!
  6. Expected teams for tomorrow (Friday): Attis Insurance Scunthorpe Scorpions: 1. Ryan Douglas, 2. Simon Lambert (captain), 3. Zaine Kennedy, 4. Justin Sedgmen (guest), 5. Jake Allen, 6. Connor Coles (guest), 7. Jordan Palin. Redcar Bears: 1. Charles Wright, 2. Adam Roynon, 3. Erik Riss, 4. Kasper Andersen, 5. Lewis Kerr, 6. Jason Edwards, 7. Jordan Jenkins. I don't know why it says expected... if they don't know who does? There must be doubt over somebody
  7. It'll surely be one of the Lions Cubs... they'll already be there, so it'll save on costs etc and it'll also be bring one of the Cubs on for the future
  8. Surely it'll be one of the Cubs that steps up? Who's after the Twins?
  9. Have you asked them? Straight yes or no. And how were the streamed matches transmitted... this is like getting blood out of a stone! If you'd care to stop being so bloody defensive and give some straight answers. Have you looked at a wired solution. I'm just asking questions that's all, I have no agenda you need to take your tin foil hat off Not even tried, I don't follow BRFC
  10. I dunno, have you asked them? One assumes it has as it's on their website. You're closer to the club than I am, put it to them instead of coming up with ideas on why stuff can't be done I did consider that yes... but then soon dismissed it as they operate from the same facility and it would be very unlikely that they'd be running a metered line. Sorry for coming up with solutions to everybody's problems, you can lead an old dog to water but you can't make it drink new tricks
  11. Did you know you can pay by card upon entry with Berwick Rangers? https://berwickrangers.com/match/matchday-information/
  12. No I can't accept it when the evidence points to the opposite, see above post
  13. https://www.berwickspeedway.com/banditstv/ I've watched at least 2 streamed matches from Berwick, Bandits vs Birmingham on the BSN and the BU21 Final a couple of years ago. I've suggested a solution, run a wire from a reliable source.
  14. WiFi seems good enough to stream meetings over the Internet though? Let's say there is a problem with wireless, you can get 100m of Cat6 network cable for £25 and a wireless router for about £20
  15. Perhaps they should be anxiously looking at getting some card readers then?
  16. Is there a booking fee? Last time I used my card at Leicester at the turnstile they charged a handling fee of 50p I think, which as far as I know is illegal
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